How To Combat Fatigue, Demotivation And Stress At Work

How to combat fatigue, demotivation and stress at work

Work or your life and professional development involves a large investment of daily hours and determines a large part of your well-being and personal life. It can be a motivating daily challenge that makes you grow or, on the contrary, it can be a source of stress, fatigue and demotivation.

However, in many cases the problem is not at work… but in how we feel when facing it.

Stress, but also fatigue (without any apparent justification), lack of motivation or discouragement are often a source of discomfort and, above all, confusion when working. We feel like nothing makes sense and we don’t know where those feelings come from. On many occasions this happens in moments where, objectively, everything seems to be going as well as possible, but the motivation and enthusiasm that we felt long ago seems to have faded.

    Emotional balance at work

    The key to harmonizing your work with your personal life and achieving more and better results And what is truly motivating is not exactly what you do but how you do it.

    In that sense, personal skills are essential to know what is happening and how to solve it. What really affects you in your work or professional life? These are above all psychological and emotional factors: how you feel, how you manage your emotions, how you relate or communicate with others, your degree of confidence or security, or even your self-esteem.

    First of all, We are human, social and emotional beings, and we do not stop being so at work Especially in work life, our way of understanding and managing our emotions comes into play, your way of relating, communicating, and also of motivating yourself intrinsically (that is, your enthusiasm is managed by you and not by external factors, which is impossible for us to control).

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    Demotivation as a psychological and emotional factor

    At certain times in our lives we feel tired, unmotivated and stressed at work because We are not knowing how to manage situations and especially our own state of mind In other situations, which are increasingly common in consultations, discouragement at work occurs after a very intense period of time (sometimes years), of great enthusiasm and success, and also full of impulsiveness and energy.

    Motivation and drive are also emotional states that have to be managed to be balanced and when there is a period of time marked by a lot of energy and enthusiasm, over time we can reach the opposite extreme, leaving your well-being in the hands of external factors that you cannot control.

    In the last 10 years I have accompanied people in change processes who wanted to improve their professional lives but because they had lost the enthusiasm, focus and spirit to continue and enjoy their work and professional life. At times, there was also confusion and difficulty in making decisions, since they did not know which path to follow. In these cases, Learning to know yourself, knowing how to understand and manage both your discouragement and your insecurity and fears is essential so that the change occurs in you and is stable.

    In this video I am going to explain to you much better what this fatigue, demotivation and stress may be due to, and above all, how you can solve it thanks to your own personal change.

    When your well-being depends on external factors, these being factors that you cannot control (certain moments in your life, the attitude of others, certain specific results from living in simpler or more prosperous times), we end up feeling frustration and anxiety and in the long term these feelings become discouragement and loss of control (demotivation).

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    When you know how to understand and manage your emotional world, Your well-being depends mainly on what you do, how you do it, and how you interpret what happens to others This is how you regain balance, but it involves living a process of personal change where the changes come precisely through your own change. That is what will stay with you forever and what will help you enjoy your professional life again, with balance, so that you can also harmonize it with your personal life, being part of a whole based on trust and tranquility.

    If you want to take the step to live this process of change, I encourage you to schedule a first free exploratory session at We will be able to get to know each other, explore your situation more, discover the problem, find the solution and finally see how I can accompany you in that process of change where you are the protagonist and you regain the illusion not because of the external factor (in this case what happens to around you) but for your own life and learning, since it is what you will always have with you and we have to learn to manage and have it on our side.