How To Act If The Silent Treatment Is Applied To Me

If they apply the silent treatment to you, it is best to stay calm, reflect on the situation, talk directly to the person and seek support. “The silent treatment” refers to when someone deliberately ignores you or treats you with indifference, a situation that can be very uncomfortable. It is possible that in this situation you do not know how to maintain your emotional health.

In this PsychologyFor article, we will explain How to act if they apply the silent treatment to me We’ll look at why people resort to this tactic and provide practical advice on how to respond in a healthy and constructive way.

What is the silent treatment in relationships?

The “silent treatment” refers to a form of treatment in which one person decides to deliberately ignore another, showing indifference or avoiding any form of communication or interaction. This tactic can be used as a form of punishment, to express discontent, or simply as a way to establish emotional distance. The person who applies the “silent law” can avoid looking, talking, or interacting in any way with the person to whom you are directing this behavior.

Although it may seem like a less confrontational way to deal with conflict or negative emotions, in reality can be very damaging to relationships, since it creates distance and misunderstandings. The silent treatment prevents effective problem resolution, and can erode trust and intimacy between people.

Why people apply the silent treatment

People apply the silent treatment for various psychological and emotional reasons. We show them to you below:

  • Express disagreement or discontent: The “silent silent treatment” is sometimes used as a way to express disagreement or discontent with the other person. It can be a way to show disapproval or punish someone for their perceived actions. The person who applies the silent treatment may feel hurt or angry and uses this strategy as a way to express their emotions without having to verbalize them.
  • Avoid conflicts: Applying the “law of ice” can be a strategy to avoid direct conflicts. By avoiding interaction, the person may try to avoid arguments or uncomfortable situations.
  • Defense mechanism: Silence is used to protect yourself from being vulnerable or facing underlying issues in the relationship. There are those who resort to this tactic because they feel unable to handle conflict constructively, preferring emotional withdrawal to open dialogue.
  • Communicate need for space: In some cases, the silent treatment may be an indicator that that person needs time and space to reflect or deal with personal problems. It can be a way to establish time limits on the interaction.

Despite all these reasons, the silent treatment can be a destructive behavior and, ultimately, an obstacle to the development and maintenance of healthy and satisfying relationships.

How to act if the silent treatment is applied to me - Why people apply the silent treatment

Consequences of having the silent treatment applied to you

Being subjected to the silent treatment can have profound emotional and social consequences that can affect quality of life and relationships. Here we show you the most common ones:

  • Increased stress and anxiety – When someone is systematically ignored, they may experience an increase in anxiety and stress. The silent treatment is a form of rejection that activates areas of the brain associated with physical pain.
  • Uncertainty and confusion: The lack of communication and feedback can greatly affect the person to whom it is directed, for not understanding the reasons for such treatment. In these cases, we recommend this article on How to manage uncertainty.
  • Sadness and social isolation: The silent treatment can induce feelings of loneliness and low self-esteem that negatively affect mental health. Furthermore, by not resolving the conflict openly and directly, resentments and misunderstandings accumulate that can further weaken the relationship.
  • Difficulty resolving conflicts: Whether you are the recipient or sender of the silent treatment, you may have difficulty solving problems in a functional and healthy way. In the long term, this can lead to a cycle of toxic communication and ultimately the collapse of the relationship.
  • emotional distance: In relationships where the silent treatment is common practice, a pattern of avoidance and lack of emotional intimacy is often observed. Continued use of this tactic can create irreversible emotional distance, making it difficult for the parties involved to feel connected and safe in the relationship.

As you see, the silent treatment not only negatively affects the individual who receives it, but also harms the relationship as a whole. It creates an environment where trust, communication and mutual respect are severely compromised.

What to do if they apply the silent treatment to you

If the silent treatment applies to you, it is important that you approach the situation with care and understanding. Here are some tips on what to do if the silent treatment applies to you:

  • Reflect on the situation: Before you react, take a moment to reflect on the possible reasons behind this behavior.
  • Keep calm: avoid responding with the same coin. Staying calm will help you approach the situation more objectively.
  • Talk directly to the person: Try to start a calm and open conversation to discuss the behavior and express your feelings assertively. In this article, we give you the keys on How to resolve a conflict assertively.
  • Set limits: If the situation persists and is negatively affecting your emotional well-being, consider setting healthy boundaries. This could include limiting your interaction with the silent treatment person, or setting clear boundaries about the type of behavior you are not willing to tolerate.
  • Seek support: Talk to friends and family to get an outside perspective and emotional support. Sometimes outside perspectives give us a point of view that not only comforts us, but also helps us understand and learn.
  • Focus on yourself: Spend time doing activities that make you feel good and strengthen your self-esteem. In this article you will find information about What personal and emotional self-care is.
  • Learn from experience: Use the experience to grow personally and better understand your needs in relationships. Based on your reflection and communication, decide how you want to proceed in the relationship if his attitude does not change, despite having communicated this to him.
  • Consider therapy: If you feel overwhelmed or the situation is significantly affecting your well-being, consider seeking professional help. Remember that you deserve respect and understanding in your relationships.

How to act if they apply the silent treatment to me - What to do if they apply the silent treatment to you

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to act if the silent treatment is applied to me we recommend that you enter our Social Psychology category.


  • Fontes, LA, PhD. (2023). Ignoring a person communicates power over them. Psychology Today.
  • Golden, B., Ph.D. (2023). It’s not the same as healthy disengagement. Psychology Today.
  • Valle, CV (2021). Is silence a form of abuse? psigecv.

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