How Long Will I Be Depressed? Depression And Its Average Duration

How long does depression last? How is depression cured? Discover what determines the duration of depression and whether this disorder can really be ‘cured’.

How long does depression last?

When people suffer from a depressive disorder, it is normal for them to wonder if their symptoms can go away over time. The reality is that in the vast majority of cases, depression must be treated and in fact, with adequate treatment, people tend to feel better more quickly. Furthermore, not treating the symptoms of this disorder can end up having a series of devastating consequences. So: how much a depression lasts?

Can depression be cured?

Depression is experienced differently from one case to another. For this reason, saying about a disorder like depression an average or average duration of its symptoms is completely unfeasible. In other words, the duration of the phases of recovery from depression It depends on a combination of various factors.

From a clinical perspective, symptoms of depression must be present for at least two weeks for a mental health professional to make a diagnosis. Thus, sometimes, there are cases in which the depression cure It can be in a few weeks if adequate treatment is established. On the other hand, when help is not sought for this disorder, its symptoms can last months or even years.

Therefore, it is important to highlight that the depression can be treated In fact, seeking support from a mental health professional helps you cope with your symptoms and help them improve much sooner.

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Depression and its average duration

Many people believe that, over time, the symptoms of depression can disappear. In the case of this disorder, time will not make its signs disappear. So much so that the duration of depression It usually varies depending on the following factors:

  1. Guy: The phases of depression recovery They will vary from one type of depressive disorder to another. For example, seasonal affective disorder typically lasts during the winter months, while major depressive disorder is diagnosed when a person suffers from depressive symptoms for two years or more.
  2. Cause: The causes behind a depressive disorder can also affect its duration. That is, if depression is caused by a specific situation or a period of excessive stress, it may last less. On the other hand, when depression occurs as a result of other health conditions, this can make it last longer.
  3. Gravity: The severity of the depression will determine both the treatment and its duration. In this way, if the depression is mild, it can have a faster cure and duration. On the other hand, chronic depression will heal in a more progressive and ‘slow’ way.

If you are diagnosed with any type of depression, you should know that this disorder is highly treatable. In fact, most people who receive treatment notice improvements in their symptoms.

How long does depression last?

Why can depression be cured without medication?

We must emphasize that antidepressants do not cure depression. The effect of these medications is only temporary. The reason for this is that antidepressants work by changing our brain chemistry, but only while the person who has received this prescription is taking them. That is, the causes that cause this disorder are not addressed and, therefore, it is not a way of cure depression

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Research shows that depression can have several causes and often these can be very complex. In the vast majority of cases, the causes can be both genetic and biological, as well as environmental or psychological.

Thus, when people suffer from a depressive disorder, their symptoms end up interfering in many areas of their lives. In addition, depression is also related to a wide variety of physical health problems such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and other chronic disorders.

Although in some cases, it is possible that depression in cases where it is ‘milder’ can disappear on its own without treatment, but in these cases there is no guarantee that the symptoms will not get even worse. Therefore, with any type of depression it is important to seek immediate treatment with a professional psychologist.

Can depression be cured forever?

Although it cannot be said that depression is cured, This disorder is quite treatable. Current research shows that people who have had one episode of depression have a 50% risk of suffering another.

Furthermore, with each additional episode, this risk increases, increasing by 70% after a second episode and 90% after the third. Treatment not only shortens the duration of depression, but also its severity and the chances of suffering from it again.

How to cure depression

How to accelerate the recovery phases of depression?

To aid treatment performed with a professional, people can accelerate recovery through the following self-care:

  1. Avoid drugs and alcohol: Many people with depression often resort to abusing these substances to ‘alleviate’ the symptoms associated with this disorder.
  2. Treat yourself with kindness: People with a depressive disorder often treat themselves in a more disparaging way than usual. It is important for treatment to try to change these types of thoughts or attitudes towards yourself with kinder words.
  3. Healthy life style: Eating a healthy and balanced diet, as well as practicing regular exercise, is also one of the habits that will allow you to improve and alleviate the symptoms associated with depression.
  4. Talk about it with a trusted family member or friend: Having the support of a trusted person will allow you to feel less alone when fighting the symptoms of depression.
  5. Treat yourself more: Trying to reserve a moment to enjoy yourself daily, even just for a few moments, will also help you relieve symptoms related to depression.
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Remember that the depression has a ‘cure’ different for each person. In fact, each person will experience this disorder in completely different ways. Therefore, it is vital to find the specialist and the habits that will help you the most in your personal case.