How To Align The Mind With Our Objectives?

How to align the mind with our goals

To achieve goals it is not enough to just desire it, as it is necessary to fertilize the soil of the mind and stay connected with our interior to eliminate limiting barriers and focus on the capabilities that we possess or can develop to make that desire a reality.

Yes, reading it is easy, but the big question is…

How to achieve it?

First of all, remember that everything begins in the mind, since it is the mind that shapes our thoughts. That is why it is so important to nourish it so that it maintains in tune with what we want to materialize

Below I will give you a series of steps that will help you align the thoughts that your mind forms with the goals you set for yourself:

1. Stop

The hustle and bustle of everyday life and the routine we tend to fall into (sometimes inevitably) mean that we end up with a dynamic similar to that of a hamster running on the wheel

And when we “run on the wheel”, we are living automatically, at a pace that is not aligned with the objectives and the reason for this is that, although we carry out all the activities, we are not aware of our actions and therefore, we are not We pay attention to the present moment. This generates stress, anxiety and in some cases depression.

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The secret and first step to “get off the wheel” and make the mind work based on our goals is literally stopping; in pause, look around and ask ourselves if we are really aware of the here and now

For! Stop and take a deep breath, inhaling, exhaling and letting serenity come to your mind. This is very important because this way you will remove distractions and focus your attention on what you must do to get closer to your goal.

    2. Listen to the silence

    Silence is something that many avoid and it is precisely by listening to silence that you can reconnect with your being.

    Having moments of silence generates a conscious connection with our interior, which causes us to obtain greater clarity to wisely perceive everything around us and listen to what the mind tells us. This not only allows us to feel good about ourselves, but also to function and express ourselves efficiently.

    Cancel the noise from outside to listen to the silence inside us It is a skill that we must strengthen to capture the message of the subconscious.

    3. Identify what limits you

    By connecting with our interior we can investigate within ourselves to discover what blocks us knowing what paralyzes us and identifying limiting beliefs that distance us from what we want and separate us from the plenitude that the simple fact of being implies.

    Discovering and working on these weaknesses are significant steps when you want to achieve goals, always keeping in mind that: everything begins in the mind and that it is within ourselves where we will find all the answers we are looking for and many times we believe that they are found outside.

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    This is why I invite you to the “5-Day Reschedule Challenge”. So that you understand what blocks you and get clarity on how to get rid of those chains that separate you from becoming the person you have always wanted to be.

      4. Take into account your essence

      We are complete beings and throughout our existence, we have acquired the values ​​that define us today and under which we carry out our actions

      Being clear about who we are, what we want and where we are going keeps us positioned in the right direction and, above all, helps us put aside misconceptions and unenriching patterns.

      Likewise, paying full attention to our abilities allows us to continue cultivating our essence to maintain the focus and balance necessary to live consciously.

      5. Time to act!

      The previous steps are important, but this one is key, as it will bring you closer to achieving your goals. Don’t forget that Every life project only becomes a reality through action that is, doing what is necessary to achieve what you want to achieve.

      On the other hand, you must keep in mind that it is not about doing things quickly, but about moving consciously and with gratitude towards achieving goals. In this way you will be flowing based on the reflection of your thoughts, those that have been created by a mind that remains attentive to the needs of your being.

      Keep in mind that without action, goals are just a collection of desires and words and that it is through the conscious mind that you can direct your attention towards their achievement, regardless of their size or degree of difficulty.

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      Aligning our minds with our goals is something that depends solely on us, because every action is given by a decision and these in turn come from thought. That is why it is so important to dedicate the time necessary to work on our mind and understand that through it we can design and build the life we ​​want.

      If you want to take the first step to understand your limiting beliefs and eliminate blockages to achieve your personal and professional goals, I invite you to join my “5-Day Reschedule Challenge.”