Hallucinogenic Drugs: What They Are, Types And Effects

Hallucinogenic drugs: what they are, types and effects - Hallucinogenic drugs: what they are

Whether for the experience itself, mysticism or the feeling of escapism, psychedelic drugs have captured the interest of many people throughout history. The hallucinations provided by this type of substance generate experiences that are difficult to explain. Artists, cultures and spiritual gurus have drawn on the experience of these drugs for their inspiration and creation of ideas and ways of thinking. But is everything as good as it seems? What exactly are hallucinogenic drugs? What types are there? Do natural hallucinogenic drugs exist? In this PsychologyFor article, Hallucinogenic drugs: what they are, types and effects we will explain the types and effects that some of the best-known hallucinogens have.

Hallucinogenic drugs: what are they?

Hallucinogenic drugs constitute one of the three types of drugs according to the drug classification of the World Health Organization (WHO). The other two types are depressant drugs and stimulant drugs.

Hallucinogenic drugs: definition

what are hallucinogen drugs? Are psychoactive substances that when taken to They alter the perception of reality, the emotions and the thinking of those who consume them. Hallucinogenic drugs are capable of modifying sensations and senses, and can generate hallucinations and sensory disturbances

Although the effects are usually very variable from one person to another and depend on the particular drug being used, a person who has taken hallucinogenic drugs will usually have distortions in their senses, mix reality and fantasy, have their thoughts and feelings altered. Mood can change drastically due to the intensity of the substance.

Hallucinogenic drugs mainly affect the central nervous system (CNS), where the brain is located. Upon entering neurons, these substances mainly alter the release and function of the neurotransmitter known as serotonin, a chemical substance involved with sensory perception, pleasure, hunger, temperature, behavioral regulation, muscle control and sleep. mood. Serotonin is not only found in the brain, but it is also found throughout the spinal cord.

Hallucinogenic drugs: what they are, types and effects - Hallucinogenic drugs: what they are

Types of hallucinogenic drugs

What are hallucinogenic drugs? There are different types of hallucinogenic drugs. In this article, we will present the most well-known and frequently used types of hallucinogenic drugs, as well as their effect.

Hallucinogenic drugs: examples

  1. LSD
  2. Psilocybin or hallucinogenic mushrooms
  3. Mescaline
  4. Ecstasy
  5. Dimethyltryptamine
  6. Phencyclidine and ketamine

1. LSD

It is without a doubt the best known and most powerful hallucinogenic drug. That is, it is one of the strongest hallucinogenic drugs LSD is created from a derivative of the rye mushroom and has a crystalline, white, odorless form and can be diluted in water. For consumption, the crystal is usually ground into powder to later either make LSD tablets called “tripis” or impregnate paper or other material with diluted LSD and then suck it.

LSD acts on the brain’s serotonin receptors, known as 5-HT, disrupting the reception of serotonin in certain areas of the nervous system.

The effects of lsd They are quite unpredictable in terms of the experience lived but they tend to be strong hallucinations, distortion or loss of reality and sudden mood changes. Its duration is usually quite long, a normal dose could last around 10 hours.

Given his unpredictable nature, its effects are often called “trips” and can be experienced both positively and negatively and there is no exact way to determine beforehand if it will be a good trip. Under the effects of LSD, emotions tend to fluctuate abruptly and one can go from the most absolute euphoria to the most intense fear in a very short period of time. Therefore, the effects of LSD can cause pleasant distortions of perception, reduce anxiety and tension or live very unpleasant and distressing experiences with horrible hallucinations.

2. Psilocybin or hallucinogenic mushrooms

The hallucinogenic mushrooms either “magic mushrooms” They are used as a recreational and spiritual drug and their effects come from the substance known as psilobycin. Psilobycin is a natural alkaloid compound found in a wide variety of mushrooms and is the substance that will then be processed in the human body in the liver until it is derived to psilocin, the psychoactive component that causes psychedelic effects by altering the presence of the serotonin.

The consumption method consists of eating the previously dried mushrooms so that they are processed by the stomach. The effect takes approximately 10 to 40 minutes to emerge and can last from 2 to 8 hours. The intensity, duration and how long it takes to appear can vary depending on the type of mushroom, the quantity and the physiological disposition of the person taking it.

Although there are many types of hallucinogenic mushrooms, the most common effects of psilocybin are sensory hallucinations, especially visuals, pleasurable bodily sensations, introspection of thought and distortion of time perception. The intensity compared to LSD is much lower and the sense of reality is not lost.

Its softer and more introspective effects have given way to the use of mushrooms with a mystical nuance, to experience experiences that many describe as spiritual and revealing. Since some trips reduce anxiety and give way to a feeling of serenity, Attempts have been made to apply psilocybin as a possible treatment for depression or anxiety. anxiety disorders from a pseudoscientific perspective, although there may be interest in more elaborate studies in the future.

3. Mescaline

What is mescaline? The mescaline As a drug, it is an alkaloid substance found in peyote, a Mexican cactus, and which has hallucinogenic effects similar to LSD. The way to consume this hallucinogenic drug is usually to chew the peyote itself, but it can be ground and made into powder and then prepared infusions to be drunk.

Its effects, as we have mentioned, are similar to LSD. The differences lie in the fact that there is not such a high emotional alteration, it has a more relaxing effect and its duration is much longer, lasting for days.

4. Ecstasy or MDMA

Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, is a drug from the amphetamine family that has been created artificially and is usually taken in pill form. Since also acts as a mental stimulant It is one of the most popular hallucinogens and is most consumed at parties and social events.

Between the effects of ecstasy Apart from hallucinations and sensory alterations, being a mental stimulant, it seems to give effects such as greater attention, energy, warmth and more close connections with others, adding a great sensation of pleasure. However, these apparently positive effects are merely temporary and can lead to cognitive deterioration in the long term.

Furthermore, with the consumption of ecstasy, adverse symptoms regarding emotional regulation also occur, facilitating the appearance of distress, irritability and alterations in mood and appetite.

5. Dimethyltryptamine or ayahuasca

The dimethyltryptamine It is a fairly little used drug that falls within the tryptamine family. Dimethyltryptamine or ayahuasca It is considered one of the natural hallucinogenic drugs. It has a white, crystalline form that is usually consumed inhaled like tobacco or can be ground to be injected directly, although it can also be consumed directly orally. In cases where this psychedelic is found in an impure form, it will present a yellowish or orange color.

The duration of this hallucinogenic drug is usually short, around approximately 30 minutes, but its hallucinogenic effects usually have a high intensity and cause very different subjective sensations to appear.

6. Phencycladine and ketamine

Both phencycladine, which is better known as “angel dust”, and ketamine are considered “dissociative drugs” due to their sedative effect. These hallucinogenic drugs were originally created as pain relievers, but were taken off the market due to their hallucinogenic properties. Both can be consumed as pills.

The phenycyladine It has a performance period of 4 to 6 hours. Perceptual distortions occur together with a extreme feeling of euphoria which ends with sedation.

The ketamine It lasts less, around 2 hours. It is characterized by the dissociative experiences that appear when consuming them, such as feeling out of body or having amnesia of the episode after using it.

Hallucinogenic drugs: what they are, types and effects - Types of hallucinogenic drugs

Hallucinogenic drugs: effects

What are the risks of hallucinogens? The severity of psychedelic drugs is difficult to predict. The amount consumed, tolerance, previous use, the type and type of sensory alterations it has caused are factors that greatly complicate determining the exact risks that a person may suffer when taking one of these substances. So the consequences of hallucinogenic drugs can vary.

Normally, its use can generate abstinence syndrome if stopped, they can cause organic changes at the brain level In relation to serotonin, psychotic disorders due to intoxication, alteration of attention, memory or generate a high tolerance to the substance that may imply an increase in the dose taken or the search for a stronger and potentially more harmful drug.

At a physiological level they can alter blood pressure, generate tachycardia, bradycardia, intestinal discomfort, arrhythmias, cardiorespiratory failure and seizures among many other symptoms.

For all these reasons, it is important to prevent addiction to all types of drugs.

Hallucinogenic drugs: what they are, types and effects - Hallucinogenic drugs: effects

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Aghajanian, G.K., & Marek, G.J. (1999). Serotonin and hallucinogens. Neuropsychopharmacology, twenty-one(S1), 16S.
  • Grinspoon, L., & Bakalar, J.B. (1979). Psychedelic drugs reconsidered (pp. 221-223). New York: Basic Books.

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