How To Combat Constipation Due To Stress

How to combat constipation due to stress

On many occasions, the nervousness inherent to conflictive situations that we experience transforms into bodily discomfort that affects our daily lives. Although each person reacts differently to conflict, the truth is that the physical symptoms produced by some feeling are common.

Some common examples are experiencing shooting pains in different parts of the body, stomach pain or constipation without an apparent organic cause. If you have ever had this type of body discomfort, you are in the right place. In this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about how to combat constipation due to stress.

Causes of constipation due to stress

If you suffer from constipation due to stress, you are probably wondering what the reasons are or what factors influence in its appearance. If the stomach difficulties you feel cannot be explained by medical conditions, it is possible that their origin is due to psychological sensations. So, below, we will explain the causes of constipation due to stress:

  • body tension: When a person is subjected to high levels of stress for long periods of time, the body tension they experience can cause colon irritation. The correct functioning of this component of the intestine is key to expulsion of waste that is of no use to the body. So, if you are under a lot of stress, the colon does not fulfill its functions, which causes constipation.
  • Lack of physical activity: If you relieve muscle tension in your body, it can trigger serious health problems. To prevent possible conditions, it is advisable to perform physical activity, thanks to which the brain releases neuronal components that regulate the digestive system. If this does not happen, the human body may be subjected to high levels of stress that cause constipation.

When diagnosing stress constipation, it is necessary to rule out any apparent medical causes to avoid misdiagnosis. Therefore, it is advisable undergo medical studies s with certain periodicity so that health professionals can determine the causes of constipation due to stress in a personalized way.

How long does stress constipation last?

Although there is no specific duration of stress constipation, it is possible to establish an estimated average duration of its main symptoms. Generally speaking, complications from this condition can last from a few hours to weeks. However, variables such as the severity of each case and the physiological characteristics of each person come into play here.

How to combat constipation due to stress - How long does constipation due to stress last?

How to relieve constipation due to stress

While it is true that constipation due to stress can have serious consequences, there are different ways to combat it. In the following items you will find different tips on how to relieve constipation due to stress:

  • Do exercise: The lack of physical activity and muscle stimulation can favor the appearance of constipation due to stress. Carrying out an appropriate routine adapted to your needs can promote the proper functioning of the digestive system and, in this way, eliminate constipation due to stress.
  • Include fiber in your diet: Eating foods that contain fiber increases the chances of curing constipation due to stress. It is highly recommended to consume fruits, vegetables, seeds or legumes, among others. If necessary, you may need to follow an eating plan supervised by a health professional.
  • Identify stressful situations and manage them: While this may seem complicated, simply understanding what things are stressing you out is key when it comes to relieving stress constipation. If you identify what stresses you, it will be easier to find a way to remedy it. In this article you will find information about psychological tricks on how to de-stress.
  • Take magnesium citrate: This product is very effective in combating constipation due to stress. Helps regulate the physiological processes of the intestine. First of all, if you want to take it, it is best to get advice on the dosage indicated in your case, given that it varies depending on the functioning of each organism.
  • go to therapy: When constipation due to stress prevents you from enjoying your daily life, and you don’t know what may be causing it, it is recommended that you go to a mental health professional. Therapy will give you tools to identify its origin and confront the situations that cause you stress.
  • Perform body relaxation exercises: There are different techniques to induce states of physical and mental relaxation, such as mindfulness or yoga, among others. These disciplines will help you train your mind and stop negative thoughts that may be interfering with the proper functioning of the digestive system.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Ganfornina Andrades, A. (2017). Stress and the digestive system. Bibliographic review. University of Seville, Faculty of Pharmacy.

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