How Is Mobbing Evaluated And Certified?

How mobbing is evaluated and certified

Mobbing or workplace harassment consists of a series of violent behaviors towards an employee in a work context that aim to degrade them psychologically and affect all aspects of their person.

This harassment can be carried out by a person or a group of people, normally from higher or similar positions in the hierarchical position that the victim occupies in the company’s organizational chart. At first it is done in a subtle way using inconspicuous tactics of denigration, humiliation or discrediting at work, all with the aim of not being discovered; however, As time goes by, this dynamic of physical and/or psychological violence becomes normalized and becomes part of the usual dynamics in the organization.

Mobbing usually occurs more commonly between co-workers, although it can also be carried out by superiors or bosses with the aim of forcing the person to leave their job.

With this form of harassment at work, a series of psychological symptoms of discomfort usually appear that can lead to physical or psychosomatic symptoms, all of which have a very harmful effect on the person’s mental health. That’s why It is important to act quickly and certify the existence of these cases of workplace harassment

Why is it important to detect mobbing as soon as possible?

The psychological symptoms with which cases of mobbing are associated are cognitive, physical and emotional, and must be treated as soon as possible, since if not, they can intensify as the bullying continues over time.

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Some of the most common symptoms of mobbing are low self-esteem, stress, lack of confidence, security and decision, lack of concentration, insomnia, anxiety, anguish personal devaluation, irratibility and rejection of spontaneous social relationships.

Detect mobbing

As indicated, each of these symptoms can worsen the longer the harassment at work lasts, which is why it is of great importance to detect it by the organization and report it by the victim.

And in the long run the symptoms of mobbing can become psychological alterations that intensely affect the person’s life, such as the appearance of cases of depression, which is why It is essential to put yourself in the hands of a psychologist to treat them professionally.

A qualified psychology professional will know how to offer a specialized psychological care service in cases of mobbing to treat the psychological consequences of bullying and offer tools and techniques so that the person can regain previous levels of self-esteem.

However, in order to intervene appropriately, First, it is necessary for the company itself to be able to detect and stop cases of mobbing in time, for which it is necessary to have tools for evaluating and identifying workplace harassment, and for the victim to have forensic documentation that certifies that these attacks have taken place. That is why the HI-MOBB tool has been created.

What is HI-MOBB?

HI-MOBB is a new forensic tool created to certify the presence of cases of mobbing at work or the absence thereof that is, detect cases of false accusations of workplace harassment.

A team of professionals headed by psychologist Fernando Azor, from Azor & Asociados, and made up of computer forensics, criminologists and forensic psychologists have built a forensic tool that will be very useful for lawyers and psychologists to demonstrate this phenomenon in all types of processes. judicial.

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The expert reports carried out with HI-MOBB integrate the work of clinical or forensic psychologists, that of the criminologist and that of the forensic computer scientist, since the joint work in these 3 disciplines will allow the existence of a case of mobbing to be certified with greater fidelity and foundation.

With HI-MOBB we can professionally certify any type of workplace harassment, as well as cases of false accusations. These are some of the main features that this tool offers.

1. Safe extraction and certification of communications between worker and company

Using computers, tablets and phones, HI-MOBB is capable of extracting emails and conversations from WhatsApp, Skype or any other messaging application.

2. Extraction and certification of videos and audios

All extracted content is taken within the person’s work environment.

3. Forensic analysis of any notification or communication

Both those made in writing or through audio support.

4. Forensic analysis of recordings made in the workplace

It is worth keeping in mind that in trials Only those audio or video recordings that deal with labor issues and where the victim is an interlocutor are admitted as valid And they are also admitted even if the other party does not know that they are being recorded.

5. Analysis of medical reports and sick leave

All types of documentation related to the victim’s health that has been accumulated during the period in which the harassment lasted.

6. Preparation of a psychological report

The essential document when presenting in judicial proceedings where the emotional state of the victim is determined and which includes the analysis of other reports and documentation provided.

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7. Advice

The advice offered by HI-MOBB is aimed at the declaration and support of the victim during the legal process. Everything necessary is offered for the person to face the necessary statements and hearings in the best possible way