Frida Kahlo Quotes: Inspiration And Authenticity In Every Word

Frida Kahlo Quotes

Frida Kahlo, recognized for her art, left profound phrases. They express love, life and heartbreak. Her reflections impact, showing authenticity and resilience. Universal themes and inspiring legacy in her words.

Frida Kahlo quotes about love

Feelings expressed in their sentences

Frida Kahlo’s words about love reflect deep and sincere feelings that pierce the soul. Each phrase expresses the intensity of her emotions, showing the complexity and beauty of this universal feeling.

The best love phrases of Frida Kahlo

  • “It was a solitary flower, a joyful butterfly you perched there; then the pollen of another more fragrant flower called, and the butterfly flew.”
  • “Pick a person who looks at you like you’re magic.”
  • “I will invent new words to tell you in all of them that I love you like no one else.”
  • “And I can swear one thing: I, who fell in love with your wings, will never want to cut them off.”
  • “I love you more than my own skin.”
  • “Have a lover who looks at you like you’re a bourbon biscuit.”
  • “Can you invent verbs? I want to tell you one: I love you.”
  • “You deserve a lover who loves you disheveled, with everything and all the reasons that make you wake up quickly and the demons that don’t let you sleep.”
  • “Don’t let the tree of which you are the sun get thirsty.”
  • “As always, when I walk away from you, I take your world and your life into me.”
  • “You deserve a lover who will take away the lies and bring you hope, coffee and poetry.”
  • “My blood is a miracle that, from my veins, crosses the air from my heart to yours.”
  • “I feel that from our place of origin we have been together, that we are made of the same matter, the same waves, that we carry the same meaning within us.”
  • “Thank you because you live, because yesterday you let me touch your most intimate light and because you said with your voice and your eyes what I have waited for all my life.”
  • “Give me hope, hope, the will to live and don’t forget me.”
  • “All the fruits were in the juice of your lips.”
  • “I will learn stories to tell you, I will invent new words to tell you in all of them, that I love you like no one else.”
  • “I saw him… and I can swear that I had no desire to see anyone else. At that precise moment I understood that eyes always belong to the people who make them shine.”
  • “You deserve a love that listens to you when you sing, that supports you in your ridiculousness, that respects that you are free, that accompanies you on your flight, that is not afraid of falling.”
  • “I want to live and be strong to love you with all the tenderness you deserve, to give you everything that is good in me.”
  • “So many things to tell you and so few come out of my mouth. You should learn to read my eyes when I look at you.”
  • “I feel like I always loved you, since you were born, and before, when you were conceived. And sometimes I feel like you were born to me.”
  • “The atoms of my body are yours and they vibrate together to love us.”
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Love and passion in the words of Frida Kahlo

Love and passion are intertwined in Frida Kahlo’s phrases, revealing her total dedication to the person she loves. Her unique way of expressing love in her words invites us to reflect on the transformative power of this feeling.

Frida Kahlo quotes about life

Frida Kahlo, through her phrases, expressed her unique and profound vision of life, reflecting personal experiences and intense emotions.

In her sentences, Kahlo transmitted the experiences that marked her existence, revealing internal conflicts and moments of joy. His verbal art expressed the complexity of everyday life and the emotional challenges he faced.

Frida Kahlo’s best phrases about life

  • ‘The world belongs to those who are born to conquer it and not to those who dream that they can conquer it.’
  • ‘I paint self-portraits because I am alone a lot. I paint myself because I am the one I know best.’
  • ‘I, who fell in love with your wings, will never want to cut them off.’
  • ‘Nothing is more valuable than laughter. It takes strength to laugh and abandon oneself, to be light. Tragedy is the most ridiculous thing.’
  • ‘The most important part of the body is the brain. I like my eyebrows and my eyes on my face.’
  • ‘I used to think I was the strangest person in the world, but then I thought there are so many people in the world. There must be someone like me who feels strange and flawed in the same way as me.’
  • ‘The most powerful art in life is to make pain a talisman that heals, a butterfly that is reborn blooming in a festival of colors.’
  • ‘Choose a person who looks at you as if you were magic.’
  • ‘Who would say that stains live and help to live? Ink, blood, smell… What would I do without the absurd and the fleeting?’
  • ‘Pain, pleasure and death are nothing more than the process of existence. The revolutionary struggle in this process is an open door to intelligence.’
  • ‘I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality.’
  • ‘Fall in love with yourself. Of the life. And then from whoever you want.’
  • ‘Feet, why do I want them if I have wings to fly?’
  • ‘Surrealism is the magical surprise of finding a lion inside a closet, where you are sure to find shirts.’
  • ‘I paint flowers so they don’t die.’
  • ‘Can you invent verbs? I want to tell you one thing: I love you, so my wings spread enormously to love you without measure… We are made of the same matter, the same waves…’.
  • ‘Our passage through this world is so absurd and fleeting, that the only thing that leaves me calm is knowing that I have been authentic, that I have managed to be the closest thing to myself.’
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Vision of life through the words of Frida Kahlo

Kahlo’s quotes reveal an authentic and passionate vision of life, capturing the essence of human existence in its many facets. His focus on authenticity and sincerity resonates with his reflections on the value of every moment lived.

Kahlo explored universal themes such as love, pain, passion and identity in her phrases, connecting with the essence of humanity. His words transcend time and space, resonating in today’s society and in each individual who immerses themselves in his creative universe.

Frida Kahlo’s phrases about heartbreak

Frida Kahlo’s phrases about heartbreak reveal a deep and painful look at loss and sadness. They are expressions that transmit the intensity of the emotions and the internal struggle that the artist faced in moments of heartbreak.

Frida Kahlo’s heartbreak phrases

  • ‘I suffered two serious accidents in my life: one is from the tram, the other is Diego. Diego was the worst of all.’
  • ‘Why do I call him my Diego? He never was nor will be mine. It is his own.’
  • ‘I need you so much my heart hurts.’
  • ‘Where you cannot love, do not delay.’
  • ‘I would like to give you everything you have never had, and even then you would not know what it is to be able to love you.’
  • ‘At the end of the day, we can handle a lot more than we think we can.’
  • ‘To wall off one’s own suffering is to risk having it devour you from the inside.’
  • ‘I love you more than myself and I don’t even know what to do without you, until I fluff my wing I will love you.’
  • ‘What would I do without the absurd and the fleeting?’
  • ‘What doesn’t kill me, feeds me.’
  • ‘He fell in love with every word, he destroyed me with every action.’
  • ‘I drink to forget, but now… I don’t remember what.’
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Resilience and strength in the face of heartbreak expressed by the artist

Despite heartbreak and sadness, Frida Kahlo demonstrated admirable resilience and strength. Her phrases reflect the artist’s ability to overcome pain, finding in her art a way of healing and transformation.

Deep reflections on Frida Kahlo’s phrases

Authenticity and sincerity in your words

Frida Kahlo’s phrases reflect an authenticity that transcends time, revealing her tormented soul and her very essence. With each of her words, Ella Kahlo invites us into her inner world, where sincerity and truth are intertwined in a unique and moving way.

Impact of his phrases in today’s society

The impact of Frida Kahlo’s phrases on today’s society is undeniable. Her reflections on love, pain, and authenticity resonate in a world in constant search for meaning and authenticity. Kahlo challenges us to reflect on universal themes from a unique and inspiring perspective.

Inspiring legacy of Frida Kahlo through her phrases

Frida Kahlo’s inspiring legacy is manifested forcefully in her deep and emotional phrases. Through her words, Kahlo motivates us to be true to ourselves, to fight for our dreams and to find beauty even in the darkest moments. Her legacy lives on, reminding us of the importance of authenticity and passion in life.