Genuine Personality: How To Bring Out Your Most Authentic Side?

Do you want to make a difference to others? Do you know how to be unique? Discover how to awaken your most genuine side and what are the signs that you invade happiness wherever you go.

What are genuine people like?

We all agree that falsehood is a completely negative thing. Therefore, the genuineness It is one of the most sought-after skills or personality traits in the world. But what makes a person genuine or authentic?

What does it mean to be genuine?

Nowadays, most people are used to constantly showing their most positive side on social networks to make a good impression on others. As for the meaning of genuine or genuine It is precisely those people who are real to others and have positive traits that infect their closest group.

It is obvious that we all have our negative side, and people who are characterized by the genuineness They are not an exception. Even so, they always try to give the most of themselves and contribute by being transparent and positive towards others. In many cases, the genuine and its full meaning can cause great motivation and joy in the people who are by your side.

Characteristics of a genuine personality

There are a series of traits or signs that indicate that you have a character full of genuineness Mainly we can highlight the following.

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1. Good self-esteem

The genuineness You can only work from a healthy self-esteem. In cases where people have too much self-love, it can lead to a narcissistic personality. On the other hand, those individuals who do not have much self-esteem cannot be genuine due to their lack of self-confidence.

2. They accept vulnerability

Feeling vulnerable or showing weakness can cause shame in most people. Instead, a transparent or genuine person You have the ability to accept that you are vulnerable without losing strength in your character or personality. People opposed to genuineness often have a wall when they feel weak.

3. It is transparent

Falsehood or lies do not go hand in hand with a genuine person. In most cases, the authentic or genuine people They often take time to reflect on their perspective on life and the experiences that have made them who they are. Therefore, they accept themselves and have a human profile that they accept despite their defects.

4. Assertiveness

Other meaning of genuine It is basically assertiveness. In this way they always try to be assertive with all the compliments or constructive criticism they receive.

5. They know how to listen

Active listening means being able to have deep conversations with the people around you and really understand what they are trying to convey through them. A clear synonym of genuine It is precisely trying to be present in the conversations of others and not getting carried away by the thoughts that are in our minds.

Genuine personality characteristics

6. Intrinsic motivation

When a person is self-motivated they are much more likely to achieve success in their life. In this way, the genuineness It also implies having intrinsic motivation. This means moving for oneself and not for what others think of them.

7. They do not try to please others

As they move by their own intentions, the genuine or genuine They don’t try to please others but simply be themselves. This happens because they trust that they really stand on their own and do not need the approval of others.

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8. They don’t compare

When you have genuineness You don’t try to be like others. You simply accept the person’s virtues and defects and work to improve for your own benefit. Instead of using others to compare themselves and get hurt, a genuine person tries to use envy as fuel for their goals.

9. They do not live in the past

By constantly thinking about the past, people cannot enjoy the present. In this way, the genuine attitude par excellence is being in the here and now. So much so that negative thoughts are avoided and positive ones are enhanced in order to be in the present.

10. Independents

Dependency is typical of those people who are not genuine When someone knows what he wants, he makes his own decisions without depending on others.

11. They admit their own mistakes

Facing mistakes or failures is quite a challenge. But the genuineness It implies being able to accept them and find ways to learn from them. Learning from our mistakes is one of the keys to achieving all our goals.

12. They do not value others for what they have

This profile and its meaning are closely related to having values ​​that are fostered in empathy. In this way they end up valuing others for what they truly are and not for what they possess.

13. Open mind

Open-mindedness is one of the characteristics of genuineness. They know how to put themselves in the shoes of others and value ideas whatever they may be.
These are some of the most common traits in a genuine or genuine This type of attitude is typical of those people who work on themselves. Therefore, you can reach genuineness through the help of a professional psychologist.

How to be genuine?

How to be a genuine person?

There are a series of mental exercises that you can do to be a transparent person or evolve towards a more positive personality both for yourself and for others. Mainly you can look at the following aspects.

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1. Admit mistakes or failures

The first step to working towards a better version of yourself is precisely to accept what we have failed at. Keeping our mistakes in mind can help us improve towards a better genuinely personality more positive since we will be able to start with the knowledge of those failures.

2. Always say what you think

Even if you have controversial thoughts or ideas towards others, it is essential to be able to express what you really think. Although it may seem risky, if you say it in a respectful way it will earn us both trust and the recognition of others. Being transparent will benefit you in many ways.

3. Look at the positive side of others

A way to encourage positivity towards others and in yourself and say the good things about the people around you. In this way, you will not only create a good environment but others will also look for the positive part in you.

4. Avoid judgments

Judging others is a characteristic of toxic people. Instead, to enhance the genuineness It will be essential to try to see what you can learn from others instead of criticizing that part that you may not like so much.

How to be genuine?

5. Let go of negativity

Thinking that you have bad luck or that only negative things happen to you will not make your life better. Stopping negative thoughts will be essential to focus your mind on what is really important to you.

6. Practice gratitude

Being grateful for what you have and what you have achieved will bring out your inner side. genuine Therefore, gratitude will be your best ally to promote a more proactive attitude.

7. Don’t be conformist

Conformity means letting go of trying to improve towards a better version of yourself. The genuineness It involves striving to be the person you really want, while still losing sight of who you are and valuing it.

To work on all these aspects you can always count on the help of a mental health professional. Evolving towards the person you want to be will always involve work on our interior and exterior. Be part of the genuine people It will make you capable of making the world a better place.