How To Decipher The Hidden Meaning Of Your Dreams?

Are you one of the people who usually have repetitive dreams but you don’t quite understand its meaning? If your answer is yes, perhaps this reading can help you.

Dream interpretation: a world to discover

He dream analysis It is an important tool when you want to understand a problem in a person’s current situation, since through dreams, the brain sends clues that, knowing how to interpret them and being able to put them together, as if it were a puzzle, can lead us to understand the reason for a discomfort present in our life and of which perhaps we are not yet aware or do not fully understand.

Recurring dreams: analyzing their characteristics

Do you usually dream frequently about a particular situation? I remember a patient who frequently used to dream that she felt the urgent need to go urinate, but when she looked for the toilets, they were not available, or were dirty; Other times she saw them ruined, and other times with water overflowing and in total disrepair, making it impossible to use them. Sometimes the urgency was so much that she still used them, but most of the time, she went with the desire. This constant repetition of her dream began to worry her because she did not understand the reason for it.

Dreams that evoke images, textures, colors and flavors

Think for a moment about a dream you have had that worried you: Have you noticed colors in your dreams? Have you smelled odors (pleasant or unpleasant, such as dirty toilets) or tastes, or perhaps you have touched something that seemed very soft to you or perhaps even listened to your favorite song?…

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In dreams, in addition to our senses coming into play, emotions also play an important role. emotions, which are fundamental to understand the message. And this is where the key to understanding dreams is found: knowing how to understand the emotions that, through interaction with objects or people, awaken in our being.

What elements are present in your dream? In the case of the person in the toilets, there were several elements that, although they were not the same, were repeated: such as the urge to urinate, the dirty toilets, not being able to use them and being left wanting, were elements that were always present. present, although the scene took place in different places.

Can you identify some of those elements that repeat in your dreams? Try to do it, and if you succeed, you are on the right track in analyzing your recurring dreams How do those elements you have identified interact in your dreams? Let’s go back to the patient’s case: she wanted to use the toilets but there was something about her, outside of herself, that prevented her from doing so (they were in poor condition).

Now, an important question: how do you feel about the interaction of those elements in your dream? Possibly it makes you feel afraid, or angry, or perhaps it makes you happy… The person I mentioned was frustrated when she saw that there was a personal need (urge to urinate) that she could not satisfy.

Emotions and dreams

If you managed to identify your emotions and name them, the next step will be easier: Is there a situation in your current life that is producing this same emotion?

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Bring the emotions of your dreams into real life, compare them with what you are currently experiencing. Do you find any similarity between what you feel in your dream and what you feel in this particular situation you are experiencing? My patient discovered that He was having a lot of anger with his boss, but he was unable to tell him for fear of losing his job this situation made her feel frustrated because “there was a personal need (to express her anger and discomfort) that she could not satisfy.” When she finally discovered the message of her dream, it did not repeat itself, because with a little help, He found a way to express to his boss situations that he didn’t like and, as far as I know, he still has his job.

Find the message that our dreams hide is not an easy task and perhaps even need the support of someone else to find its meaning, but if we take the time to look for it, the result can be very useful to our life, because, only by knowing where exactly the shoe is tight is when we We will do something to solve it.