From The Inside Out, Becoming Aware

Living from the inside out allows us to become aware and responsible for our lives. In this article I explain how.

From the inside out, becoming aware

“It just doesn’t fulfill me”, “this is no longer what it was”, “nothing excites me”, “I get bored easily”, “I do things just to do them”, “I don’t know what I want”.

These are phrases that I hear every day from some of the people I work with.

And then the arguments to those sensations are like:

  • My partner is not what I thought.
  • My job doesn’t bring me anything new.
  • My friends don’t give me what I need.
  • My family, blah blah blah.

They are all demanding phrases. Since others don’t give me, since life doesn’t give me what I supposedly need, I feel bad… very bad!

That’s what I call live from the outside in Expect the outside world (your partner, your friends…) to do the work for you. In general we live this way. Nobody has taught us to do it any other way.

In the article “Happiness is not what you think” I already commented on what was socially recommended to achieve happiness. They are all issues external to us.

As a concept it is totally wrong as well as fundamentally dysfunctional:

If I want to be good with myself I always depend on what happens outside, on what others give me, on what others do not give me, on what happens to me during that trip or what does not happen on it.

Living depending on what happens outside of ourselves is soooo tired. I depend on meeting my friends tonight to have a good time. And if at the last minute they cancel my plan, I get angry and I no longer have a good time… Honestly: very exhausting!

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I propose an evolution of the concept.

start looking inside you, in your guts, in your monsters and in your fairies Ally yourself with them, listen to them and start entertaining them. And what do you need to do it?

  • First of all a lot of silence Stop hearing noise around you (it’s still “outside”).
  • Continue with the loneliness Discover yourself. Accept whatever comes in that solitude (the good, the bad, the boring and the extravagant).
  • make yourself a plan with yourself. Prepare self appointments Visit new places, try different dishes or simply enjoy your own company. ¿How are you going to be good company for others if you are not good company for yourself?
  • Meditate. Yes, yes, it sounds very “zen” …but first try it for a while and then criticize. In meditation there is no escape. You are one against one. In meditation you contact your essence. With what you are from 0 to 100. The feeling of fullness is so great that when you try it you will no longer need anything or anyone.
  • Have patience You won’t get it overnight. It is not a magic pill that feels like an adrenaline rush. Maybe the path will take you a lifetime.

And there will come a time (if you persist in the task) that you will begin to feel that everything flows within you, that everything is natural. And at that moment you will have changed prism.

Welcome to living from the inside out. Welcome to Real Life, welcome to living consciously