Get Out Of The Comfort Zone?

Get out of the comfort zone?

As a result of the rise in going to therapy and the awareness of the importance of mental health in today’s society, it is common to hear talk in the media or on the street about concepts such as self-esteem, emotional dependence, emotional intelligence or comfort zone .

These issues can be treated both by mental health professionals and by people outside of this field, which can sometimes have negative consequences. In addition, it is common to turn to friends, family or trusted people for help or advice when faced with that worry that keeps you awake.

In this sense, any of us will have seen at some point the phrase “you have to get out of your comfort zone” or similar. It is common to hear it in advertising, at the psychologist or from the mouth of your best friend. It seems that this phrase is so normalized that many times it is said almost automatically, without considering whether the person who receives it really needs to leave their comfort zone to solve what is worrying them. So… Is it always necessary to leave the comfort zone?

What we mean by ‘comfort zone’

The comfort zone consists of two components: the mental state or feeling of comfort and a behavioral component. The comfort zone provides a feeling of comfort in the face of limits or lifestyle imposed by the person themselves to avoid feeling fear or anxiety. The behavioral part corresponds to all those actions aimed at following the routine and activities known to the person, avoiding carrying out novel activities or taking risks.

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Comfort zone

The comfort zone would act as a refuge that protects us from discomfort, fear, uncertainty or anxiety since it is a known environment. In this way, being in the comfort zone can be, for example, accepting people or relationships that do not cause problems, but that do not meet expectations or contribute anything significant to our life. For example, being with a partner who gives us company, but there is no love or attraction, to avoid loneliness or feel safe. Another example may be accepting jobs that require little qualification or staying in a job that is mastered, but does not motivate or make one feel fulfilled.

What does the comfort zone provide and advantages of not changing

Staying in the comfort zone helps to have a feeling of mastery and control. It is that comfort of the known, always doing the same activities that you are good at. There is a feeling of control and security, thus avoiding uncertainty and risks. Not changing saves effort, a routine is followed that is automated

You get to know what emotions you are going to feel with each activity and you get a feeling of self-confidence when you know what is going to happen. Staying in the comfort zone is adaptive, and provides well-being by feeling protected. It is a necessary area to face day-to-day obstacles, for example, by having a support group made up of friends and family who give us company and help us in adverse situations.

It is not necessary to leave this area as long as it is meaningful and valuable for the person, feeling fulfilled and safe.

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Advantages of changing and how to do it

When the comfort zone stops being valuable and meaningful, it begins to overwhelm. It is possible to feel frustration and sadness in the face of a situation that has stopped providing everything it did at another time: comfort, tranquility or protection One is no longer comfortable nor does there exist the sensation of feeling fulfilled and of doing things with meaning. Nor will new paths be explored, nor will valuable goals be pursued for fear of failure or what others will think.

When you find yourself in this situation, it is necessary to identify what is causing discomfort, establish goals and carry out actions that allow you to return to having a meaningful life. By making changes, you learn new ways of acting and responding to situations. Furthermore, as you achieve objectives and goals, the feeling of achievement increases and self-esteem grows. You can also achieve goals that have always been there, but have been avoided out of fear.

To do?

Some techniques to get out of the comfort zone are:

1. Identify if you are in the comfort zone

Many times people live so immersed in routine and automated activities that they are not aware that they are always doing the same thing, immersed in the tranquility of routine and without stopping to think that they can do new things and take risks It is necessary to carry out an introspection process that helps identify if you are in a comfort zone.

2. Accept suffering, fear and uncertainty as part of life

It is also important to accept that these can also occur in the comfort zone. When leaving the comfort zone, these emotions may intensify at first, but once objectives are achieved the situation will stabilize. It is convenient Identify if it is more important to stay in your comfort zone or pursue the goals you have always wanted to achieve

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3. Identify what causes discomfort and set objectives

By setting many or very large goals, it is most likely that they will not be achieved and the feeling of failure will increase. The objectives must be realistic and easy to achieve, establishing increasingly higher objectives as the previous ones are achieved.

4. Seek professional help

You may need the help of a professional to identify the fears and barriers that prevent you from making changes and motivate yourself to do so.

In PsychoAlmería You have psychologists at your disposal who will help you in a personalized way, both in person and online.