How ADHD And High Abilities Are Related

How ADHD and high abilities are related

Although many children and adults have been classified as people with few resources when it comes to studying, it is important to take into account the specific characteristics of the person in each case. Sometimes the idea has spread that people who have difficulty paying attention and a constant need to move have cognitive complications. In fact, for many years this principle has been shared in various student circles and generated considerable rejection among these people. However, this is not true, since the presence of a diagnosis that indicates an underlying pathology does not prevent the development of specific skills.

In this PsychologyFor article we explain How ADHD and high abilities are related.

What double exceptionality consists of: ADHD and high abilities

Double exceptionality (2E) is a term used to describe people with high intellectual abilities who simultaneously present some type of disability, learning or development disorder, such as ADHD. In the case of double exceptionality ADHD and high abilities, these people They may have difficulty concentrating, maintaining attention and regulate their behavior, but also have exceptional cognitive abilities in areas such as memory, logical reasoning or creativity.

The acronym ADHD is used to refer to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a clinical diagnosis based on the difficulty in sustaining a high level of attention to various stimuli that are presented. This clinical picture has the particularity of including hyperactivity through a constant need for body movements. In general terms, hyperactivity is observed in people who have anxiety and stress.

On the other hand, high abilities are linked to high levels of development that can be denoted in areas such as intellectuality, practicality in solving specific tasks, manual skills, among others. According to research carried out, it has been shown that ADHD can be accompanied by high abilities in people who are diagnosed with this clinical condition.

What children with high abilities and ADHD are like

It is important to have tools and information to detect the characteristics of this clinical condition. Below we show you what children with high abilities and ADHD are like:

  • May require a specific environment to carry out skills they have acquired throughout life. However, certain distracting stimuli could be an obstacle for them since they prevent full concentration. In turn, this problem can lead to considerable levels of physical and mental exhaustion as a result of the great effort they make to act.
  • At a certain point, high abilities could be a favorable aspect for a child, since it is easier for them to solve school activities. However, the complexity that these children present in sustaining attention due to hyperactivity prevents them from maintaining the same performance for an extended period of time.
  • In some cases, the development they have in various areas may differ notably. For example, a child could have a high level of understanding of abstract content studied in a school subject, but show serious difficulties in establishing social relationships through dialogue. You may also be interested in the article Are people with ADHD more intelligent?

It should be noted that, even if any of the points mentioned above are present, it is essential that the diagnosis be made by a mental health professional who evaluates the clinical conditions of each patient. In this sense, it is advisable to go to a specialist if indicators of possible pathologies are detected.

How ADHD and high abilities are related - What children with high abilities and ADHD are like

Addressing the needs of twice-exceptional children

In some cases, children who have been classified as having ADHD and have high abilities may present problematic behaviors in spaces shared with classmates and teachers in charge. However, there are currently tools to treat this condition. Here we explain how to address the needs of children with double exceptionality:

  • Psychological therapy: It is essential to begin psychotherapeutic treatment that helps the child develop strategies to improve their quality of life. Psychological therapy attempts to work on the conflict points of children with double exceptionality through dialogue, play or concentration, among others. The most important thing is that the child has a space for emotional containment.
  • Psychiatric medication: If the child has a condition of considerable severity that cannot be addressed through therapy, one of the alternatives consists of the provision of psychiatric medication. However, the supervision of a mental health professional is essential.
  • Curricular strategies: The adaptation of school content according to the needs of each child is crucial for good academic performance. In this sense, the authorities of this institution have the task of evaluating the child with double exceptionality and developing an appropriate work plan.

How ADHD and Giftedness Are Related - Addressing the Needs of Twice-Exceptional Children

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How ADHD and high abilities are related we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Álvarez-Cárdenas, F., Peñaherrera-Vélez, MJ, Arévalo-Proaño, C., Dávila, Y., Vélez-Calvo, X. (2019). High abilities and ADHD: a double exceptionality that is little addressed. INFAD Journal of Psychology, 4 (1), 417-428.
  • Luque-Parra, DJ, Luque-Rojas, MJ (2017). High intellectual abilities and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a case report. Educational Perspective Magazine Teacher Training, 56 (1), 164-182.

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