Happiness Is Learned

When we think about emotions, it comes to mind like a tide that comes and goes, uncontrollable and natural. It is important to be aware that we can choose our emotions.

Happiness is learned

When we think about emotions, it comes to mind like a tide that comes and goes, uncontrollable and natural. However, it is important to be aware that we can choose our emotions.

Although it is difficult to assume at first glance, in the same way that our society has learned to assume negative emotions, it can also do the opposite work.

How to learn to be happier?

  1. Increasing our mental flexibility : It is important to leave behind our “shoulds” and “have tos”. Changing our tautologies for possibilities is something that can wonderfully change the way we see and experience our reality.
  2. Point out the positive : There is a saying that says something like it is good to be grateful. The lesson behind this saying is that we must highlight the positive aspects of our experiences, and not the negative ones.
  3. Applaud your victories : Celebrating our victories is something we must learn. Perfectionism, along with other character factors, does not allow us to enjoy our present and each goal achieved is an important motivating factor to achieve the next one. Don’t waste it!
  4. Relate and practice empathy : Creating a social support network is essential, as is finding people with whom to share our stressful life moments. These moments of shared empathy are an unparalleled experience.

Ready to learn to be happy?

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