High GGT: Symptoms, Possible Causes And Characteristics

high GGT

It is likely that on more than one occasion we have had some other blood test done, either to check the values ​​of elements such as cholesterol, triglycerides or blood sugar or in response to the presentation of some type of symptomatology that causes think about the existence of a specific disease (in which case a more specific analysis is carried out).

Thanks to them we can detect very diverse pathologies, observing, for example, altered levels of lipids, leukocytes or even some enzymes. An example of this occurs when we have high gamma glutamyl transferase or GGT an indicator of the existence of possible damage to organs such as the liver.

Throughout this article we are going to give a brief discussion about what it is and what it can mean to have high GGT, as well as some conditions that can cause it.

What is GGT and when do we start to have it high?

It is called gamma glutamyl transferase or GGT. an important enzyme present in various organs of the human body with special preponderance in the liver (this being the organ in which it is found in the greatest proportion), the heart and the gallbladder but also being present in others such as the kidneys or the brain.

This enzyme has the main function metabolize the main antioxidant that our body makes, glutathione, as well as transferring it to other amino acids. In this way, it contributes, among other things, to maintaining health and cellular homeostasis and strengthening the immune system. As we have said, it is part of various organs, and certain levels of said enzyme can be found in the blood.

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Normal values ​​are generally considered to be between 0 and 30 or between 7 and 50 units per liter of blood. Above these values ​​it is considered that this enzyme is at a high level, something that is indicating the presence of damage in one of the aforementioned organs, basically in the first three and the liver being the most likely. The increase It is usually due to a leak of the enzyme through damage or injuries to these organs

How are its levels evaluated and assessed?

Although this may not seem to generate symptoms at first, it is common for what generates high levels of GGT to produce different alterations.

These can vary greatly based on the causes, but the most common are the presence of jaundice or yellowing of the eyes and skin, weakness, changes in urine color and stools (the first usually darkens and the second lightens), sudden decrease in appetite, itchy skin, gastrointestinal discomfort and pain or nausea and vomiting, being indicators of the presence of damage that make it advisable to perform the pertinent analysis.

Assessment of GGT levels It will be done through a blood test, usually after a period of time without eating or drinking. It is no more dangerous than other blood tests, and once in possession of the sample the analysis is relatively quick to perform.

However, despite this, it should be noted that having high GGT does not have a single identifiable cause, and its levels do not serve as a precise indicator of where the damage may be. This is why it is often necessary to perform complementary analyzes that assess other enzymes.

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Possible causes of high GGT

As we have just mentioned, there are multiple reasons that can cause us to have high GGT, often requiring analysis of the levels of other substances to determine the cause specificity of said alteration. Among the most common causes of its elevation above normal, we can highlight the following.

1. Hepatitis

The different types of hepatitis, which They are inflammations of the liver which can come from such varied causes such as infection by a virus or food poisoning, have also been associated with the presence of alterations that make it easier for GGT to leak into the blood, generating an increase in its levels.

2. Alcoholism and alcoholic cirrhosis

Excessive alcohol consumption and its consequences on the liver are one of the possible causes that can cause us to have a high GGT, due to the existence of lesions through which the enzyme enters the bloodstream. An example is found in alcoholic liver cirrhosis, in which the liver has degenerated in such a way that presents a large amount of scarring and greatly reduced organ function

3. Diabetes mellitus

Another condition that can cause elevated GGT levels is diabetes mellitus, regardless of whether it is insulin-dependent or not. The aforementioned increase usually occurs mainly in those people who do not follow the treatment or medical recommendations, and it is common in such cases that lesions may appear in the liver. Fortunately, good glycemic control prevents GGT from increasing

4. Liver cysts and tumors

A reason that can also cause a high level of GGT in the blood is the presence of liver lesions derived from damage caused by cysts and tumors, either because we are dealing with a tumor that appears in the organ or because despite being in another place it generates a pressure or compression in/of it.

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5. Drug consumption

Elevation of GGT is not always due to a disease, but can also arise from the effects of the consumption of certain drugs or substances. Among them can be highlighted some antibiotics or drugs to treat epilepsy Another type of drug that can cause high GGT is oral contraceptives. In addition, substances such as alcohol or phenobarbital (a barbiturate, anxiolytic and sedative) also generate an elevation of GGT.

6. Blockage of the vesicular channels or blood hypoperfusion

In addition to the above, there are other diseases and injuries that can cause the emission of GGT in the blood to be excessive, and the causes of this can be found in problems in the communication of the gallbladder with the liver or the lack of sufficient blood reaching the area. It can also arise from internal bleeding.

7. Heart failure

Especially common in the elderly population, the presence of cardiac problems such as heart failure also generates an elevation of GGT, in this case not derived from the liver but from the main organ of the cardiovascular system.