Fear Of Eating (cibophobia): Signs That You Suffer From This Pathological Fear

Although less known than other phobias, cibophobia can be a real health problem for those who suffer from it. What are its symptoms and what differentiates it from anorexia?

Fear of eating or cibophobia

Also known as ciborophobia, cibophobia is an emotional disorder that causes a irrational fear of eating or the food itself Although on many occasions it is linked to eating disorders (bulimia or anorexia), the truth is that these are two different pathologies, since cibophobia is not related to the physical appearance of the patient.

In some cases, in addition, cibophobia is due to discomfort generated by other diseases (intestinal ischemia, food poisoning, allergies, pyloric stenosis…) that causes pain, which leads to fear and refusal to eat food because its intake is associated with that condition.

What is cibophobia?

The cibophobia It’s about the fear of food. People who suffer from it feel a phobia of eating, which means that they usually avoid food as well as drinks because of it. This type of pathological fear can be specific to different types of foods.

Thus, the fear of eating irrational can cause people to feel difficulty breathing, as well as panic and distress when faced with a specific situation around food.

Unlike anorexia or bulimia, which is an eating disorder in which people avoid food because they are concerned about the effect it may have on their bodies, those who suffer from cibophobia They often experience a fear of food due to this condition.

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This food phobia, like most pathological fears, can be treated successfully. In the vast majority of cases, people can overcome it and end up developing a healthy relationship with both food and drinks.

Symptoms of fear of eating

Between the symptoms clearer than what people who suffer from this mental disorder accuse, we must say that they all show the following behaviors:

  • They show an irrational obsession with food: Which leads them to not eat certain foods for fear of how they will feel or tolerate them. Fear becomes irrational and does not always have a logical justification. In addition, they may compulsively read labels to find out expiration dates, ingredients, etc.
  • They refuse to eat some foods for fear that they are harmful to their health: It is a fixed idea that prevents them from eating perishable foods or foods that are not excessively cooked for fear that they contain toxic substances or that they could cause illness. So much so that they will eliminate animal products such as fish from their diet, due to contamination, or sauces such as mayonnaise.
  • They avoid eating dishes prepared by other people: The refusal to eat certain foods means that they only trust those dishes prepared by themselves. Hence, they do not eat in public places or do not eat anything that another person has cooked, even if it is a close relative.
  • They avoid consuming previously prepared foods: The fear they have of getting food poisoning or consuming something spoiled leads them to waste food that they had previously preserved, even though it has only been in the refrigerator for a day.
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When the people who show are phobia They cannot control this situation, they manifest a series of physical symptoms that are common to other phobias, such as tachycardia, excessive sweating, tingling in the hands, dizziness, tremors, chills, severe pain in the neck, etc. More severe cases can cause anxiety and panic attacks; Hence it is necessary to put yourself in the hands of a professional to overcome this psychological disorder.

Symptoms of fear of eating

How to treat cibophobia?

The therapies that these professionals develop with these patients are aimed at creating tools that allow them to face the stress situation that food generates and be able to overcome it. Some experts work with therapies that are based on clinical hypnosis, since in this way they can penetrate behavioral conditioning more effectively, achieving faster desensitization to the problem.

In addition to the individual therapies themselves, psychologists can propose neurolinguistic programming, which will allow modifying the emotional behavior related to the fear of food In any case, the important thing is to put yourself in the hands of a professional specialized in this type of phobia as soon as possible.

How to overcome anxiety linked to the phobia of eating?

In addition to going to therapy, people who suffer from cibophobia They can do a series of exercises to try to combat the symptoms associated with the anxiety felt due to this phobia of eating.

  • Practice meditation: Meditation can help calm symptoms associated with food phobia In fact, practiced regularly it promotes stress relief and relaxation.
  • Breathing exercises: It has been shown that breathing exercises can also be very effective in reducing symptoms of excitement, anger, anxiety and depression. This happens because breathing in a controlled and conscious manner helps us regulate the central nervous system as well as relieve pain. symptoms of cibophobia or any pathological fear
  • Healthy habits: People who have healthy habits tend to suffer the symptoms associated with this eating phobia to a lesser degree. Therefore, you can exercise more, sleep more hours, as well as eat a more nutritious diet to calm everything related to cibophobia
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Cope with a phobia as it can be cibophobia It can be quite a challenge for those who suffer from it. Therefore, it is important to share this condition with your loved ones and go to a professional, who will be able to help you overcome it, if it is limiting your daily life.