How To Calm Drug Anxiety

How to calm drug anxiety

Concerns about the present and the future can lead to the consumption of toxic substances, which are harmful to the human body and wreak havoc on health. Given this, it is necessary to have strategies to face these moments in a healthier way and that lead to an improvement in the quality of life of the people who suffer from it.

If you are interested in knowing more about how to deal with substance-induced anxiety, in this PsychologyFor article, we will explain how to calm drug anxiety through personal self-care and psychological treatment.

Relationship between anxiety and substance use

Anxiety is a mental health disorder that causes worries and fears about various situations in everyday life. At the same time, it also includes certain bodily symptoms such as palpitations, excessive sweating, agitation or difficulties falling asleep, among others.

When anxiety manifests itself, it is important to channel it in some way and there are people who do so through the consumption of toxic substances, since these inhibit the emotional, behavioral and mental responses that this disorder causes.

In other words, Taking drugs relieves the discomfort generated by anxiety However, substance consumption has a high cost, as it harms the health of those who consume them on a regular basis.

go to therapy

The first step to calm drug anxiety is to recognize the problem you have and get involved in solving it. One of the best ways to quit drugs is to do a psychological treatment Given the personal aspects are worked on that affect substance use.

Generally speaking, a mental health specialist can provide tools to help manage anxiety through healthier methods that do not put people’s health at risk. In this article you will find more information about how to manage stress and anxiety.

Doing physical activity

Anxiety is closely related to the need to physically discharge energy. In other words, the body usually feels nervous tension due to the discomfort caused by anxiety. So, another way to calm drug anxiety is practice some sport that you like.

When performing physical activity, the Central Nervous System releases chemical components, such as serotonin, endorphin and dopamine, which relax the body.

How to calm drug anxiety - Perform physical activity

Eat a healthy diet

The type of food eaten influences the levels of anxiety that each person experiences. For this reason, it is advisable to follow a balanced diet that provides the necessary nutrients to calm anxiety.

Among the most recommended foods to process these sensations, it is recommended ingest whole grains, green vegetables, legumes and healthy fats, among others. At the same time, it is important to accompany meals with plenty of water. If necessary, it is advisable to go to a health professional specialized in nutrition.

Identify your emotions

When anxiety occurs suddenly, the impulse usually arises to overcome the discomfort it generates through drug use. This can be avoided if the emotions that cause this type of behavior are identified. Before resorting to toxic substances, it is preferable reflect on what happens to you and discern what the benefits and harms of the situation are.

Face your fears

What is good for calming drug cravings? Drugs are a means of escape from the different problems we experience every day. Due to the fear of facing situations that trigger conflicts, there are those who choose to escape through substance use. For this reason, resolve conflicts that cause discomfort It can reduce the level of drug craving.

How to calm drug anxiety - Face your fears

Surround yourself with good people

Many times, people use drugs to belong to certain social groups, since they consider that they would not be part of them if they did not practice this habit. The social environment that surrounds a person is essential to understanding their actions, emotions and thoughts, since there is a noticeable influence. Therefore, to calm drug anxiety it is essential have a healthy social environment that reduces the discomfort caused by this feeling.

To meditate

The appearance of anxiety is linked to worries about the present and the future. One of the most effective techniques to calm these types of thoughts is meditation, since helps reduce body agitation He that awakens anxiety. If you want to stop using drugs without anxiety, it is a good idea to try it.

If you want to know what its benefits are and how to put it into practice, check out these articles on what meditation is for and meditation techniques for beginners. The objective of meditation is to remove consistency from ideas that produce anxiety to relax the central nervous system.

Take psychiatric medication

In cases where you suffer from moderate or high anxiety, it may be necessary to take anxiolytic medications that act on the nervous system and reduce the effects of anxiety. However, their intake and dosage must be approved and supervised by a mental health professional. If you are looking for other alternatives, in this article you will find different natural anxiolytics to calm drug anxiety.

How to Calm Drug Cravings - Taking Psychiatric Medication

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to calm drug anxiety we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Cano-Vindel, A., Miguel-Tobal, J., González, H., Iruarrizaga, I. (1994). Coping with anxiety in drug addiction. Annals of Psychology, 10 (2), 145-156.

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