How To Cure Nocturnal Enuresis In Adults

How to cure nocturnal enuresis in adults

Urinary incontinence (or nocturnal enuresis) is a phenomenon characterized by a lack of control of urinary flow and, consequently, loss of urine during the night, what we commonly call “bed-wetting.” This problem usually affects children, but with the passage of time and thanks to education and training in bladder control, its incidence reduces until it is almost non-existent in adolescence. Despite this, there is around 0.5%1 of adults who suffer from this disorder either at specific times (occasional nocturnal enuresis) or on a regular basis. It is usually a topic that causes discomfort or embarrassment when talking about it but, luckily, it can be solved through a series of treatments and tools. In this PsychologyFor article, we will explain in detail the causes of urinary incontinence and how to cure nocturnal enuresis in adults.

Physical causes of nocturnal enuresis in adults

It may be that urinary incontinence comes with an underlying physical cause, in this case it is important to know that may be a symptom of another medical illnessTherefore, before treating nocturnal enuresis with exercises and remedies, we must rule out any type of physical disorders such as the following:

  • Congestive heart failure
  • Prostate cancer
  • Urinary infection
  • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
  • Stones in the urinary tract
  • Dementia

Therefore, it is very important that we first go to the doctor so that he can perform a series of physical examinations and medical tests to examine and rule out these possible causes.

How to Cure Nocturnal Enuresis in Adults - Physical Causes of Nocturnal Enuresis in Adults

Psychological causes of nocturnal enuresis in adults

Urinary incontinence in adults too may be related to an underlying psychological cause or with emotional and mental disorders. Depression, stress or anxiety can occur with episodes of this condition. To do this, it would be interesting to identify the underlying problem and treat it with therapies focused on relaxation for anxiety, mindfulness2 for depression and psychopharmacological treatments (i.e. the use of pills to prevent night urination) if necessary.

It is important to keep in mind that nocturnal enuresis is a disease that in turn causes stress among adults (due to shame or modesty), therefore, psychological treatment should also try to understand this variable.

Treatment of nocturnal enuresis in adults

Once all mental and physical illnesses have been ruled out, you may suffer from nocturnal enuresis simply due to the spontaneous contraction of the muscle that regulates the expulsion of urine. In this case, the key is to reeducate our body so that it regulates the action of going to the bathroom. There are several behavioral therapies for this, among which the following stand out:

Bladder training

It is a technique in which we must follow a very strict schedule to go to the bathroom while it is daylight or we are awake, approximately every two or three hours. In addition, it is combined with relaxation techniques to suppress stress and the urge to urinate at other times.

Controlling fluid intake

In this case, we must restrict when we drink, for example, not drinking before going to bed or waiting two or three hours to do so if we have ingested liquids. It is also advisable not to drink liquids that irritate the bladder during the day, such as alcohol or caffeine. However, this therapy recommends that we drink two liters of water a day, since concentrated urine also irritates the bladder.

Kegel exercises

These are based on the training of the pelvic muscles, it consists of squeezing the muscles that surround the bladder firmly for a couple of seconds, then relaxing in an approximate space of ten seconds and repeating the operation ten more times for three times a day. Despite being a very effective exercise, it is sometimes difficult to learn to control the correct muscles, so it is necessary to consult a doctor or someone specialized in this type of exercise to receive the correct instructions.

Progress begins to be seen in the first months and complete healing can occur after one or two years, so we must begin to follow these guidelines with patience and desire to solve this problem to achieve our final goal.

How to cure nocturnal enuresis in adults - Treatment of nocturnal enuresis in adults

Home remedies for nocturnal enuresis in adults

There is also the possibility of curing involuntary urination through home remedies that we can do ourselves, such as those indicated below:

  • cranberry juice
  • Herbal infusions such as lemon balm and fennel
  • Aromatherapy with cypress oil

These remedies can help treat urinary incontinence; however, it should be noted that you should go to a doctor first and that these natural solutions work differently for each person.

If you want to discover more natural treatments like these, you can consult the article Home remedies for nocturnal enuresis in adults.

Tips to avoid nocturnal enuresis in adults

  • Follow a healthy diet: Avoid foods high in salt and eat more foods high in vitamins C and E, magnesium and fiber.
  • Maintain normal sleep schedules: Sleeping well and following schedules helps avoid enuresis. If you find it difficult to sleep, you can consult this article on relaxation techniques to sleep well.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine: These irritate the bladder and may be a risk factor for involuntary night urination.
  • Positive imagination: It is a technique that consists of imagining that you do not wet the bed before going to sleep, it can work for some people.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to cure nocturnal enuresis in adults we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.

  1. Hirasing, R.A., van Leerdam, F.J., Bolk-Bennink, L., & Janknegt, R.A. (1997). Nocturnal enuresis in adults. Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology, 31(6), 533-536.
  2. Cognitive therapy method based on Mindfulness

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