Grow From Life’s Setbacks

All people, at some point in their lives, go through one or more crises. The events that can lead you to a crisis can be several.

How to overcome a crisis?

All people, at some point in their lives, go through one or several crises The events that can lead you to a crisis can be various, such as a job dismissal, a serious illness, suffering an accident or narrowly escaping from it, the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, etc.

At the Hilari-Baldó Psychology and Psychotherapy Center, our solutions-focused approach leads us to seek a way out by making the most of adversities. We transform the resource difficulties The negative into positive. We jointly value the opportunities for change that a situation offers us. If we go into crisis it is because there is something in our life that is not working quite well, therefore it is a sign to change and achieve something better for ourselves and our environment.

How can we react to a crisis?

In the face of a crisis we can react in two ways: expanding or stagnating. In our center, we help people to develop, to overcome their difficulties quickly and to grow from these types of experiences.

For this reason we believe that crises are hidden opportunities, are warnings for us to wake up and change. Whether your crisis is an accident of fate or you are the architect, it can be a warning to improve your life.

“Juan came to our office with anxiety attacks. He would collapse in the middle of the street in panic, thinking that his heart would not be able to withstand the frenetic rhythm. His panic attacks were increasing and this generated a fear in him that little by little prevented him from lead a normal life. There were nights when he went to the emergency room thinking that his heart would not be able to resist. Working with Juan we saw that there was a work situation of great pressure and economic uncertainty month after month. He was also coupled with a time of changes at home and in his family. He, as the highest representative of his house, carried all the weight until the anxiety crises came. His crises were his opportunity to stop and think about what was not going well and that he had to manage to feel better and be able to live a more satisfied life. The therapy sessions helped him overcome anxiety crises from the second session, and in the following sessions we worked on those aspects that would help him live better and more relaxed. We kept the good that the crisis gave us and left behind what prevented progress

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Are there benefits of a crisis?

Crises can also help us ask ourselves if things really should be the way they are. Difficulties help us recover and to realize what is really important to us.

When emerging a setback, many people realize that they left aside some aspect of their life and that as a consequence, other people or themselves have been harmed. Difficult situations give us the opportunity to get back on track. After the attacks of September 11, 2001, gynecology consultations in New York increased significantly. These were women who until then had fully dedicated themselves to their professional careers and the crisis that arose as a result of the attacks made them aware that they had been leaving aside a crucial aspect in their lives, the family part. That mishap forced them to value what was really important and change their priorities.

Can benefits be extracted from a crisis?

“Lucía began to feel increasingly physically weaker and more discouraged. She also felt frustrated for not being able to maintain her frenetic pace. After several tests, she was diagnosed with some organic problems. In consultation we worked on the personal aspects that she had neglected and that could have led to her getting sick, and how to change them to recover her life. Lucía realized to what extent she had neglected her health or well-being that she had long ago stopped taking care of herself, she did not eat well, she did not play sports, she did not have time for herself. nor for others. And he understood because his body suffered

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When a crisis arises, many people realize that they left aside some aspect of their life. Maybe it is a good time to stop and think and recover those aspects of your life that have been ignored, and that now they claim their place

At our center we help people recover your well-being quickly so that they can enjoy a higher quality of life as soon as possible. Our greatest success is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we fall and moving forward.