How Does Social Distancing Affect Us Psychologically?

Are you uncomfortable with social distancing? Discover all the psychological consequences of the situation caused by social distance and learn to combat them.

Consequences of social distancing

He confinement and social distancing They have not only affected us in physical separations. Many times we do not realize the psychological effects that distance and the Coronavirus can have. So much so that there are not only consequences at a social level, but we can also find different psychological consequences.

Fears arising from social distancing and coronavirus

There are many sequels that have given us the distancing and the coronavirus Among all of them, the main one is fear. This sensation presents itself through different forms,

  • For protection

Fear is an emotion, and as such, it is essential. It is created by nature so that we survive. All animals feel fear, and thanks to fear they survive dangers. In this pandemic, fear is also necessary, not a paralyzing fear, nor one that prevents us from living; just enough fear that leads us to protect ourselves and others. Therefore, it is completely normal to experience this sensation with the social distance measures that arise today. Current situation

  • We think that society is in danger

It is true that the most vulnerable are the elderly and the young, for the most part, feel safe. But all young people have older relatives, and even if that were not the case, they belong to a society that is now in danger. Despite this, applying all the restrictions of social distance Just like all the restrictions, we can avoid the dangers derived from the pandemic.

  • Economic effects

One of the greatest fears that come from social distancing and the current situation we are going through is closely related to the economic consequences that arise from this situation.

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All these fears influence our lives and our development. Therefore, it is essential to be able to identify them and see the causes that generate these sensations within us.

How can social distancing affect us?

The pandemic situation has created a scenario that is difficult to visualize. So much so that the collapse has been worldwide. All this instability experienced has generated discomfort not only on a social level but psychologically speaking.

Although the Coronavirus, as well as the safety distance between people and all measures to eradicate the pandemic have an end date, all the psychological consequences derived from them may not have an end date because they have not been detected.

Therefore, we will show you the most common psychological conditions that may have happened throughout the pandemic and the social distancing

1. Anxiety and fear

As we have been able to observe, both anxiety and fear have become very involved during the effects of the coronavirus. So much so that at this time the cases of anxiety have grown due to the social distance and the stress caused by the instability of all areas of our lives.

2. Boredom and depression

During the social distancing Cases of depression have also increased. In this way, people who had psychological problems during distancing and confinement have found themselves in a situation that has caused them more psychological discomfort.

3. Frustration, anger or irritability

Losing certain opportunities in our lives due to the current situation can cause some frustration as well as irritability due to injustice that we cannot control.

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4. Stigmatization

Some people have been rejected because suffer from coronavirus disease In this way, there are cases in which these patients have been stigmatized.

Although there are some psychological consequences derived from social distancing most people can control these negative thoughts with the help of a psychologist or by doing exercises to improve our mental health.

How to treat the psychological effects of social distancing?

How to treat the effects of social distancing?

There are some tips that we can follow to try to put aside the attitudes that can lead to a psychological problem.

  • Stop watching the news so much

It is essential to inform yourself about the progress of the situation, as well as the new restrictions or the lifting of the social distancing Even so, when you become overinformed you can end up entering a loop of negativity that influences your daily life. Therefore, it may be a good idea to put aside the news and only turn to it once a day.

  • Stay connected with friends

During the pandemic the social distancing It has caused us to perhaps lose contact with many of our friends. In this way, it is essential to have strong social ties to enjoy a good life. Therefore, friendships are also essential for your mental health.

  • Consult with a professional psychologist

Now that we have this pandemic, perhaps we have realized all the shortcomings that we have suffered for years in relation to our mental health. Perhaps it is time to consult with a psychologist and try with all our might to achieve well-being in all areas of our lives.

  • Find activities that bring happiness

Discovering new hobbies or passions can make us take advantage of the social distancing and confinement Therefore, you can take advantage of these moments with yourself to develop certain virtues.

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He social distancing It can have negative or positive aspects, the important thing is to have the right mentality to be able to come out of the situation more than benefiting. The coronavirus can be a good opportunity to give ourselves some time and put efforts into improving our interior.