How To Get Out Of A Toxic Relationship? Keys To Getting Out Without Consequences

Do you want to get out of a toxic relationship and don’t know how to do it? Do you think you won’t be able to do it? Discover the keys to getting over a toxic partner without having any consequences.

How to get out of a toxic relationship without consequences?

Get out of a toxic relationship It is the first step to be able to recover all our essence and smile again thanks to true love. Despite this, overcoming a toxic relationship can be more difficult than it may seem at first glance. Therefore, here we will show you the techniques to leave behind all the consequences of a toxic relationship and benefit from the experience.

How to get out of a toxic relationship?

For break up toxic relationships One of the first decisions we must make is to break up with our partner. This is the first step to be able to leave behind this discomfort that surrounds us. Here we will show you how to leave a toxic relationship without getting hurt.

  1. Ask for help: One of the first actions you should do to break with toxic relationships It is telling your situation to your closest circle. The best way to have the strength to get out of a toxic relationship is precisely by having the support of your loved ones. Even so, if you think that this situation is beyond you, you can always consult with a professional psychologist.
  2. Develop your self-esteem: the best way to fight toxic love It is precisely trying to rebuild our self-esteem before the person next to us completely breaks us. In this way, to get out of a toxic relationship, the vital thing is to try to have the strength to be sure that you want to be alone before suffering this psychological abuse.
  3. Be realistic with your partner: On many occasions people do not dare to break with the toxic relationships because they are sure that their partner can change. If you really believe that your partner is willing to leave behind his toxic attitude, it is vital that he shows it to you by going to therapy or through valid actions and not just with words. In most cases, one of the characteristics of a toxic relationship is precisely the belief that the other can change. That’s why it’s vital to make sure the other person is changing (or making an effort to change).
  4. Have a financial plan: Sometimes leave a toxic relationship It is complicated precisely because the person does not have financial independence. For this reason, one of the first actions you should do (either to heal your relationship or to get out of it) is to try to have a good cushion that allows you to become independent. There are many cases in which economic dependence is closely linked to emotional dependence, therefore, one of the ways to know how to leave a toxic relationship is precisely by doing this step.
  5. Be firm in your decision: If you have seen all the signs that your love is toxic, it is vital that despite what they may tell you, you do not go back on your decision. One of the reasons why getting out of a toxic relationship is so difficult is precisely because the person we are with has many manipulation skills. In these cases it is vital to be firm to forget a toxic love.
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These can be the main steps to know how to leave a toxic relationship Despite this, breaking up with toxic relationships does not make you completely free. The reason is because this type of toxic love ends up taking its toll on the victim.

The main consequences of a toxic relationship

What are the consequences of a toxic relationship?

The constant emotional blackmail, as well as the handling and the other abuse received by a toxic person can leave various damage. Thus, in a toxic relationship, the solution is not only to get out of it but also to work with our psychology.

  • Low mood and apathy: In the majority of cases in which it is passed to break up toxic relationships, one of the first symptoms that arise is emotional sadness. So much so that the person lacks the desire to do things, becomes socially isolated, has a loss of enthusiasm for the things in life, a negative view of the world and everything that surrounds them. In this way, the victim feels that she does not feel like going out anymore.
  • Low self-esteem: It is very common to feel get out of a toxic relationship that you are worthless, that you cannot do anything, you feel that everything you do is wrong, that you are not suitable for work, hobbies, life in general or for social and/or relationships, etc. So much so that you think you don’t see anything positive in yourself. Low self-esteem is one of the most significant problems that arise when leaving a toxic relationship.
  • Social relationship problems: When feeling low self-esteem, it is normal to think that you have no right to complain, say what you think or express disagreement. You become a submissive person who does not show himself emotionally and simply lets himself be carried away by others. You don’t look for new relationships and if you do, you blame yourself every time it goes wrong, reliving and remembering the toxic relationship Furthermore, many times overcoming a toxic relationship is more difficult precisely because during it, it is very likely that you have isolated yourself from many people important to you.
  • Flashbacks and comparisons: You tend to compare people to your toxic relationship, images of the past come to mind that knock you out emotionally, and you mistrust everyone. It is difficult for you to open up to others for fear that they will hurt you and therefore, you do not enjoy the people around you; You are continually looking for that defect that makes you discover that the person is like your previous relationship and you break off your new relationships hastily. This sequel is one of the main disadvantages to trying forget a toxic relationship
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Despite all these difficulties that you will experience when break up with a toxic relationship, the reality is that after overcoming them you can return to being the person you were. Although at first you don’t see the exit point, the reality is that breaking up with toxic relationships is one of the best decisions you could ever make.

How to overcome a toxic relationship?

To achieve forget a toxic love and smile again, it is vital that you work on yourself. The best way to get out of a toxic relationship is precisely by trying to benefit from everything this bad experience has taught you.

How to overcome a toxic relationship?

  1. Break apathy: This is the first and fundamental step to avoid falling into depression. After the first moment of grief and the drop in mood inherent to the process, it is important to begin to activate. Going out with friends, doing things that you used to like to do, resuming the life you had before the relationship is very important. With toxic relationships you feel nullified and you should not let yourself be absorbed by the couch. The illusion will not come after the first effort, be patient, to regain the lost illusion it takes time and perseverance.
  2. Increase your self-esteem: This is a piece of work. To increase self-esteem you have to detect those self-destructive messages that you constantly send to yourself (I’m worthless, I’m useless, no one is going to love me, etc.) and question their veracity (just because this relationship hasn’t turned out well for me doesn’t mean it’s It’s my fault and it doesn’t mean that no one will love me, I just have to be patient and think about what I need to be well). I always say that you have to play detective because these self-destructive thoughts are usually very frequent and are camouflaged among other thoughts. Many times we do not realize that we think them and we simply believe them. You have to be alert and at the slightest self-destructive thought you have to do this work. At the same time, it is important that you value and recognize the things you do or are good at, your achievements and those little things that you are good at.
  3. Work on your assertiveness: As your self-esteem increases, you will feel more entitled to express yourself and show what you think. In any case, when you see that you are not expressing your opinion because you think you shouldn’t or because you think that your opinion is less valid than everyone else’s, ask yourself that, why is anyone else’s opinion more valid than yours? What do you base on thinking that you don’t even have the right to speak? Surely you toxic relationship He made you believe that your opinions are not valid, but that is the assessment of someone who is no longer in your life. Create your own life.
  4. Resume your social relationships and/or create a new network: People need to relate, without that we don’t feel good. If you have lost friendships due to estrangement, perhaps it is time to ask for forgiveness and rectify. If you don’t feel capable, look for activities that allow you to meet new people and get to work.
  5. Avoid comparisons: The past relationship marked you and it is normal to make comparisons but remember that not everyone is the same. Just because you’ve been hurt once doesn’t mean it has to happen again. Avoid getting defensive with new people you meet, you will be evaluating which foot they limp on and perhaps they don’t limp on any foot, evaluate that option as well. For relationships to be healthy it is necessary to trust others in a certain way and if you put up a shield, they will not be able to know you nor will you be able to trust anyone or allow others to trust you.
  6. Ask for help: As always, if you notice that you cannot get ahead on your own, lean on the people around you and ask your friends or family for advice; But if you see that you can’t get ahead, ask for psychological help.
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Remember that wounds leave scars, but you don’t have to live in fear of falling again due to getting hurt again, you simply have to observe that scar to remember and learn from what you experienced and look ahead with determination to continue walking.