How Binaural Sounds Affect The Brain

How binaural sounds affect the brain - What are binaural sounds and what are they for?

The ear is one of the main channels that human beings use to perceive auditory stimuli that come from outside. In turn, this organ allows us to differentiate some sounds according to their tonalities. These qualities have led some researchers to try to find the answer to questions such as: how do we perceive different sounds? Why do some sounds affect us more than others? What happens at the brain level in the presence of auditory nuances?

There are particular sounds that are produced when the left and right ears perceive different intensities. In this PsychologyFor article we explain how binaural sounds affect the brain

What are binaural sounds and what are they for?

Binaural sounds are those sounds that have different frequencies and? heard through both ears of the human being. When we listen to sounds at different frequencies, an effect called binaural sound is generated. In this sense, if one ear hears a sound at a high frequency and the other ear perceives an auditory stimulus at a medium frequency, a notable difference will occur. In these cases, the brain will make a binaural sound to compensate for the change.

In general terms, research on binaural sounds has concluded that its usefulness corresponds to the reception of each person, since factors such as age, sex, the degree of hearing obtained or pre-existing diseases, among others, may intervene. All of these factors will be considered when thinking about the effects of binaural sounds.

How binaural sounds affect the brain - What are binaural sounds and what are they for?

They produce relaxation

What is binaural stimulation? One of the main effects of binaural sounds is that, because there is a notable relationship between the brain and the central nervous system, they affect the muscle relaxation in certain special situations.

Likewise, various studies have corroborated that this type of sounds helps reduce high levels of anxiety and induce sleep. This helps combat stress and insomnia, among others.

Increase memory and concentration

It is necessary to mention that there are different sound frequencies. In this way, it has been proven that Alpha waves, with an intensity that is between 8 and 12 hertz, improve working memory notably, as well as the degrees of concentration.

If you want to know more about this you can read the article Types of brain waves.

Reduce the intensity of chronic pain

It is well known that there are diseases that cause chronic pain in different parts of the human body. In turn, this type of ailments can cause serious inconveniences in the development of daily activities.

However, binaural sounds have the ability to reduce the intensity of chronic pain This quality is related to the relaxation of the central nervous system.

They modify moods

The effects of binaural sounds also include mood modification. By altering certain neural connections linked to the processing of information from the environment, it is possible that this type of sounds influences the decreased symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety anger, among others.

Improve overall performance

When we refer to a person’s general performance, we refer to their ability to resolve problematic situations that arise. This is also associated with the development of motor skills, high levels of wakefulness and reasoning

In this way, binaural sounds produce an increase in these qualities, which can be used beneficially.

How Binaural Sounds Affect the Brain - Improve Overall Performance

Attention levels increase

Binaural sounds also help combat the effects of stress on a person’s attention levels. After a series of tests carried out in various experiments, it was concluded that there may be an association between the increased full and focused attention of a person from the interference of binaural sounds.

Likewise, the frequency of binaural sounds is directly related to the degrees of attentional perception of each person.

They stimulate creativity

Art is part of the life of human beings, since it is a means of emotional expression. From the intervention of binaural sounds, the possibility was deduced that they could produce improvements in the development of creativity. This fact can be translated into a greater capacity for abstraction as well as in the realization of artistic productions inspired by thoughts, emotions and own behaviors.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • González Velasco, PM (2013). Influence of binaural sound stimulation on the generation of brain waves. Electroencephalographic study. Complutense University of Madrid. Faculty of Psychology.

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