Fear Of Boredom: How To Combat It?

Fear of boredom: how to combat it

The daily rhythms of life are increasingly based on carrying out a set of activities each day with little time to rest between responsibilities.

This way of functioning tests our organizational capacity on a personal and professional level, and our strategies when it comes to fulfilling each responsibility in the required time.

However, it may happen that in our free time we do not know what to do at certain times and in certain places. fear of being bored a discomfort that is shared by more and more people around the world in a society in constant activity.

What to do when faced with the fear of boredom?

These are some guidelines and strategies that can help combat the fear of boredom.

1. Limit the use of social networks

Some people use social networks as a distraction from their problems and also to avoid the boredom and discomfort that it generates in their daily lives.

Exposing ourselves too much to virtual content from influencers and other media people which have been heavily filtered for marketing reasons, gives us a distorted view of what the lives of most people are like, generally individuals with privileged socioeconomic positions.

Limiting the use of social networks is one of the best decisions we can make if we want to start living a life less focused on what other people do and more on ourselves and our well-being, our needs, passions, goals or preferences in life. .

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2. Include time for ourselves in our daily lives

Organize our schedule including moments of introspection in which we can reflect on ourselves will help us get used to being alone with our thoughts.

Setting aside a few minutes each day to be alone is very enriching, as it helps us concentrate on our thoughts and learn better about our true self, without being at the mercy of external conditions.

This personal reflection can also include relaxation or meditation exercises with which to achieve more balanced and positive states of consciousness that allow us to overcome any fear or problem that torments us.

3. Develop hobbies

Developing at least one unconventional hobby that we feel fulfills us and makes us happy can also be an excellent way to overcome the idea that if we do not dedicate ourselves to “popular” activities we are wasting our time.

These types of special and unusual hobbies can be of any type, and although they do not fall within what is conventionally seen as an exciting popular activity, they can help us a lot as long as they bring us happiness, motivation and distract us.

Some of the hobbies that can fill us up and distract us from boredom can be photography, cultural plans, dancing, poetry, extreme sports, climbing, stand-up, crafts or volunteering.

4. Strengthen personal relationships

Another tip that we can follow to combat the fear of boredom is to pay more attention to our relationships with loved ones whether they are friends, family or our partners.

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Strengthening relationships with people who love us and make us feel better will help us connect with the idea that something as simple as talking or meeting someone we know well can be a stimulating and satisfying experience.

In addition to that, social interactions with other people help us improve our mood, our self-esteem and distract us, as well as contribute to having a pleasant and fun time.

5. Fill out a personal diary

Filling out a personal diary in which we express all our feelings, ideas, daily thoughts, goals, dreams or needs is also a very positive exercise for mental health.

Put all our fears or worries on paper It helps us know ourselves better and identify the origin of our fear of boredom.

6. Go to psychotherapy

If none of the above tips help us overcome the fear of boredom, we can always consult a psychology professional, where we will receive support, help and personalized advice.

Psychology professionals specialized in emotional problems They can help us integrate various knowledge, practical strategies and behavioral guidelines into our daily lives to overcome this and other personal fears.

7. Start new studies

Starting to study a new language or any other subject in which we are interested will also help us to distract ourselves and pour all our intellectual effort into something that truly fulfills us.

In addition to that, a new study process in the form of courses, workshops or masters of any type will give us motivation in our lives, positivity and a reason to fight and sacrifice.