How Does Suggestion Work According To Psychology?

How does Suggestion work according to Psychology?

Have you ever heard someone talk about how they were starting to feel unwell, and after a while, you yourself felt unwell? Or have you had a conversation about lice or bed bugs and your skin started itching almost instantly? Suggestion is an omnipresent psychological phenomenon in our lives, although we often overlook its power and influence.

In its simplest form, suggestion is the ability to influence our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Whether through words, gestures, images, or even the environment, suggestion plays a critical role in how we perceive and respond to the world around us. It is relevant because of its impact on our decision making. Understanding how suggestion works in our mind we are better prepared to avoid its negative impact.

Throughout this article, we will explore the basics of suggestion and how it manifests itself in everyday life. We will analyze the factors that influence susceptibility to suggestion and the role of authority and credibility in this process. Know the characteristics of suggestion to realize its impact and know how to manage it before it has negative consequences for you.

What is suggestion?

To fully understand how suggestion works, it is essential to begin by defining this concept and exploring its presence in our daily lives. Suggestion is the influence that ideas, words, gestures or stimuli exert on a person’s mind, which can lead to changes in their thoughts, emotion or behavior. Often this process occurs unconsciously, which makes it even more intriguing and difficult to realize its influence.

Suggestion can take many forms. It can be a simple phrase someone says to you, an image in an advertisement, or even the music you listen to. For example, when someone tells you “You’re doing a great job!” or “You have a brilliant mind!”, these positive affirmations can boost your self-esteem and motivation. On the other hand, negative comments can also influence your self-image and self-esteem.

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It is important to understand that suggestion is not limited to words. Advertising is a field where suggestion is used routinely. The ads are designed to suggest that purchasing a specific product or service will improve your life in some way, whether by making you more attractive, more successful, or happier.

Factors that influence the functioning of suggestion

Suggestion is not an isolated process, it must be understood as multifactorial and multidetermined. In this section, we will explore some of the key factors that influence suggestive processes and how they can shape our response to external influences.

1. Individual suggestibility

One of the most prominent factors in suggestion is individual suggestibility, which varies widely from one person to another. Some people are naturally more suggestible than others Suggestibility is related to a person’s ability to absorb and respond to suggestive information. Those people with high suggestibility may be more influential and tend to accept suggestions from others more easily.

2. Authority

People tend to be more susceptible to suggestions from authority figures or experts in a particular field. For example, a highly respected doctor or teacher can exert significant influence through suggestion This is known as the “authority effect.” Imagine that you are starting to date a person and your mother tells you that she doesn’t like her very much. Surely her opinion would influence you more than that of, for example, a classmate, right?

3. Source Credibility

Additionally, source credibility also plays an important role, similar to authority. If a source is perceived as trustworthy and credible, the suggestions it presents are more likely to be accepted. This It is especially relevant in fields such as advertising and politics, where trust in the source is essential to persuade people Think about a toothpaste ad, for example. Isn’t it usually mentioned that it is the toothpaste that most dentists recommend? This is nothing more than using source credibility to significantly influence consumers.

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The power of suggestion in the human mind

Suggestion not only influences how we perceive and respond to external suggestions, but it also plays a significant role in the way our mind and emotions operate. In this section, we will explore how suggestion can shape our perception, memory and behavior, as well as its application in fields such as therapy and hypnosis.

1. Suggestion and perception

Perception refers to how we interpret the world around us. The suggestion can influence perception by directing our attention to certain aspects of a situation or by altering our interpretation of events For example, if someone suggests to you that a food tastes particularly delicious, you are more likely to perceive it as tastier than it would be without that suggestion. This illustrates how suggestion can affect our sensory experience and how we perceive the world.

2. Suggestion and memory

Memory is another aspect of our cognition that can be influenced by suggestion. Suggestions can often create false memories, leading us to remember events in a way that fits the suggestion For example, in research on suggestion, it has been shown that people can be induced to remember details that did not actually occur after receiving erroneous suggestions.

3. Suggestion in therapy and hypnosis

Suggestion is also applied in fields such as therapy and hypnosis. In therapy, professionals use suggestions to help patients change negative thought patterns or cope with fears and phobias This is often done through cognitive behavioral therapy, where positive suggestions help replace negative thoughts with healthier ones.

Hypnosis is a state in which suggestion is used more intensively. Through hypnosis, people can be more susceptible to suggestions, which can be helpful in treating various problems, from pain management to overcoming addictions.

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Suggestion and health

The relationship between suggestion and health is a fundamental field of study that illustrates how this psychological phenomenon can have a significant impact on people’s physical and mental well-being. In this section, we will explore the role of suggestion in health, including the placebo effect and the nocebo effect.

1. The placebo effect: when suggestion heals

The placebo effect is a classic example of how suggestion can positively influence health. It occurs when a person experiences improvement in their symptoms after receiving a treatment that has no real pharmacological properties Instead, improvement is due to the patient’s belief in the effectiveness of the treatment.

This placebo effect demonstrates the power of the mind and suggestion to influence pain perception and the immune system response. Placebos can be sugar pills, simulated medical procedures, or even words of encouragement from a doctor. The belief that the treatment is effective can trigger real physiological responses that relieve symptoms.

2. The nocebo effect: when suggestion makes you sick

Just as suggestion can have a positive effect on health, it can also have a negative impact through the nocebo effect. The nocebo effect manifests itself when a person experiences adverse symptoms after receiving ineffective treatment due to a belief in harmful side effects

The nocebo effect highlights the importance of expectations and beliefs in the experience of illness. If a person anticipates serious side effects from a treatment, his mind may generate these symptoms, which may worsen his well-being.

Ethics and responsibility in suggestion

Ethics in the use of suggestion is essential to ensure that suggestive influences are beneficial and not harmful. Some key ethical principles include:


Suggestion, a powerful influence on our lives, can shape perceptions and decisions. Their understanding is essential to make informed decisions and protect ourselves from manipulation. The placebo and nocebo effect highlight the mind as a tool for health. Ethics and responsibility are crucial when applying suggestions. Education about suggestion empowers us and promotes a more conscious and ethical society.