General Psychologist Vs Specialized Psychologist: How To Train Better?

General psychologist vs specialized psychologist: how to train better?

Upon completion of the Psychology degree in the form of a Bachelor’s or Degree, That feeling that there is a mapped out and pre-established route to becoming a psychologist disappears And with this, the experience of being clear about what to do to become a psychologist with the resources to face the labor market also disappears.

Until then, the 4 or 5 years of study offered the idea that after investing money, time and effort in it, at the end we would be where we need to be to dedicate ourselves to psychology, and we would have the kind of accreditation necessary to practice. But from that moment on, the paths to professionalization fork, and for some people it is hard to have to face that uncertainty.

And it is not just about knowing what to specialize in, but we also have to resolve the question of whether being specialists in something is something we want or that suits us in the short or medium term. Therefore, in this article we will review the advantages and disadvantages of each option: be a generalist psychologist or a specialized psychologist

Is it better to specialize or stay with a general vision of Psychology?

As a general rule, in the long term, opting for the option of specializing in one or some areas of psychology is usually the best option, and Only in some types of specific situations is it advisable to maintain a psychologist profile with a generalist perspective of this science, as we will see.

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That said, let’s see what the advantages and disadvantages of each option are.

Advantages and disadvantages of becoming a specialized psychologist

Among the advantages of continue studying through postgraduate and Master’s degrees on specific areas of Psychology to specialize in, the following stand out.

And what are the disadvantages of this option? Mainly, those that have to do with the need to be prepared to choose a specialization path and dedicate ourselves to it for a time Of course, the simple fact of choosing a postgraduate or Master’s degree is a task that those who decide not to specialize for the moment, or in any case study general topics in a self-taught manner, do not have to go through. And furthermore, it means having to pay for these training programs and strive to meet their qualification requirements.

However, today, thanks to online training continuing to study is a much more accessible possibility in terms of time compatibility, price and the ability to choose between several alternatives without being limited by where we live.

Specialize as a psychologist

Advantages and disadvantages of becoming a generalist psychologist

The main disadvantages of this alternative are the reverse of the advantages of the previous one.

The key is that in a discipline as broad and with areas of research and intervention as broad and complex as Psychology, when we believe that we maintain a generalist perspective, In reality, we know little about most of the topics that have been addressed by Psychology

And to explain and try to predict, as far as possible, the mental processes and patterns of observable behavior, you must first know the models and theories that must be applied depending on the context in which they occur and the scope of the life they affect.

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In the same way that it is not reasonable to believe that by knowing an experiment carried out in a laboratory we understand the human mind, knowing the main theories, concepts and methodologies of intervention and research usually leaves us with many gaps in knowledge that are a problem for us. time to apply psychology to the majority of specific problems to be solved or investigated

And what is the advantage of this option? Above all, that being able to have a lot of freedom without making the slightest commitment A postgraduate or Master’s degree is what is best for us if we have no idea what to continue studying and we need time to discover our concerns, perhaps spending a few months reading scientific papers, popular books, etc. on our own.

In addition, some professional roles indirectly related to Psychology can be nourished by our experience as Graduates or Graduates, especially in the world of creativity and artistic expression, or supporting companies as consultants: perhaps as psychologists with a general perspective of In the discipline, we are not able to know what is best to do in each case, but we are capable of detecting certain failures and errors in the strategies applied by those who have not been trained in Psychology (for example, organizations that focus their entire system of incentives and well-being of employees in financial remuneration, incorrect communication strategies based on bombarding the audience with data without appealing to emotions, etc.)

Are you interested in continuing your training in the world of Psychology?

If, once you have finished your Bachelor’s or Degree, you want to continue learning the theory and practice of any of the branches of this fascinating discipline, you may be interested in the courses, postgraduate degrees and Master’s degrees. Mediterranean School of Psychology

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This entity specialized in online training in Psychology offers specialization and professionalization programs in areas such as Sports Psychology, psychomotor and cognitive development in childhood, Human Resources Management, Gender Equality, neuropsychological rehabilitation, and more. All this offering access to periodic live masterclasses, constant technical assistance, and access to teaching material 24/7.