How Does A Poor Family Balance Affect Parenting?

How poor family balance affects parenting

Family conciliation is the ability of each worker to integrate their work life and the demands of their job with their daily family and personal life, allowing them to have a life together with their family beyond work.

In this sense, the possibility of harmonizing private life and professional life It should be a primary requirement in all work contexts; However, nowadays there are many people who cannot successfully manage the difficult balance between the professional world and the family world, and some even feel guilty when dedicating quality time to their loved ones.

Therefore, family conciliation has major psychosocial implications, something that is especially clear when the worker has small children to raise. Therefore, in this article we will delve into the topic of How a poor family balance influences parenting

This is how insufficient family conciliation affects the upbringing of children

Satisfactory family conciliation has a positive effect on both the worker who is able to achieve it and his family members, who will feel cared for and will also see their material and emotional needs satisfied. This implies both having enough free time to dedicate to the family, and having the ability to balance schedules with the rest of its members to live with them in an effective and not purely formal way.

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However, in homes in which parents cannot or have difficulties achieving a correct family balance, a series of effects may eventually occur in the upbringing of their children, which influence many aspects of their daily life.

1. Feelings of abandonment

A poor family balance almost always entails abandoning many of the functions that parents must attend to with respect to their children, which It can be seen by the latter as a lack of responsibility or a lack of concern or disinterest in their well-being

Given this apparent lack of concern on the part of the parents, it is common for children to develop a more or less intense feeling of abandonment that can affect the person more or less depending on the personal characteristics of each boy or girl.

This feeling of abandonment can be related to the development of a series of psychological alterations in the boy or girl that can have negative consequences for their personality and mental health in the future.

2. Overdemanding parenting

Some parents who cannot find a balance between personal and professional life find it very difficult to spend time with their children and fail to find times of day to spend time with them.

So that their children are not left alone for long hours of the day, their parents usually put into practice parenting that demands of their children always being busy doing all kinds of extracurricular activities, with practically no time to rest or play with children their age

In addition to that, parents who are very busy with their work during the day also tend to demand that their children be more autonomous than they should be for their age.

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3. Deficits in school performance

Neglecting one’s own children can cause them to develop all kinds of problems, also in their daily school or academic performance.

This can mainly affect younger children who, by not having the support or supervision of their parents in academic matters, may see their performance and grades at school decrease, in addition to feeling less motivated regarding their education. not understanding what they get from that process.

In other cases, the child may simply stop studying or making an effort because he considers that his parents do not care about him or even that they do not love him, and therefore adopts a mentality of revenge and blame by doing the opposite of what is asked of him

4. Pamper your children excessively

As we have indicated, a poor family balance leads to an abandonment of the functions of many parents in relation to the daily responsibilities they have with their children.

Faced with this deficit of attention and affection, some parents have a tendency to pamper their children to “compensate” for their long absences, for example, by giving their children everything they want, when they want.

This ends up affecting the development of children, who grow up in a family context that is too permissive something that in the future will cause them problems when facing refusals in the real world that may cause discomfort or frustration.

5. Tendency towards overprotection

In parents unable to reconcile their work life with their family life, there may also be a general tendency to be overprotective, perceiving that their children are exposing themselves to risks by not being at home for many hours a week.

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This overprotection decisively affects the growth of children and ends up generating in them a personality based on the fear of the unknown in life in their lack of self-confidence and inability to take on challenges or leave their comfort zone.

6. Alterations in the child’s development

There are many alterations that can occur in the normal functioning of the child when parents do not know how to properly reconcile their work with family life.

In general, when faced with absent parents, children They can end up developing attachment problems, insecurities of all kinds, fears, phobias and all types of significant psychological alterations.

Furthermore, it can happen, especially in adolescent children, that they end up developing a rebellious personality and may end up having addictions to substances of all kinds.

Some of the psychological disorders that boys and girls with absent parents can develop may be cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, depressive symptoms, traumas or phobias.

In addition to this, obsessive disorders, fears, eating disorders and other imbalances in mental health can also develop. arising from fear of abandonment, low self-esteem or simple boredom for long periods

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