How To Clear Your Mind? 7 Techniques To Disconnect The Mind

How can we leave our minds blank? How to stop the negative thoughts that invade our mind? Discover the best strategies to calm your mind.

Keys to leaving your mind blank

Stop the flow of our thoughts and leave blank mind It can be quite a challenge for many people. In fact, calming the mind, if done regularly, is a good method to control both the stress and anxiety of our daily lives.

Normally, experiencing repetitive thoughts does not usually lead to solving problems; on the contrary, these ideas end up interfering in the lives of those who suffer from them. Therefore, know techniques to disconnect the mind It can be useful to stop suffering from our thoughts.

What does it mean to have a blank mind?

The process of repeating the same thoughts over and over again is known as rumination. Different research has shown that rumination can be harmful in many ways and be able to clear or calm our mind implies freeing ourselves from this negative practice for us.

Among the problems associated with rumination, the main one is that we focus on problems or bad experiences that have happened in the past or that we believe may happen in the future. In this way, these types of thoughts end up generating frustration, stress or anxiety that prevents people from enjoying the moment.

The result of not calm the mind and letting ourselves get carried away by rumination can be experiencing chronic stress, an unhealthy condition that causes both physical, mental and emotional problems.

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Leave blank mind It involves abstracting ourselves from our thoughts to be in the present. Therefore, by blanking our minds, people become aware of both these thoughts and being in the now.

Advantages of leaving your mind blank

Benefits of calming the mind

There are a series of benefits that are linked to learning to leave blank mind Those people who incorporate this type of exercises usually experience the following effects.

  • Better rest: Many people search how to disconnect your mind to sleep because calming the mind before falling asleep helps to have a better rest. In fact, rumination has been found to affect our rest.
  • Decreased cortisol: Cortisol is known as the ‘stress hormone’ as it plays several roles in our bodies that affect the way we feel. One study found that people who ruminated tended to have higher levels of cortisol. Therefore, when learning to put your mind blank, We can reduce these levels of cortisol and therefore our feeling of stress.
  • Improved creativity: Research has also found that rumination also slows down our creativity. In fact, this study showed that those who reflected on problems at work were less creative in performing their tasks. On the contrary, those who dedicated their efforts to problem solving demonstrated much more creativity.

How to clear your mind?

There are a series of strategies that we can apply to learn to leave your mind blank These types of techniques to disconnect the mind can be used both to sleep and to stop negative thoughts in bad times. Among the most effective, we find the following.

  1. Meditation: Obviously meditation is the best technique to leave our brain empty from a flow of negative thoughts. Furthermore, applying meditation in our daily lives provides many benefits for our mental health. To start meditating, it is important that you find a comfortable place to sit and relax. Then you must observe your thoughts without influencing them. Once you have noticed this flow of ideas, try to let them go and focus on the present moment.
  2. Cultivate mindfulness: Mindfulness is a practice in which we aim to be completely in the present. To practice it you must slow down and focus only on one thing. In this way, you will be able to be in the present and calm your mind
  3. Distract you: Sometimes the best we can do to leave blank mind and ending these negative thoughts that invade us is precisely changing tasks. Therefore, the best way to distract yourself and be in the present is precisely by doing something that you really want. Go for a walk in nature or read your favorite book, this will help you empty your mind of ruminative thoughts. How to calm the mind
  4. Meet friends: Being with others can help calm the mind and avoid these negative thought patterns that invade your mind. In fact, research has shown that those with strong social connections tend to use rumination less to deal with stress.
  5. Write it: When your mind is overflowing with stressful thoughts, it is not easy to classify them or determine what is causing you the most distress. Therefore, to know how to calm the mind It may be a good idea to try writing these thoughts down. By having it in writing it is easier to know the reasons behind them.
  6. Listen to relaxing music: Music can relax the mind and help us stop thinking about the negative. In addition, studies have also shown that music can help us relieve stress, improve our mood, concentration, memory, as well as motivate learning and promote neuroplasticity, that is, the ability of our brain to adapt. .
  7. Talk about your thoughts: Another of the techniques to disconnect the mind It is precisely to talk about those thoughts that constantly invade her. Expressing what bothers us out loud helps us relieve any tension it may have generated.
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If you can not leave blank mind Although you have tried many of these strategies, you may be experiencing too much stress or anxiety. In these cases, it is advisable to go to a professional psychologist before these thoughts interfere further with your life.