How To Choose A Psychologist That Fits Your Style Of Therapeutic Work?


It can often be discouraging to find yourself in a situation where your desire to approach your therapy in a specific way does not align with the process being offered to you Maybe you have the aspiration to work on a specific topic that presents you with particular difficulties, but you find yourself in a dynamic where the issues of your childhood are the main focus. Alternatively, you could be looking to explore your unconscious and understand the reasons behind your actions, only to come across strategies and approaches that do not align with your preferences.

This clash between your expectations and therapeutic reality can be disconcerting. Imagine having a clear idea of ​​why you are seeking therapy, only to feel like the therapist’s working style doesn’t fit your needs. In situations like these, the therapeutic process can seem frustrating and unsatisfying, underscoring the importance of choosing a psychologist who fits not only your clinical needs, but also your preferred working style.

The therapeutic relationship is a fundamental collaboration and establishing an environment in which you feel comfortable and supported to address your challenges in the way that best suits you is essential In this article, we will explore how you can avoid these situations and choose a psychologist who offers the approach and style of work that align with your therapeutic goals. By doing so, you will be able to optimize your therapeutic experience and move towards greater emotional and personal well-being.

Tips to find the psychologist that best suits you

Here we offer you a guide to help you find the psychologist that best suits you and how you want your therapeutic process to be. First steps towards choosing your psychologist:

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1. Reflect on your needs

Before beginning your search for a psychologist, spend time reflecting on your needs and therapeutic goals. Consider what type of support you are looking for, whether you prefer a more structured or flexible approach and what specific aspects of your personality could influence your relationship with the therapist.

2. Research different therapeutic approaches

Each psychologist has his or her own therapeutic approach and working style. Research and familiarize yourself with different approaches, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, humanistic therapy, or third generation therapy. Identify which of these best fits your personality and preferences.

3. Find compatibility

The therapeutic relationship is unique and should feel comfortable and safe. Look for a psychologist with whom you feel connected and understood. Pay attention to communication, empathy, and overall feel during early interactions

4. Consider your values ​​and beliefs

Your personal values ​​and beliefs can influence therapy. If you have religious or spiritual beliefs important to you, or if you value holistic approaches, find a psychologist who respects and understands these aspects.

5. Evaluate the specific experience

Some psychologists may have specialized experience in areas that align with your needs If you’re dealing with a specific issue, such as anxiety or interpersonal relationships, find someone who has experience in that area.

6. Don’t be afraid to change

Remember that there is nothing wrong with changing psychologists if you feel that the relationship is not right for you. Therapy is a collaboration and it is essential to find someone to help you achieve your goals.


What do you expect from therapy?

By choosing a psychologist based on your work style and personality, you are taking an important step towards more effective and satisfying therapy. The right combination can facilitate a more enriching and fruitful therapeutic process. Remember that your emotional well-being is a priority, and you deserve to find a psychologist who will support you in your search for a fuller and more meaningful life.

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To help you in your choice, we present an approach that will allow you to choose a psychologist based on your preferred therapeutic work style and your expectations of therapy:

1. Organized and structured people: Structured therapies

If you tend to be an organized, methodical person who prefers to have clear control over situations, structured therapies could be your best option Therapeutic approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy or solution-focused therapy give you a clear and strategic framework to address your challenges.

2. Creative and reflective people: Psychodynamic therapies

If you identify as someone who enjoys exploring the depths of your thoughts and emotions, psychodynamic therapies may be ideal for you. These therapies focus on exploring past experiences and subconscious dynamics, giving you a space to reflect and discover new perspectives.

3. People open to new experiences: Humanistic therapies

If you are a curious person, open to new ideas, and eager for a more focused approach to personal growth, consider humanistic therapies. Therapies such as person-centered approach therapy allow you to explore your own inner resources and develop greater self-knowledge

4. Practical and solution-oriented people: Third generation therapies

If you prefer a practical, solutions-oriented approach, third-generation therapies, such as acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) or dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), might be ideal for you. These therapies give you concrete tools to address your challenges and encourage positive change.

5. People looking for concrete and quick results: Brief and focal therapies

If you want to address specific challenges now and see tangible results in a short period of time, consider brief, focused therapies. These therapies focus on specific therapeutic goals and can be effective for people who want quick solutions

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Remember that there is no single right answer when choosing a psychologist. The important thing is to find a professional with whom you feel comfortable and who adapts to your preferred therapeutic work style. By doing so, you will be taking a significant step towards your emotional and personal well-being.

Each individual is unique, and what works for one person may not be right for another. The choice of a psychologist must go beyond the experience and specialization of the professional. Your personality, values ​​and preferences can play a crucial role in this decision