How Do Communication Styles Influence Relationships?

How do Communication Styles influence relationships?

Virtually every person has a certain level of communication skills.

However, we must not forget that these types of skills do not have to be valued only quantitatively; It is also important to analyze the qualitative differences between the way human beings communicate. Because the reality is that, in most cases, There are certain communication styles more useful than others

How do different communication styles affect us?

Communication can be defined as the process by which two or more entities share information, whatever type it may be. In the case of human beings, a good part of this exchange of information is based on the use of language, although another part of this process is developed through non-verbal communication.

Throughout our daily lives, people establish communicative acts in the various contexts in which we find ourselves, both on a personal level, as a family, at work or academically, and with any of the people with whom we interact. In many ways, we even communicate without intending to ; For example, remaining silent after someone has asked us a question is also communicating. That is why it is important to remember that our way of relating to others goes far beyond the use of words.

Good communication is essential to achieve success in any of the tasks in which we perform throughout our lives, and to be effective in the process it is necessary to know the different communication styles and how they influence interpersonal relationships.

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In the professional field, for example, the use of a correct communication style adapted to each context will be essential both in face-to-face communication and in interaction between groups, as well as with superiors or department colleagues. And in couples or family relationships, establishing a fluid dynamic of communication prevents conflicts from festering and producing periodic crises.

If you want to learn more about communication styles and their influence on relationships between people in various contexts, keep reading.

1. Passive

The passive communication style is characterized by being based on a conformist attitude in which the person does not actively express his or her opinion nor does it share its own needs, impressions, desires or problems it may have.

A passive communicator usually adapts to circumstances, always giving in to what others ask of him, and is not usually confrontational in any context, neither personal nor professional, since he almost never raises his voice when he disagrees. with some.

The non-verbal communication of passive communicators is characterized by being avoidant and inhibited, with common avoidance of eye contact, lowering one’s gaze and not being able to maintain it for a long time, a withdrawn, crestfallen and shy body posture.

In addition to that, postures such as keeping arms crossed and a distracted expression as if the person were absent or thinking about something else are also common, thus establishing a symbolic barrier with the interlocutor, which is often perceived as something that disturbs one’s own zone of communication. comfort.

2. Passive-aggressive

The passive-aggressive communication style is characterized by people’s discomfort when expressing their own ideas, thoughts or feelings In addition to their reluctance to be sincere, honest or transparent. However, in this case a certain discomfort or dissatisfaction with what the other person does is expressed.

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This communicative modality is usually problematic, since it leads to conflicts becoming entrenched by not talking openly about them assertively and in a direct or honest manner. Likewise, people who present this type of style end up causing their environment to distance themselves from them due to the “bad environment” they generate.

The passive-aggressive communication style also consists of a dissonance or contradiction between verbal and non-verbal communication, so that a person can say that they are comfortable while their gestures and posture are tense or uncomfortable: arms stuck to the trunk , body orientation not focused towards the interlocutor, rigidity of the facial muscles, etc.

3. Assertive

The assertive communication style It is the most recommended to put into practice in any context in which communication occurs between people or groups of people

This type of communication is based on assertiveness, that is, on the ability to express one’s own approaches, thoughts, ideas, needs or wills, always respecting the point of view of the interlocutor or interlocutors.

In addition to that, assertive people are capable of defending their point of view in front of other people, always in a polite and calm manner, always expressing what they want and knowing how to claim it.

Assertive verbal communication is complete and varied, and consists of accompanying the speech with hand gestures, communicative glances and a relaxed, serene and positive facial expression.

4. Aggressive

The aggressive communication style is the least recommended and most conflictive of all. It is the style put into practice by those people who are always sure of themselves and always believe that they are right in everything

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The high level of conflict in this style is due to the fact that the people who apply it do not usually listen to other adverse opinions, which leads to the development of fragile relationships or those very prone to constant crises, since only one leadership role is tolerated and is not admitted. that others actively participate in decision making.

In addition to that, any attempt to contradict them usually entails “punishment” by the person, who considers themselves the possessors of the truth.

The non-verbal language in this style of communication is usually unfriendly, with intense and sustained eye contact.

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