How Do I Know If I Am A Workaholic?

How do I know if I am a workaholic?

Work addiction, also known as workaholism, is an increasingly relevant phenomenon in today’s society. As work demands and performance expectations increase, a growing number of people are finding themselves trapped in a cycle of overwork that can have detrimental consequences for their physical and mental health, as well as their personal and professional relationships. It is essential to address this problem to promote a balanced lifestyle and prevent the associated risks.

Let’s see the keys to know if you are addicted to work paying attention to the manifestations of this problem.

How do I know if I am a workaholic?

Workaholism refers to a pattern of behavior in which a person is compulsively dedicated to their work, sacrificing their personal, family and social life to the detriment of their well-being. Although hard work and commitment to job responsibilities are virtues, workaholism goes beyond these values, leading to an unhealthy obsession with work that can lead to physical, emotional, and relational problems.

This behavior has a series of characteristics:

1. Prioritizing work over other aspects of life

Work ends up becoming the center of a person’s life, which leads to neglect of personal needs, personal relationships, health and leisure activities, even in times of illness or exhaustion.

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2. Difficulty disconnecting from work and excessive hours worked

They constantly spend time thinking about their work tasks and work beyond their working hours. Anxiety or guilt may appear if you are not working and you may have difficulty delegating tasks or taking time off.

3. Seeking validation through work

The self-esteem of the workaholic person is usually linked to their work performance, which can lead to a constant need for recognition and professional success. This leads you to measure your personal value through success and work achievements.

4. Perfectionism and control over work

This can result in difficulty working as a team and an increased workload due to their reluctance to delegate responsibilities.


Work addiction can be the result of a combination of personal, social and work factors that influence a person’s behavior:

1. Personal factors

Some personality characteristics, such as perfectionism, the need for control, insecurity and high levels of self-demand, or low levels of self-esteem can lead to seeking validation through work and professional achievements. So will those who have grown up in homes where work was valued excessively and job success it was considered a key indicator of personal worth.

2. Social factors

We live in a society that often glorifies hard work and extreme dedication to work, as well as competitiveness in the work environment (peer pressure) and the desire to stand out in the profession which can drive people to overwork themselves to stand out and gain recognition.

3. Labor factors

The constant availability of electronic devices and Internet connection makes it easier to work outside of working hours. Add to this jobs with high demands, tight deadlines, high performance expectations, lack of emotional support, and emphasis on results instead of employee well-being, and it can precipitate workaholism.

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What effects and consequences does workaholism have?

Its manifestation can have effects on:

What to do about work addiction?

Getting a proper diagnosis is essential to designing a personalized treatment plan and effectively addressing workaholism. Additionally, the diagnosis can help identify and treat other mental or physical health problems related to work addiction, such as stress, anxiety, depression or burnout. Early intervention and appropriate support can make a significant difference in the recovery and overall well-being of the person affected by work addiction.

For its part, cognitive-behavioral therapy can help identify and modify patterns of thinking and behavior related to work addiction. Family therapy can also address family dynamics that may contribute to workaholism and teach skills to improve communication and emotional support at home. Group therapy sessions will be ideal for providing a safe space to share experiences and learn from others, encouraging mutual support and responsibility. Finally, we always recommend learning stress management techniques, such as meditation, progressive relaxation, and deep breathing, as they can be helpful in reducing work-related stress and improving work-life balance.

Giving the importance that this term implies and being aware of its consequences is essential to guarantee a healthy and balanced life, both on a personal and work level. Therefore, we leave you some signs or symptoms related to work addiction so that you can address the problem in time and seek the necessary support: