How Does The Myth Of The Better Half Limit Us?


If I asked you how many times you have heard the expression “better half,” what would you answer? Surely many! However, Just as there are success stories of couples who know each other and feel that they are made for each other, it is important that you know the other side of the coin.

Love songs, popular myths, and hundreds of Hollywood movies have shown us that it is possible to find that “complement.” And, yes, building a relationship from love is possible and wonderful!, but when the idea comes from a vision that something is missing or that you can only “find that love” in a single person, the consequences may not be they are so good

The myth of the better half can have a negative impact on your self-esteem and, at the same time, distance you from a healthy, patient and respectful love that is built over time. Today we will show you where this belief comes from and, finally, how you can expand your awareness that you are a complete orange.

What is the myth of the better half?

For centuries, the myth of the better half has been ingrained in popular culture and has influenced our perception of love and relationships. This notion of finding a person destined to complement us in every way has been idealized and transmitted over time through different artistic forms such as literature, cinema and music, nurturing the illusion of a perfect love without conditions. .

The basis of this myth originates in Classical Greece, where the philosopher Plato, in his work “The Symposium”, relates the legend of the androgynes, primordial beings of bisexual nature. According to the story, Zeus, worried about his power, separated them into two parts and thus gave rise to men and women. Since then, each one carries with them the imprint of their other half, longing for a reunion to achieve fulfillment.

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As time went by, the idea of ​​the myth mutated and merged with the concept of the soul mate. This belief, spread during the Middle Ages, speaks of the deep spiritual union between two individuals destined to recognize and love each other regardless of the obstacles. Later, 19th century Romanticism solidified the notion of the better half as a fundamental pillar of true love.

Although it may seem innocent, the myth of the better half can generate negative consequences in our relationships. The constant search for the perfect partner can trigger frustration, anxiety and dissatisfaction, since it is practically impossible to find someone who fits perfectly in all aspects. However, we can transform this vision.


Hollywood and the idea of ​​love

For decades, Hollywood, known as the mecca of cinema and the dream industry, has had a major influence on the way we understand love. Through their films, series and songs, they have transmitted to us an idealized and often unrealistic image of romance, full of clichés and stereotypes that have distorted our expectations and our perception of relationships.

Perfect love stories have come to us from the big screen, where two people destined to be together meet and experience an intense passion that manages to overcome any challenge. The concept of a “happy ending” has been established as the only possible outcome, creating the illusion that we are all assigned a perfect partner with whom we will live an eternal love without imperfections.

This avalanche of romantic stories has led us to the constant search for our “better half”, that person who will supposedly complement us and give us fulfillment and happiness. They have made us believe that without it we will be incomplete, convincing us that happiness can only be achieved through the company of our perfect partner.

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The constant search for the ideal partner can have serious consequences for our mental health and influence low self-esteem, emotional dependence, fear of loneliness or accepting violence in relationships due to the inability to leave that “perfect” person. The idea of ​​being alone becomes a terror, which can lead the person to tolerate partners with inappropriate behavior or to settle for being in relationships that do not make them happy. So what if we take another look? It is possible to build a more realistic and healthy vision of love and take control of our love expectations.


How to be a complete orange

First things first: we have something to clarify. We won’t teach you to be a complete orange, because you already are. We will invite you to feel like one. As you see, for centuries, the belief in the better half has had an enormous influence on our perception of love, but it is time to question it. To be fully aware that we are a whole orange, it is essential to remember that:

1. We all have virtues and defects

To be a complete orange, you must first understand that the idea of ​​the half orange is a metaphor, not a reality. Likewise, it is important that we begin to question the concept of “perfection” that has done us so much harm throughout our lives.

Instead of obsessing about finding our other half, it’s important to focus on nurturing healthy, meaningful connections. This involves recognizing that relationships are not perfect and that genuine love is strengthened through communication, respect, commitment and working together. Appreciate those around you for who they are: with their virtues and defects. There, in its humanity, free of perfection, you could also find wonderful characteristics that can add to the person you are.

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2. Good relationships are built

Surely you have already heard the phrase that says that “love is not found, it is built.” And, yes, you may find a person who steals your sighs from the beginning, has wonderful chemistry and wants to spend life together. That may be a good start, but it is not the only thing.

True love is not about finding the ideal person and feeling the burst of passion at first sight, but about build a healthy and meaningful relationship with another person, based on respect for both parties, honest communication and mutual support.

3. Love does not complete us

Don’t forget this: we are complete people on our own, capable of feeling love and happiness. And, yes, having a loving and understanding partner to accompany you along the way can be wonderful, but it is not the only way to be happy. Contrary to what you have been told, happiness does not depend on finding a partner. Your partner can add happiness to you, but not be the center. Cultivating self-love, pursuing your dreams and surrounding yourself with positive people are key to achieving fulfillment. Are you ready to deconstruct the myth of the better half and get closer to a more real love?
