How Does Stress Affect Relationships?

How stress affects relationships

Stress is one of the most studied disorders for decades in the field of Psychology, and that is why we currently know that it affects many areas of life, both personally and professionally.

Stress can also play a very important role in relationships, decisively affecting a wide variety of communication dynamics, coexistence, expression of emotions and interactions in general. Here you will find a summary of the main ways in which the problems derived from feeling too stressed affect romantic relationships as a couple

Problems derived from stress in relationships

These are the most common ways in which excess stress damages life as a couple.

1. Lack of understanding

One of the main effects that stress has on relationships is the feelings of incomprehension and frustration that one of the two parties experiences due to their situation.

People who endure very stressful loads in their daily lives They may come to think that their partner does not understand them or is not aware of the discomfort they are going through in their daily lives

At the same time, prolonged exposure to high tension in both the personal and professional spheres can cause some people to take out their discomfort on the other member of the couple.

2. Common discussions

Exposure to high levels of stress usually favors the appearance of irritability and discomfort in one or both members of the couple, which ultimately translates into an increase in arguments within the couple.

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Arguments between couples usually appear in all types of everyday situations of little apparent importance, especially those related to coexistence or daily communication.

Arguments due to stress in relationships

3. Feelings of guilt

Another common phenomenon that occurs in stressful situations in a relationship is the appearance of feelings of guilt on the part of the person who suffers from it.

This feeling of guilt It is often experienced by not being able to fully enjoy the relationship as a couple and also for feeling responsible that the other person can feel completely comfortable in that situation.

4. Dedicate less time to the relationship

Stressful lifestyles in which there is a wide variety of professional demands often lead to poor time management due to anxiety and the overload of “fronts” to attend to at the same time, which in turn generates inefficient time management leading to a poor work-life balance.

People who dedicate less and less time to their partner due to stress internalize a short-term perspective of reality and prefer to use their time to prosper at work rather than investing it in their partner.

5. Sexual dysfunctions

For several years, psychology and medical professionals have studied the relationship between stressful situations and the appearance of various sexual dysfunctions that can affect the proper functioning of couples’ intimate lives.

We now know that stress can cause or precipitate the appearance of problems such as erectile dysfunction, vaginismus, premature ejaculation and decreased sexual appetite Both men and women.

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6. Family conflicts

As indicated, stress is one of the biggest generators of arguments that exist both at the level of a couple and in other spheres of daily life.

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That is why the appearance of increasingly frequent arguments may also be common, both with the closest family with whom we live daily and with distant relatives with whom we interact infrequently during the year, and even with the in-laws. . The discomfort that arises when a person does not get along with his or her in-laws can lead us to the situation of “taking sides” with someone which is psychologically exhausting and damages the couple’s relationship itself indirectly.

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7. Personal insecurities

Stress usually causes a series of insecurities in one or both members of the couple that are also related to low self-esteem, the belief that we are not good enough for the other person, or the fear that they will leave us

This feeling of insecurity usually appears especially in young people due to their lack of experience in dating relationships.

To do?

The best way to address these types of problems, both excess stress and complications in life as a couple, is go to psychotherapy whether for individualized sessions or for a couples therapy program.

Therefore, if you notice that these emotional complications affect your quality of life or put your relationship or marriage in a vulnerable situation, I invite you to contact me. I am a psychologist who is an expert in emotional problems and couple crises.