Fear Of Rejection: 7 Methods To Successfully Overcome It

Do you fear rejection in love or social rejection? Do you know that the fear of being rejected is limiting you? Discover how to overcome it through these psychological tips.

How to overcome the fear of rejection?

He rejection It can cause us great fear when we face our daily lives. Most people experience nerves in certain situations that could lead to being rejected by others, but when the fear of rejection invades your life this is a problem that you must address. So much so that the person cannot face the fears of this style, which can affect various areas of their life.

How does the fear of rejection affect us?

Although not everyone usually experiences this fear of feeling rejection of others on many occasions, the reality is that if this feeling is assimilated as a habit it can affect our ability to succeed in a wide range of professional and personal situations. The feeling of rejection usually affects the following areas of our lives.

  • Job interviews: Feeling confident and secure are two of the keys to being able to pass a job interview and get the job you want so much. In this way, work on your insecurities and the fear of rejection They are essential to be able to successfully emerge from each of these opportunities to improve in the professional field.
  • Commercial deals: In many jobs the need to be able to make good deals with others is an essential part of the job. Feeling rejected In these moments it may be what dictates the possibilities of being able to achieve that professional goal.
  • Meet new people: He fear of social rejection It can also modify our behavior on a personal level. So much so that in many cases we miss certain opportunities to meet new people due to certain situations of fear of people for fear of being rejected. Stopping talking to strangers can cause us to miss out on meeting great friends in our lives.
  • Have a date: First dates make anyone nervous, regardless of your level of confidence and security. But in those people who usually have in mind the feeling of rejection in love They tend to be more aware of the opinion of the potential lover rather than themselves. When someone suffers from this fear of people and their judgments or thoughts towards them, they end up having an obsessive worry that does not allow their brighter side to come out.
  • Marriage: Married life consists of an endless series of negotiations and commitments with your partner. But people who have this fear of rejection in love and cannot face the fears that they generate, usually end up with great problems communicating with their lovers. Due to these concerns or insecurities that generate feel rejected On the other hand, they can develop toxic attitudes in a relationship, such as checking the couple’s phone messages or social media accounts.
  • Friendships: All humans have the need to belong to a social group. But in those people who do not know how to overcome the fear of rejection, this can become a problem for them. The reason is that group pressure can interfere with certain personal preferences that conflict with the ideas of others. When you let yourself be carried away by others and do not follow your own rules, things can end very badly both for your mental health and for achieving your goals and successes.
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Characteristics of feeling afraid of rejection

How do people with fear of rejection behave?

This fear of being rejected It can lead to a series of toxic attitudes on the part of the person who suffers from it. In this way, overcoming rejection or the fear of feeling it will be vital for your own personal satisfaction. Mainly, feeling rejected makes people engage in the following behaviors.

  • Falsehood: Fake people are usually those who cannot face certain things. situations of fear of social rejection or falling ill for no reason. So much so that they will not be transparent about their emotions or feelings, which will produce more rejection from others. Most people like those individuals who are genuine and can openly show their qualities and flaws.
  • Too much kindness: Although it is very natural to want to take care of those we love, when you feel phobia of social rejection Many individuals tend to offer too much to others. In some cases, even these people often find it very difficult to say no to others even though this goes against them.
  • Passivity: He fear of being rejected or rejected It can make people avoid confrontations at any time. These individuals often refuse to say what they feel to try to avoid their conflicts. Therefore, sometimes they pretend that it is not a problem when in reality inside they do feel like it.
  • Passive aggressiveness: Not knowing what to do when you are rejected in love or friendship can lead a person to be passive aggressive at the possibility of this happening. So much so that these people tend to develop attitudes that passively harm their closest circle.

In most cases, people tend to experience this feeling of rejection since they have not worked on themselves. Feeling rejected by others is something that we must all go through at some point in our lives, but despite this we must try to face it without fearing these consequences. To ensure that you don’t care at all about social rejection, the important thing is to increase your security. You can achieve this by investigating yourself and with the help of a professional psychologist.

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People's behavior when faced with rejection

How are people with fear of rejection treated?

that you have fear of people Their reactions may cause others to change their attitude towards you due to these phobias. Although most people have good intentions, some can take advantage of this insecurity to take advantage of you in various ways. Some of the reactions to this fear of people and their opinions may be the following.

  • Rejection: He fear of rejection It can just mean being rejected by others. Those people who are afraid of everything people think about them tend to appear insecure, which ends up transforming their attitude into obsessive and unreliable behaviors. In this way, others perceive these types of thoughts through gestures and most people do not usually like this.
  • Handling: Some people when they see someone they don’t usually face fears and who has insecurities can take advantage of this type of attitude to their benefit. So much so that they can use this little personal confidence to their own advantage.
  • Frustration: Sometimes when friends and family want to help in these situations of fear of romantic or social rejection they may become frustrated with the person who suffers from it due to the poor results obtained.

As we can see, rejection can affect both the personal and professional spheres of our lives. In these cases, working on trust is one of the crucial points to know how to overcome a fear like this

How to face the fear of rejection?

How to overcome the fear of rejection?

There is no magic formula that can take away your fear of feeling rejected for others. Despite this, there are a series of exercises that you can do daily to increase your confidence and make the fear of social rejection disappear.

  1. Facing fears of rejection: When you deliberately search Being rejected, you ask your mind to get used to dealing with the situation. This strategy is used by some therapists who specialize in treating shyness. Go over the fear of rejection It can take a lot of determination and courage. It also requires patience, practice, practice and more practice. For example, if you are afraid of being rejected by a woman or a man, be prepared to be rejected by many on purpose. Make it a game, and give yourself points for every rejection you receive. Once you’ve collected a certain amount of points, give yourself a meaningful reward.
  2. Remember that you are not the only one who feels this: The person who tells you that they do not experience fear in certain situations is lying to you. We all feel insecure in certain situations, but even so, the difference is the way we handle it. confront fears of social rejection Learning to have another type of attitude is a matter of time and effort. Don’t be discouraged.
  3. Recognize scary situations: To overcome a romantic or social rejection It is essential that you try to recognize when you feel afraid of what people think of you. The moment you identify the situations in which you feel a fear of rejection, you must have the courage to try to face them with all your tools.
  4. Look for the opportunity to learn: Maybe at the time of face fears of rejection It may not seem like it to you, but facing these situations is an opportunity to get to know yourself better and grow personally. For example, in a job interview you can see what you have failed at and how you can try to improve it for the next time. Learning from failures is the key to achieving any success in your life.
  5. Put it in perspective: Someone rejecting you is not something that means life or death. Therefore, you must know how to see things in perspective when you feel rejected. It doesn’t matter if you have fear of romantic rejection or fear of social rejection, Are these people anything to you? Isn’t it true that there are more people and opportunities? Nobody is better than anyone else and if someone rejects you, that’s because they don’t really value you. Why do you want to be next to someone like that?
  6. Reject negative self-talk: In situations where it appears the feeling of rejection Most people often end up having to deal with negative self-talk. In this way, the mind puts us in front of thoughts and phrases of rejection of love that are negative for our self-esteem. Face this type of speech and try to rationalize every idea that does not give you beneficial results.
  7. Work on your security and confidence: He fear of people and being rejected It usually appears due to the insecurities that invade our mind. For this reason, it will be crucial that you try to learn how to stop being afraid and work on your confidence. The basis for getting everything you want in life is precisely self-confidence and self-love.
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In many cases the fear of rejection It can only be solved through personal work and reviewing our interior. If you find yourself in this situation, it is recommended that in addition to taking into account the advice we have given you, you ask for help from a mental health professional to leave behind the fear of feeling rejected. The only thing you should be afraid of in life is not loving yourself.