How To Approach The Choice Of Educational Center?

How to approach the choice of educational center

How to choose the educational center for our children? Is it important that they all go to the same place?

What is the ideal time to start? What options for schedules and modalities best suit the family? Are there programs with parents and children?

All these questions and many others go through our minds when we have children.

Deciding how to educate our children

Being fathers and mothers, we plan a career, a job, a couple, daily life… Even if we live without planning and become parents, we know that at some point we will need to institutionalize the care and education of the little ones

Some parents prefer to send them to educational centers as babies, so that they adapt. Others when they walk so that they are more independent.

Others wait for them to start talking, so they can tell them what they do, or they wait until it is mandatory.

But at some point we know that we are going to experience this situation. What will be the best decision, then? How to adapt this big change to our family life? Public or private?

The ideal choice

The first thing to consider is whether we are going to choose in the public or private environment Knowing both options and putting all the cards on the table is essential. We know that if our option is private, we must have that money during the process. To that will be added materials, uniforms and registration… and sometimes also transportation.

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Some centers present a basic fee, and then give other extra options such as extended hours or workshops. And if the little ones won’t go full time, we must think about who will take care of them the rest of the time.

In this sense, let’s see some educational proposals and guidelines:

Choosing a school

The place of the educational center

The place where the institution is located has to be close to our home, our work or that of the adult who is available to pick it up.

Ultimately, adaptation is a process that can take some time, and children often go through different situations in which they We must go get them before the end of the schedule (some discomfort, fever, an unexpected fall, medical check-up…) and knowing who will go for them.

We must know that, at the beginning, children usually get sick until herd immunity is achieved. When everyone manages to know each other and immunize each other, it will no longer be so common for our child to get sick For a multitude of reasons, the center you attend must be logistically accessible to take you on time, pick you up on time and to be able to pick you up in an emergency.

Do we look for a short-term solution, or do we choose a school for your entire educational process?

We must think about whether we are going to choose a Kindergarten for their first years or look for an institution where they will go through the entire process with high school and high school included.

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If we have several children or plan to have more children, we must also consider options. Will we send everyone to the same one? Are there discounts for siblings? Does the center meet the needs of each child? Will our children adapt to going to the same institution? When it comes to blended families, this aspect is not minor.

Faced with all these questions, let’s ask for an interview. Let’s not make an immediate decision And let’s be open to the possibility of having a plan B in case our child does not adapt or the institution does not meet our expectations during the process.

I wish you good luck in this new adventure! I am here to accompany you.