How To Act When A Person Is Envious Of You? 7 Tips

Why are they envious of me? How can we act when a person is envious of you? Discover what to do when someone is envious of you and it is affecting you.

How to act when a person is envious of you?

Envy can destroy our relationships. In some cases these feelings can go unnoticed, but there are always signs that usually indicate that they envy you. Even so, we can all be envious of some virtues or successes of others, in fact, how we react to these feelings is what will make this negative or positive for us. In this way, when a person is envious of us, he can harm us with his attitudes. So,How can we act towards envious people??

How do you know if they are envious of you?

All people of greater or lesser rank are envious when a friend experiences success. As we have mentioned, these emotions are completely normal. But, by feeling them, we can be happy and motivated or, on the contrary, try to devalue the other’s success. In this way, the envious friends They may have the following behaviors towards you:

  • They receive your good news with negativity: When something good happens to you, it is normal that you want to tell your closest friends. But, if they, instead of congratulating you or supporting you, point out possible disadvantages or only say negative things, perhaps they are envious of you. Likewise, they might offer congratulations that seem superficial or inauthentic.
  • They compete with you: The moment you share something positive about your life, the envious friends they may respond by sharing something similar, or even something that seems better or ‘bigger’. That is, in many cases, when they envy you, people may try to adopt a pattern of behavior that seems similar to yours or that tries to surpass you.
  • Tries to make you feel bad about yourself: A friend who experiences jealousy or envy can quickly make you feel guilty about an achievement or success, no matter how you originally felt about it. They may do this intentionally or not, but these are words or attitudes that hurt you. Additionally, they might also insist that you were lucky or that you are not worthy of your achievements.
  • They have insecurity and low self-esteem: Normally, the ppeople who are envious They usually have a feeling of inferiority compared to others. That is, they tend to be people who are experiencing insecurities or low self-esteem. Even so, this does not imply that all those who have these problems are envious friends.
  • They don’t offer you any support: Someone who is jealous of what you have accomplished probably won’t offer you much support. They may even say hurtful things, whether they intend to harm you or not. On the other hand, they could also actively discourage you from pursuing your goals or dreams.
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If you notice that sharing certain things with one of your friends can lead to a negative reaction, you may unconsciously end up stopping talking about your achievements. Additionally, people who surround themselves with these types of friends may adopt the habit of putting themselves down when you are around them, even when they know you have done something that is right. This type of behavior not only ends up harming the relationship, but it can also harm yourself.

Keys to know how to act when they envy you

How to act when a person is envious of you?

If you think that someone around you may have a envious behavior that is harming you, we recommend that you keep the following in mind to deal with this situation:

  1. Try to understand them: In many cases, the envy It may be the result of a bad time for others. Therefore, perhaps it would be good to understand why do they feel envious For example, perhaps they may be envious that you are successful professionally because things are not going well for them at work.
  2. Avoid talking about yourself and give them importance instead: If you think that the person in front of you feels insecurities or is having a bad time, maybe you should try talking about them to help them. What you should do if you have talked too much about your achievements and you feel that it may affect them, is not to deny them, but to give them the importance they deserve and let them talk about their life.
  3. Respond to hate comments without playing their game: Silence at the right time can be a very powerful tool. When a person says something hateful or toxic to you, instead of getting angry or responding with similar words, he tries to smile with silence and confidence. Given this response you may either see that the other person responds with confusion or simply that her jealous behavior ends up disintegrating in a couple of minutes or seconds.
  4. Tell them about it: If nothing else works and you want to solve this situation, you can try talking about it, but without saying that you feel like they envy you For example, if you find someone constantly talking behind your back or making indirect/passive-aggressive comments, it is important to point out these types of behaviors. In these chaos, try asking directly if they have a problem with you or if there is something you have done that has offended them.
  5. Do some acts of kindness towards them: If the envious person is a close friend or family member, it is very likely that you will have to interact with them regularly. In this case, try doing random favors and acts of kindness towards them. These acts will end up dismantling their envy, as it will take them by surprise.
  6. Limit interaction with them: These strategies that we have discussed are focused on making the relationship better. with the envious man or woman But, if you see that these people, despite applying or trying to improve the bond with them, continue with the same toxic behavior, then you should consider whether to stay away from them. Being on alert all the time due to their attacks is not pleasant and in fact, it can end up harming your mental health. On the contrary, if you can’t completely eliminate them from your life, then try to be more reserved and limit your interaction with them.
  7. Spend more time with the people who add value to you: Knowing when and where to invest your time is vital to having a happier life. In fact, we recommend that you be next to those people who contribute to you and you contribute to them.
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In case you have noticed that the envious person has hurt you or you do not know how to handle this situation, it is vital that you go to a professional psychologist. In many cases, if you don’t put a limit on these behaviors, you can end up being affected.

What to do when someone who is envious of you is harming you?

Although the envy It can happen for many reasons, some people may not accept that they feel this way and have resistance to change. This negativity can end up harming you and damaging your self-esteem or personal security. Therefore, if you have tried talking to this person and it has not worked, it is important that you try to take a step back. Even so, it is normal that it is difficult to discern when this is the best solution. You should consider it, when your envious friends have these behaviors:

  • Most of their conversations are characterized by mean comments or other unpleasant behavior.
  • They constantly make you feel bad about yourself.
  • They often try to pick fights or arguments.

Ending a friendship can be a painful process, but therapy can help you overcome the loss. In fact, a professional psychologist can also offer you guidance and support if you are trying to end the problems that this situation poses, including breaking up that friendship if it is toxic.