How A Narcissistic Woman Behaves As A Couple

The analysis of female behaviors is a research topic that was taken into account by several psychological currents. As a result of the great impact it represents on the development of love life, many people are reflected in ways of thinking and feeling that impact the actions they carry out. Against this background, women have a series of characteristics that affect the relationships they maintain over a certain period of time. Beyond the fact that each case responds to a different logic and no two people are the same, there are patterns that are repeated in those who try to impose their conditions within the couple. Because this is a controversial topic that validates different opinions on the matter, it is necessary to have accurate data to anticipate possible actions.

In this PsychologyFor article we will provide you with information about How a narcissistic woman behaves as a couple

Wake up calls

One of the most accurate indicators of a narcissistic woman’s behavior is constant demand for attention This can appear in the constant search for approval of both physical aspects and personality.

At a general level, the calls for attention are related to their insecurities, which they try to compensate for through the approval of their partner.

Need for domination

Frequently, narcissistic people seek to gain control of different situations through various attitudes that aim to dominate their partner. In these cases, they can appeal to resources such as disavowals, verbal and/or physical abuse planning without prior consultation, among others.

In the following article we explain how to know if your partner is blackmailing you emotionally.

Lack of involvement

Faced with the appearance of criticism, narcissistic women tend to avoid any situation that leads to a bad image of themselves. In this sense, they can deny responsibility for acts who harm other people and place frustrations on their own partner.

The lack of involvement prevents them from reflecting on their actions and adopting other types of attitudes to compensate for the discomfort they may cause.

excessive jealousy

Narcissistic people usually present great insecurity that is hidden behind the exacerbation of personal traits. This type of indicators can be seen reflected in jealousy scenes that arise when another person appears who they consider could take their place.

An example of this could be the moment when a woman tells her partner that she is constantly looking at another body and stops paying attention to her. Likewise, they may experience the fear of being abandoned.

How a narcissistic woman behaves in a relationship - Excessive jealousy

Demonstration of envy

Another quality that can emerge in a relationship with a narcissistic woman is envy. This condition is manifested by feelings of anger or anger for having something that the narcissistic person lacks. This arises in conflictive relationships that have gone through various unresolved problems.

This envy can be directed towards the partner or any other person in the environment.

Low tolerance for criticism

Maintaining a relationship with a narcissistic woman can be an obstacle when it comes to overcoming moments of adversity. This is because narcissistic people They have a low tolerance for criticism that they can receive from their behaviors, emotions and thoughts. Likewise, it is important to remember that they are insecure and doubtful people.

sentimental ambivalence

People often oscillate between different types of feelings in their social relationships. In this sense, it is common for positive and negative emotions to arise during a certain period of time. However, this differentiation is usually more noticeable in narcissistic women who are in a relationship.

In other words, there appears a wide contradiction between love and hate that they can feel towards the same person, which is an obstacle to establishing a healthy romantic bond.

Prevalence of fantasies

Narcissistic people believe that they have absolute control over the situations they are in and seek to attract the attention of their environment. Because of this, create imaginary scenarios that are not consistent with reality to protect themselves from possible disappointments.

Indeed, fantasies of grandeur are mechanisms that provide pleasure to those who experience them, since they produce an idea of ​​superiority over other people.


Another of the characteristic components of narcissistic women revolves around the manipulation they can exert on their partner. In relation to this, narcissistic people can carry out any action to harm loved ones without any feeling of guilt.

This characteristic can be seen in those women who do not feel responsible for the damage caused.

How a narcissistic woman behaves as a couple - Manipulation

Appeal to lies

The invention of fictional stories is a trait that distinguishes narcissistic people. In this aspect, they can appeal to invented stories by distorting reality. Also It is common for them to lie to attract interest of the environment and obtain a favorable return.

Lack of emotional flexibility

It is difficult for narcissistic women to adopt another type of position in the face of any conflict in the couple, since They tend to remain firm in their decisions and they do not admit any type of questioning of their actions. This causes a lack of emotional flexibility since they do not take into account the unfavorable emotions that they can cause in other people.

In the following article you will find more information about How narcissists punish in love.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Encalada Arellano, AC (2013). Analysis of narcissism from the psychoanalytic perspective. Study of five cases of adult women in the city of Quito in 2013. Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. Faculty of Psychology.

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