How Long Does It Take For A Narcissist To Come Back?

How long does it take for a narcissist to come back?

The length of a narcissist’s absence depends on several factors, but they often return when they perceive an opportunity for attention or personal gratification. Being with a narcissist can be uncomfortable and unpleasant for those who live close to him. In general, these are people who seek to obtain a benefit from their victims and resort to any type of strategies to attract attention.

If we decide to set a limit for them and ask them not to appear in our lives again, they will hardly comply. In this sense, we encounter challenging beings. In global terms, it is likely that they will try to dominate us until they run out of patience using resources that could be unthinkable. To avoid further confusion that brings more than a headache, it is good to have concrete data. In this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about how long does it take for a narcissist to come back.

How long does it take for a narcissist to come back?

How long does it take for a narcissist to come back? may vary depending on the person and situation, as well as factors such as the severity of your narcissistic personality disorder, or your level of awareness and willingness to change. Some narcissists may not recognize or admit their harmful behavior, making it difficult for them to change. In extreme cases, some never do.

Narcissists use a variety of tactics, such as attention-grabbing, harmful actions, comments that affect self-esteem, and manipulations that can endanger others, making it difficult to predict whether they will return. In case I do, They usually go through the following phases:

  1. Initial phase: After establishing clear boundaries with them, narcissists tend to distance themselves from their victims to avoid discovery. This allows them to rethink their strategies without being directly confronted.
  2. Intermediate phase: Over a period that can last from a few weeks to two or three months, narcissists appear sporadically. In these interactions, they often adopt friendly behavior to appear to have changed and reflected, however, this is a mask to hide their true intentions.
  3. Final phase: Narcissists look for any excuse to cause discomfort to their victims. This may include attempts to blame them for their actions or behaviors. Once again, they avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

In cases where they leave, in this article you will see What happens if you ignore the narcissist after discarding.

How many times can a narcissist come back?

How many times a narcissist can come back into your life It will depend on the circumstances and the intensity of your bond. The length of your relationship or your ability to tolerate frustration can also influence how many times a narcissist may return.

According to global criteria, narcissists can return to the life of one of their victims between six or seven times until it disappears completely. However, this amount may vary depending on the factors just mentioned.

Besides, some narcissists may repeat patterns problematic behaviors several times throughout their lives, while others change after a period of self-assessment and therapeutic work. However, it is important to note that full recovery for a narcissist is complicated and, in some cases, may never come. In this article we take a detailed look at whether a narcissist can change.

How long does it take for a narcissist to come back - How many times can a narcissist come back

When a narcissist doesn’t come back

There are certain circumstances in which a narcissist chooses not to return or repeat their manipulative behaviors. We show them to you below:

  • Clear and firm consequences: If the narcissist faces the consequences of his behavior, such as the loss of his social reputation, he may choose not to act in the same way again to avoid further negative repercussions.
  • Professional intervention: When a narcissist seeks professional help and is committed to their change process, they may be less likely to return. Therapy will help you develop empathy, self-awareness, and emotion management skills.
  • Self-assessment and personal growth: Some narcissists experience emotional awakening or an identity crisis that causes them to reflect on their behavior and seek genuine change. In these cases, they may decide not to act as such again.
  • Voluntary withdrawal – In some situations, the narcissist may choose to remove themselves from a relationship or environment in which their narcissistic behavior is no longer effective or welcome. This can occur if they cannot manipulate whoever they want or if they find a new source of narcissistic gratification elsewhere.

If you want to know more, in this article you will find more information about When a narcissist does not return and how to act in these cases.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Pereira Palacios, V. (2022). Narcissistic Personality Disorder. A comprehensive approach based on Young’s Schema Therapy. Faculty of Psychology. University of the Republic, Uruguay.

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