How Do I Prove That I Am Suitable To Have Custody Of My Children?

How to prove that I am suitable to have custody of my children

Embarking on a legal procedure to have custody of a son or daughter is a complex but necessary process to guarantee the well-being of the children in the family context.

In these types of experiences, psychological reports are usually required by psychologists who are experts in the forensic and expert reports, given that this type of professionals are trained to compile relevant information on this topic and prepare from it what is known as a forensic report. parental fitness, a document that talks about the evidence that the father or mother is suitable to receive parental custody.

Below we will see in summary what they are the main parenting skills and aptitudes valued by the psychologist, facts included in the report and that help judges decide who should keep custody or if it should be shared between both parents.

What are the psychological aspects that are evaluated in a parenting aptitude report?

This type of psychological expert reports aim to establish a context of upbringing and coexistence in which the well-being of the minor is prioritized, based on what is known about the adult’s parental skills. Starting from that, this process of assessing her parental competence should serve for the adult to show her capacity to exercise a parental role from the following parental skills.

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1. Emotional skills

To obtain custody of the children, the father or mother must demonstrate that he or she has the essential social skills both as a functional human being and those that are necessary to act as a role model for the boy or girl who is raised and cared for by contributing not only the material resources necessary for their survival, but also emotional support and affection.

These emotional skills are usually good emotional management, that is, the ability to develop self-care skills regarding disorders such as excess stress, mood problems or difficulties of all kinds on an emotional level.

Parenting skills valued in the expert report

In addition to that, another of the skills that are most valued are those of emotional self-control, that is, those that allow the person to regulate their emotions when necessary and develop good impulse control, without making the boy or girl “pay” for the discomfort that the adult suffers.

2. Teaching skills

The next skill measured in a parenting skills report has to do with the parent’s ability to direct, supervise and control. the children’s learning course successfully.

These teaching and learning skills also consist of knowing how to establish discipline guidelines and teaching to respect and understand norms, guidelines and rules of all kinds that allow life in society and that prepare the child for adult life.

3. Healthy habits

It consists of knowing how to teach healthy lifestyle habits related to hygiene, good nutrition, safety and health in general as well. It is another of the elements that have the most weight in this type of expert evaluations, because has clear repercussions on the child’s health status

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In this section it is necessary to have the essential knowledge about each of these healthy habits and also know how to teach them in a didactic and understandable way for the son or daughter, at all times, with the aim of integrating them into their day-to-day routines. .

4. Know how to care and protect

It is evident that one of the essential requirements to obtain custody of a daughter’s child is to be aware of her well-being 24 hours a day, in short, knowing how to care for and protect the child from any problem or eventuality that may arise. whenever.

This very basic skill is essential to maintain the well-being of the child and avoid dangers as much as possible.

5. Communication skills

The ability to communicate effectively with your child consists of being able to transmit all the important knowledge related to his or her normal growth, their learning about the world and their social relationship with the environment

This section evaluates activities such as assertiveness, that is, transmitting information or one’s own points of view while respecting the other party; and a correct use of the sense of humor, and empathy, that is, being able to put yourself in the son or daughter’s place at all times.

6. Monitoring evolutionary development

Any father or mother eligible to have custody of their children must show adequate capacity to adjust expectations regarding the child’s cognitive development and their different evolutionary stages.

That means, in short, that the father or mother is capable of detect any type of problem, deficit or disorders throughout the cognitive and personal development of the boy or girl and put it in the hands of a qualified health professional, as well as not demanding more from their cognitive development than what is appropriate for their level of brain maturation.

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7. Emotional bonding

The emotional bond between a parent and their children is the degree of affection that exists between them at a given time, and it is another of the most evaluated elements in parenting aptitude reports.

This bond can be understood as the emotional ties between parents and children, the love between them, the capacity for effective communication, empathy and good treatment that are professed both in public and in private.

8. Parental involvement

The degree of interest that fathers and mothers may show towards their children It is another of the elements that are favorably valued in expert reports on parental aptitude.

Involvement with your children means always being willing to spend time with them, do fun activities together, show them recurring affection or affection, and offer them support in everything they need.

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