How Much Does A Neurosurgeon Earn? Average Salary In Different Countries

We have a car accident, we suffer a stroke or we suffer from epilepsy in which medications have no effect. These are three of the situations in which damage usually occurs that may require medical and surgical intervention in our brain. This is an extremely delicate area of ​​the body, so a qualified professional who can intervene in the area is necessary: ​​neurosurgeons.

We know that this is a very specialized branch of medicine that entails great responsibility, that deals with a very delicate area and that requires great preparation. As a consequence, their important work also entails high remuneration. How much does a neurosurgeon earn? In this article we are going to observe what their discipline entails and the remuneration they can aspire to in some countries.

Neurosurgery: description of the discipline

Neurosurgery is a medical discipline, a specialization linked to the surgical treatment of neurological problems. It covers both problems associated with the brain and the spinal cord, acting both at the central and peripheral nervous system level

Neurosurgery is responsible for a type of very specific and localized interventions, which require great precision and which can mean the difference between life and death for those who need them. This means that professionals in this sector bear a high load of tension, since their professional practice entails a high level of responsibility (a small error could cause the death of the patient or leave severe consequences).

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The neurosurgeon is a specialist in brain and neurological pathology, being able to diagnose and treat various conditions and alterations. Some of the disorders and situations in which they intervene are, for example, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, cerebrovascular accidents, aneurysms, tumors, neurodegenerative diseases, epilepsy or serious cases of mental disorders (although the latter case is not usually common, sometimes surgery may be used as a last treatment option).

Its actions may include the deactivation or disconnection of dysfunctional brain areas, the implantation or insertion of mechanisms such as valves or other therapeutic elements or techniques, the removal or suction of foreign materials such as tumors, hemorrhages or excess cerebrospinal fluid.


To carry out these interventions successfully, a lot of practice and extensive knowledge of both neurological anatomy and the most effective treatments for certain conditions and states are required, knowledge that must be obtained.

To be a neurosurgeon requires an extensive training period, which may vary depending on the country in which you train. In Spain, it is first necessary to study medicine (currently a six-year degree), to later enter the MIR opposition in the specialty of neurosurgery (between two and five years).

These specialists also have a very high volume of work, and can do extensive shifts in order to cover possible emergencies. Except in emergency cases, generally patients who come to neurosurgery They do not go to these professionals in the first place but have been referred by the neurologist who in turn has received the patient from general medicine.

How much does a neurosurgeon earn?

The annual salary earned by a neurosurgeon is generally high, making them one of the highest-paid medical professionals. This derives from the high level of responsibility they have, the long training they have to follow to be able to practice and the complexity of their task.

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However, the exact amount will vary greatly depending on the location where you practice, the type and number of interventions you perform (as well as the number of guards you perform) and the number of years of experience you merit. There will also be differences depending on whether it is carried out in the public or private sector

1. Spain

In Spain, for example, the average annual salary of a neurosurgeon is between 30,000 and 75,000 euros, although it can reach 90,000 as experience increases The average monthly salary is €2,200.

2. United States

In the United States, the average salaries of neurosurgeons can be between $500,000 and $700,000 (between €425,423 and €595,592).

3. Canada

In Canada the average is between 275,000 and 505,902 Canadian dollars (between €187,092.2 and €344,182.98).

4. United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, specifically in England, salaries also vary widely, with junior neurosurgeons having around $395,000 (€336,084.16) on average and can increase their salary up to $914,796 (€778,350.73) with experience, and in some cases even more.

5. Argentina

The average in Argentina is in the 40,000 Argentine pesos monthly (equivalent to €2,303.11).

6. Mexico

In Mexico, the average neurosurgeon earns around 20,000-25,000 pesos per month, the figure varying depending on whether he works in the public or private sector, the number of interventions and guards he performs, and the years of experience. As he gains experience, they could reach 300,000 pesos (equivalent to €14,016.25).