Give Meaning To Our Lives

Give meaning to our lives

Giving meaning to life is one of the main objectives of every human being Those who do not find it may feel frustrated and unmotivated.

Likewise, the meaning of life is constantly changing and depends on the person’s present. In a natural way, it is transformed around the needs and objectives that man has at that moment.

The challenge of finding meaning in life

Viktor Frankl was in charge of opening the debate on this great topic: “The meaning of life”. He was a renowned neurologist and psychiatrist who created “logotherapy”, which is a psychotherapy that explains that the will of each human being to find meaning in life is one of the primary motivations that he himself possesses. His best-known book is Man’s Search for Meaningwhich emphasizes his career, what he suffered when he had to live the experience of being in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II and how, through the search for a meaning in life, he was able to go through that ordeal being able survive.

The meaning of life changes from one person to another, from one moment to the next. Each human being has his own meaning of life with a specific meaning that he himself gives it. It is constantly changing, it never stops. Each one is in charge of finding, from his individuality, his own meaning in life. It is a primary force to find it, and not a simple impulse The human being must achieve this search in order to satisfy his own will.

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A process of personal growth

The search for this meaning is an arduous work that every human being must constantly submit to in their lives. In childhood, it is not usually a rationalized purpose, but, from adolescence, approximately 15 years old, each human being begins to create meaning for their life: whether from finishing school, starting a sport or, likewise, what university major you want to choose. When one is already an adult, the meaning of life takes a turn once again when one thinks and begins to make crucial decisions: studies, moving, uprooting, economy, family, etc.

On several occasions, it may happen that the person does not find meaning in his or her life at a particular moment, feeling unmotivated, frustrated and unwell. In this way, he must reinvent himself in order to achieve new purposes and projects for his life.

It may take time to build a meaning in life again because it is not an easy task. And the longer it takes to find a new purpose, the more intense will be the feeling of existential emptiness that surrounds it.

Starting from uncertainty

Creating a meaning in life is assuming a new responsibility for yourself. Being clear about the “why” of our decisions, We will be able to face all the “how”, “when”, “where” Once the person feels comfortable with a goal that motivates them, they will generate changes to be able to live a much more pleasant present. Life presents human beings with constant challenges that only they themselves can solve.

Many times we find ourselves asking ourselves “Why did I come into the world?” “What is the reason for my existence?” These existential questions can only be answered by oneself, trying to search for the very essence of one’s existence. Happiness and being well are usually the reasons for our decisions. Every time a human being takes a 360 degree turn in his life, it is because what he was experiencing no longer completed him, it did not make him happy.

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Because of this, you must decide in which direction to change your present, what you would like to achieve. And, thus, your meaning of life changes. Likewise, changing course or making new decisions regarding projects or goals in life can generate some fear due to the uncertainty generated by what is new, what is not yet known.

In older adults, there is often the sequence of wondering if they fulfilled the purpose of their life, thinking and having the feeling that they could have done something differently and, at the same time, knowing that they can no longer change it.

There are three ways in which we can approach finding the meaning of life: having a mission, a love or contemplating what surrounds us day by day. Finding this meaning will allow you to give “color to life.”

We must take responsibility for our path and, through the use of the freedom we have, make decisions about what we want in our lives, assuming the risks of our determinations and having faith that in the future everything will fall into place so that we can feel better. .