How Psychological Abuse In Relationships Damages Mental Health

How psychological abuse in relationships damages mental health

Romantic relationships are in many cases a reason for happiness and emotional well-being, but unfortunately, in many cases they give rise to dynamics of psychological abuse. These situations not only cause the emotional bond to be damaged or evolve into a dysfunctional relationship due to the behavior of the person who mistreats the other person; Furthermore, it generates alterations that affect the victim in a focused and individual way, and can even cause them to suffer consequences for years to come.

In this sense, this type of relationships based on mistreatment, abuse and control end up generating a series of damages in the victim that directly threaten their mental health. In this article we will see what impact psychological abuse in relationships has on mental health ; motorcycles for which these toxic relationships should not be normalized, even if physical attacks do not occur in them.

The effects on mental health of psychological abuse in relationships

Below you will find a summary of the most common mental health consequences of psychological abuse in romantic relationships, both in marriages and courtships.

1. Low self-esteem

Self-esteem is one of the first elements of the personality of a victim of psychological abuse to be affected. And in turn, this produces a “snowball” effect that facilitates the appearance of patterns of harmful behaviors, based on self-sabotage, self-hatred, and social isolation.

Psychological abuse in relationships

Self-esteem is one of the fundamental psychological elements, what makes us be who we are and behave the way we do. It can be summarized as the way we feel about how we think we are. That is why abusers primarily attack the self-esteem of their victims, making them increasingly insecure, less independent and less autonomous.

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This process increases until the victim can no longer do anything for himself and is completely dependent on his abuser, who finally gains control of the person he has been abusing for some time.

2. Emotional dependence

Emotional dependence is a psychological alteration that usually appears in cases of psychological abuse in a couple, in which the victim ends up generating a constant need for attention and acceptance from their partner.

This psychological phenomenon is not based on the search for well-being, but on the avoidance of discomfort: An atrocious fear arises of making others angry, of causing inconvenience. This dynamic generally occurs because the abuser ends up controlling his victim in all aspects and undermining his self-esteem to the level where he becomes totally dependent on the former.

Relationships based on emotional dependence end up generating great discomfort in the victim on a psychological level, to the point where they constantly need the approval, affection and love of their abuser to be happy.

3. Constant anxiety and stress

Anxiety and stress are common forms of discomfort in any experience linked to abuse in relationships. even if there is no fear of the possibility of physical attacks.

A person subjected to great pressure from their partner, who prevents them from doing anything on their own and who systematically monitors them, may end up developing disorders such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

These psychological manifestations can be treated by a psychology professional as long as the victim recognizes their problem and is willing to start a therapy process, but the solution is to cut off the relationship to get out of this situation of lack of control over one’s life. .

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4. Somatizations

Somatization is the appearance of physical symptoms caused by psychological problems or alterations or in the mental health of the affected person.

There are many somatizations that can develop due to psychological abuse in relationships, among the most common we can highlight muscle pain, headaches, hair loss or the appearance of eczema and other skin problems. due to constant exposure to anxiety.

5. Insomnia

Insomnia and in general difficulties sleeping is another of the problems that people who have been victims of psychological abuse by their romantic partners have to face.

This insomnia is a direct consequence of the psychological and mental health impact of the person, and has a lot to do with the inability to relax and the need to be “alert” so as not to upset others. In the long run it ends up generating fatigue and wearing down the nerves and physical health of the person to the point where it is almost impossible for him to fall asleep.

6. Increased risk of substance abuse

On occasions in which the abuse exercised by one’s own partner is of great intensity, The victim may resort to the consumption of certain substances or drugs to escape from a very negative reality.

For this to occur, the abuse must have been continued over time until reaching a point where the victim can no longer endure the situation. This is when the consumption of a specific drug can begin, such as alcohol or more serious drugs. hard

In any case, the beginning of an addiction represents great damage to both the mental health and physical well-being of the affected person.

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7. Isolation

Progressive social isolation is another of the symptoms that appear in a person when they are being subjected to psychological abuse by their partner, since abusers tend to socially isolate their victims. That is why victims of continued psychological abuse end up seeing their mental health worn out, as well as their closest friendships and their ability to establish new friendships.

Thus, In the long run they end up feeling isolated and alone if they do not have external support, which significantly affects their mood and psychological health.

8. Feeling of guilt (despite being the victim)

The feeling of guilt is also one of the constants in situations of psychological abuse by the abused person, a phenomenon closely related to the development of relationships based on emotional dependence.

In these cases, the victim of abuse ends up considering that the abuse they receive is their fault and not the abuser, and even that he deserves said abuse, since abusers usually blame their victims for everything bad that happens to them.

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