How To Break The Cycle Of Negative Thoughts

How to break the cycle of negative thoughts

It is very likely that, at some point in your life, you have suffered great emotional suffering as a result of experiencing a “loop” of thoughts that you perceived as negative. When we find ourselves in these types of situations, it can be very difficult to stop them and the discomfort felt on an emotional and physical level is usually very intense.

Throughout this article we will explain how to break the cycle of negative thoughts. To do this, we will start by contextualizing and understanding what negative thoughts are and why they happen. This will help us recognize the cycle that these types of thoughts follow. Finally, we will address various strategies to change this situation.

Understanding negative thoughts

It is important to keep in mind that our brain is designed to have a bias towards the negative. That is to say, has a greater tendency to notice, perceive and process negative stimuli or events. This is so since at an evolutionary level it has been an advantage that has allowed the survival of the species.

However, it is true that this adaptive function in many cases becomes maladaptive. There are certain thoughts that carry with them a high emotional charge that generates discomfort and, therefore, we perceive them as negative. They can become really overwhelming and give us the feeling that we are going to be overwhelmed.

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We can observe various types of negative thoughts, among which polarized or extreme thoughts, catastrophic thoughts, anticipatory or “predictive” thoughts, those that generalize extensively or extrapolate, and those that focus only on the negative of the situation tend to stand out. absolutely ignoring any other neutral or positive nuance.

There are many factors that can influence the fact that these types of thoughts appear recurrently and overwhelmingly. We have already mentioned that our brain tends to observe the negative more, but it is also true that aspects such as past experiences, upbringing, environment, stress, internal language and our coping skills are key aspects.

Recognize the cycle of distressing thoughts

Without a doubt, negative thoughts have a considerable impact on our body. If they occur in an adaptive way, they can motivate and mobilize us to resolve the situation. If they have stopped being adaptive, they can lead us to blockage and generate a lot of physical, mental and emotional symptoms..

This is precisely why it is so important to learn to recognize them. On many occasions, these types of thoughts are automated and it is difficult for us to identify them. If this happens, it is more difficult to remedy this situation and we enter the cycle of discomfort.

To change this situation, it is essential that we start observing ourselves. Self-knowledge, self-observation and self-reflection are crucial in this process. In this process, it can be helpful to keep a record of your thoughts and internal dialogue.

How to break the cycle of negative thoughts?

Below are some tools that are especially useful in addressing negative thoughts. It is important to take into account what was mentioned above about self-knowledge and the identification of thoughts. Additionally, it is crucial to understand that each person is unique and, if these tools do not help you, we recommend seeking professional help.

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Observant attitude

Become aware that what we are experiencing is a more thought and that what we think does not define us is basic. At first it can be really complex, but we can remember that thoughts are generated automatically and we can try to distance ourselves from that thought to observe what message is behind it.

Mindfulness practice

Usually, when these thoughts appear that cause us so much discomfort and discomfort, we tend to enter the cycle and merge with them. Therefore, practicing mindfulness practices will help us return to the present moment, accept our thoughts as they come and, in this way, reduce discomfort.


Negative thoughts can make us suffer a lot, especially if we don’t have the tools to break the cycle. Therefore, it is especially important that we cultivate compassion and learn to treat and accompany each other respectfully. When our internal dialogue changes, the intensity of the thoughts also decreases.

Cognitive restructuring

It can be really useful try to identify which thoughts cause us discomfort and observe their characteristics. They usually tend to be not very rational, unfair to us and distorted. Looking for alternative thoughts that are more realistic or balanced can be helpful as well.

Relaxation techniques

Reducing our stress levels by learning relaxation techniques can be really useful. This allows our nervous system to stop being hyper-alert and, therefore, the intensity of negative thoughts is very likely to decrease. With the practice of these techniques, the feeling of general well-being increases.

Healthy living habits

Finally, and in line with what was mentioned above, it is important that we try to lead a lifestyle that is as healthy as possible.. Balanced eating, sleep and physical activity, in addition to self-care, are aspects that contribute to our general well-being and help reduce the impact and intensity of these thoughts.