How A Psychopath Reacts When Abandoned

How a psychopath reacts when abandoned

In psychology we refer to psychopaths when we talk about those people who have an antisocial personality disorder. These people are characterized by being incapable of experiencing those emotional components that constitute personal and interpersonal behavior.

They present patterns of behavior in which their basis is a constant contempt and violation of the rights of others. According to Hare (1970), two types of psychopaths can be found: the primary ones, incapable of establishing relationships and showing any feeling of guilt (known as pure), and the secondary ones, who can show remorse for their actions.

At PsychologyFor we know how complicated it can be to deal with this type of individuals, which is why throughout this article you will find curiosities about their behavior, specifically, How psychopaths react when abandoned.

What makes a psychopath angry

When you are close to a psychopathic person you have to carefully measure the words, actions and behaviors that are said and done with respect to him, because They are extremely susceptible people. It is not surprising that the psychopath can feel very offended by a completely innocent comment.

However, the problem is not that they feel offended, but rather their attitude towards this offense. They get angry in a way that is disproportionate to the event itself and go from 0 to 100 in milliseconds. Their reactions may be exaggerated and also without knowing very well the reasons why it happened.

The main problem of psychopaths is their inability to inhibit maladaptive behaviors Therefore, in situations of rage and anger they act in the first way that comes to mind. Usually with aggressive and violent behaviors.

Therefore, you cannot say exactly a series of actions that trigger their anger, but rather it depends on how the psychopath perceives what you say or do.

What happens when you leave a psychopath

Before leaving a psychopath, you must be very clear that nothing that has happened between you has been your fault, since one of the resources most used by psychopaths is act like victims so that they feel sorry for them.

You also have to be careful with your words, because one advantage that these types of people enjoy is being very talkative and convincing, so, even if he or she tries to regain power over you through words and promises, you have to be strong and show him or her that you will be fine without him or her in your life. Show him you don’t need him.

One piece of advice to be able to act correctly and not “suffer” the consequences of leaving a psychopath is to go to a specialist. This will provide you with the necessary tools to avoid falling into their networks again, as well as help you reconnect with the rest of the people around you. The latter has to do with the fact that psychopaths achieve power over the victim by separating them from other people.

What happens when you reject a psychopath

The psychopathic personality has been associated with exaggerated self-worth and self-esteem, which is why when they feel rejected they tend to act aggressively because They are not able to understand how someone can refuse to be with them.

However, unlike the reasons why the rest of us may feel bad or upset when we are rejected, a psychopath is completely indifferent to the fact of being rejected. They simply get angry because they don’t want to accept that rejection itself.

After an interview with Dr. James Fallon, neuroscientist and renowned prosocial psychopath, he indicated that, for him, rejection is not a problem. For him, rejection can make him feel bad for about two seconds and, after that, he will automatically start looking for a way to solve it.

How a psychopath acts when faced with abandonment

The psychopath conceives in his mind the idea that the victim is his property, so the moment he feels abandoned He will try to recover it by all possible means. Since they are not aware of the consequences of their actions, people with psychopathic personalities try to regain contact with the other person to such an extent that they begin to harass them.

They act following his victims, sending them messages, letters, calling them repeatedly throughout the day. During this stage they will not act aggressively since their main objective is to make the other person fall into their networks again.

However, it should be noted that, if during this period someone appears in his life from whom he could obtain greater benefit, the psychopath will be forgotten quickly of the one who had been his victim to focus all his attention on the new individual.

In this article you will find how a psychopath is formed.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • HARE, R. (1970). Psychopathy: Theory and Research. New York: Wiley.
  • Marietan, H. (2008). The complementary and his psychopath. Ananke. Buenos Aires.
  • Mata, E. (2000). Violence and aggression in the psychopath. Alcmeon Magazine, 9(3).
  • Pérez, AA (2014). The subclinical psychopath: his manifestations and behavior. Law and social change, eleven(37), 27-10.

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