How To Be Smarter Every Day

Do you want to be smarter? Although we all have an IQ, the truth is that we can work every day to increase it and have more mental speed and more agility. To do this, we just have to start introducing a series of habits and exercises that will help us cultivate our brain and keep it in top shape. In this PsychologyFor article we are going to discover you how to be smarter every day giving you the best advice as well as the exercises you can do to achieve it. A perfect way to live more fully and consciously and awaken your critical spirit.

How to be smarter: 3 tips to achieve it

Did you know that it is possible to train intelligence? If you want to be smarter every day you just have to start exercising your brain and, thus, you will be able to increase your cognitive abilities and your mental responses. It is true that there are some people who, from birth, are extremely intelligent. However, we can also promote our intellectual capacity if we exercise the mind and we make it work day by day.

In order to be smarter it is important that, every day, make your brain work< In the same way that to take care of your figure you go to the gym, to take care of and increase your brain you have to have a regular and constant practice. With this, you will be able to increase mental functionalities such as creativity, the ability to reflect, thinking in abstract terms, etc.

Intelligence is not an innate ability but is built and formed over the years. Daily practice and our lifestyle habits can make us more or less intelligent. Therefore, if you want to enhance this capacity, there is nothing better than taking these tips into account:

  • Train your mental process: It is essential that you dedicate time in your life to your mind so that it can grow and become stronger and smarter
  • Look for sources of information: Intelligence is also measured by the capacity for self-criticism that a person can have and the reflection they can make about everyday events. Therefore, it is essential to be well informed, listen to opposing opinions and create your own solid opinion.
  • Focus on your area of ​​interest: What is clear is that you cannot be intelligent at all levels. Therefore, we recommend that you focus on the field you want to work in and, thus, you can become an expert on the subject.

At PsychologyFor we offer you a Inteligence test so you can measure your IQ from your own home.

How to be smarter every day - How to be smarter: 3 tips to achieve it

4 exercises to be smarter

There are a series of exercises to be smarter every day that you can apply to your routine. They are simple habits that seek to put your mind to work and make it active for longer. Here we discover the best exercises that will help you wake up and activate your brain.

Read at least 20 minutes a day

Reading is one of the best habits that you can incorporate into your daily life and that will help you achieve a stronger and more intelligent mind. You can choose the type of reading you prefer: a more novelistic reading, poetry, history, essay.. The fact is that, when reading written words, we make our brain begin to think and exercise mental work related to the interpretation of language. , rhetoric, reflection, etc.

Meditate every day for 10 minutes

One of the best practices you can do to expand your mind is to meditate. It is an ancient practice that seeks to distance us from daily stress, from the trivial thoughts of everyday life, and that helps us connect with our interior. With meditation we become more fully aware of life and, in addition, we learn to live with greater serenity and well-being. A perfect exercise to calm the mind and begin to give importance to everything that is really important. Here we discover the best exercises to meditate at home.

Maintain concentration every day for half an hour

With meditation you will be able to increase concentration, however, we recommend that you try to be 100% focused on a task each day for at least 30 minutes. At work, at home, at the gym.. whatever. What you have to do is try not to get lost with social networks, your cell phone or talking to someone. Keep your maximum concentration on what you are doing to get your brain to work at its highest level.

Start learning a new language

When we try to learn a new language, we expand the intellectual work of our brain and manage to activate our memory, our retention capacity and the understanding of other systems that are different from the one we already know. It is a perfect way to expand our mind and promote our intelligence.

Activate your intelligence with games

Another great idea to be able to be smarter every day is to incorporate some activities or games into your routine that make your mind work. For example, today “room escape” is very fashionable, a game of enigmas and riddles that makes our brain work for at least 1 hour. You can also opt for games like crossword puzzles, doing Sudoku, learning to play chess, etc.

How to be smarter every day - 4 exercises to be smarter

Stimulate the brain to be smarter

In addition to the exercises that we have given you previously and that will help you make your brain work every day, we also recommend that you carry out a series of practices with which you will stimulate your brain and expand it. Here we discover the ones that we believe are most important.

Debate with people who don’t think like you

One of the best ways to stimulate your brain is to surround yourself and debate with people who think differently than you. In this way you will be able to know other points of view, expand your conceptions and, in addition, you will also achieve learn to defend your position< With this type of debate (always speaking with respect, of course) you can reflect together with another person, exchange points of view and understand each other. A perfect way to gain more knowledge and exercise your mind.

Surround yourself with an intellectually active environment

If you want to be smarter every day, it is important that you have people around you who stimulate your intelligence. Normally, when you study at university is when you are most intellectually active as you are surrounded, at all times, by stimuli and people that increase our mind. However, when we move into adulthood we may not have these “imputs” that could help us be more active. Therefore, we recommend that you sign up for some intellectual activity, a reading club, etc., so that you can begin to surround yourself with people who stimulate your intellect

Document yourself to be well informed

Intelligence is closely related to a person’s ability to analyze and reflect. It is not based on you knowing by heart the news that happens in your daily life but on knowing how to analyze it and draw your own conclusions. This is what is known as the critical spirit, something that can be built daily by being well informed, contrasting opinions and listening to yourself. Never lose the desire to learn because, this way, you will always have an active mind and ready for anything.

How to be smarter every day - Stimulate your brain to be smarter

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to be smarter every day we recommend that you enter our Cognitive Psychology category.

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