How To Detect Eating Disorders (in Adolescents)

With the arrival of summer, complexes also come and especially among young people and adolescentsare related to your physique. These can lead to eating problems, extreme and/or miraculous diets, destructive behaviors, ingestion of “medicines”…

In this article We will see some warning signs, not alarm ones, to be able to detect a possible eating disorder in time..

What are the most common eating disorders among young people?

but before We will broadly define the two disorders that most concern parents of adolescents.:

1. Anorexia nervosa

It is the refusal to maintain a normal weight according to age and height.. An intense fear of gaining weight even if one is below the ideal weight, a distortion of one’s own body image and a denial of the disease. It usually results in amenorrhea (absence of menstrual period).

2. Bulimia nervosa

It refers to the pexcessive preoccupation with food leading to repeated episodes of overeating of foods as well as the practice of extreme measures to control weight (vomiting, laxative abuse, drug consumption, fasting,…) –

We must keep in mind that these disorders not only come from poor acquisition of eating habits, but also from a combination of emotional, family, social and cultural factors.

The importance of prevention

Both eating disorders (anorexia or bulimia) and obesity are problems where Prevention is very important to avoid them. They are really serious disorders and it is important that we know that their consequences are very negative and that they affect all areas: personal, physical, social, emotional, discrimination, malnutrition…

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Behaviors and signs that someone suffers from an eating disorder

There are some behaviors and behaviors that can alert us that something is not right.. Below you have some warning signs, although if we detect some of them, it will be essential not to be alarmed and go to a professional to guide and advise us.

Warning signs (not alarm signs)

Guidelines to help a teenager with worrying symptoms

It will be necessary, at all times, to support the adolescentLet us not forget that the person who suffers from some of these disorders is suffering from a very difficult emotional situation and will need the support of their environment and especially their parents and family.

They tend to have low self-esteem that makes them feel uninteresting, which creates great insecurity and high states of anxiety. They also tend to have social problems, they may feel isolated, victims of ridicule from friends or excessive pressure. Parents and families must prevent boys and girls from feeling that their physique is the most important thing to develop successfully in society.

Individual, family and social support

Therefore, what parents should do is enhance those factors that will protect the child and future adolescent from these and other disorders:

    We cannot demand what we do not do, that is, if parents eat poorly or in a disorganized manner, they cannot ask their children to have good eating habits, since it is the parents who are responsible for teaching them the appropriate guidelines.

    If we are able to carry out these guidelines and advice, we will be able to help the young person with eating problems. But It will also be essential to have professional support in order to address the causes of the disorder..