Gamifying Psychotherapy

Gamifying psychotherapy

It is almost a commonplace: when a new client comes to the consultation, especially if it is the first time they are with a psychologist, arrives loaded with doubts and fears.

The fault lies with so many prejudices that circulate everywhere, with so many strange images spread by the media, especially movies. For this reason, the first sessions are dedicated to clarifying doubts and establishing a cordial and trusting relationship, person to person.

In this sense, One of the most deeply rooted prejudices is that to do psychotherapy you have to suffer. Let’s understand each other: there are situations and experiences in life that leave little room for jokes. There are experiences that are even difficult to imagine. But there is always room for cordiality. And cordiality usually brings relaxation, which can finally open the doors to humor.

Making psychotherapy a stimulating experience

One of our goals is always that our client solves his problems and works on his life in the most pleasant way possible. That is why it is the psychologist’s responsibility to turn this process into a pleasant and interesting experience.

And there are many aspects of therapy in which this can be achieved:

Gamification in psychological therapy

Gamification applied to psychological therapy

A topic that is often left aside as irrelevant is the meaning of the game (gamification).. Let us not forget that, throughout history, the most effective learning methods have always been play and experimentation. And this is a resource that we cannot leave aside under any circumstances.

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It is the therapist’s responsibility to take advantage of our natural tendencies towards learning to make it more effective and enjoyable (and let’s not forget that a large part of psychotherapy consists of relearning attitudes and behavioral patterns).

One of the first aspects in which the therapist can make the process more dynamic, effective and fun (that is, gamify it) is during the reframing phase: without a doubt, the client already brings an outline of what is happening to him, but usually be a scheme that reduces their ability to maneuver and makes it difficult to solve their problems (“that’s just how I am”, “I can’t get over my past”, “this is impossible”…).

The first step is usually to reformulate the problem, giving it a realistic perspective that serves to reduce tension and guilt.which gives a margin of action and allows personal resources to be developed in a way that is neither painful nor contrary to the patient’s daily life.

This is a step that requires a lot of thought on the part of the therapist: many possibilities must be considered and a personalized design created that makes optimal use of all resources.

Another element is to introduce humor into the sessions.always adapting to the patient’s style of humor: it is not about being funny, but about using a perspective on life and the situation that allows the drama to be removed from what happens, giving rise to the expression of all the emotional nuances on the part of the patient. of the patient.

And what is perhaps the most complex part of the therapy process: you have to create a scheme and an evolutionary process that is natural and non-violent for the person. It is about, naturally, the patient seeing how he is progressing without excessive effort, overcoming small obstacles that will be calculated to the millimeter to reduce the sensations of anguish and fear as much as possible.

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This way of working will always be flexible and adapted to individual progress, and changes that are considered necessary can always be introduced.

The proof that all these steps have been taken correctly is the feeling, on the part of the patient, that everything has been developing naturally, without great drama or distressing situations.

Generally, once therapy has advanced, You will be surprised when you are told to compare your current situation with that of the first sessions.

And that is precisely the beauty of psychotherapy, what makes Science and Art come together: the evolution of the Human Being in the best possible way and the solution to their problems.