How To Get Out Of Self-hatred After A Breakup?


A love breakup is considered a stressful situation, full of emotions that involve the closure of a stage and readjustment to a new lifestyle Therefore, it requires a time of mourning and it is extremely important to pay attention to our self-esteem after a breakup, to prevent it from being too resentful and ending up in self-hatred. It’s easy to say, but how to achieve this?

It is completely normal to feel confused, sad, and even angry in this situation. At the end of the day, the expectations we had about the future with that person have been shattered, the illusions have faded and all we have to do is assume a new reality. Anyone who has gone through a breakup knows that it takes a lot of work to let go of the relationship and the person. Consequently, it is common for all kinds of negative emotions to flourish, including a deep feeling of self-rejection.

We understand that it is not an easy situation and that falling into self-hatred after a breakup is common However, we cannot afford this. Therefore, in today’s article, we will talk about how we can get out of this feeling when leaving a romantic relationship. Read on to find out what you can do to let go of these damaging emotions and handle the breakup in a more functional and effective way.

What do we mean by self-hatred?

It is a state in which the person integrates and reinforces feelings of insufficiency, guilt, low self-esteem, negative view of oneself and high contempt Self-hatred leads to poor social and emotional relationships. This is not surprising since they distrust, do not feel worthy of being loved and often show hostile attitudes towards others.

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In short, it is like having an inner voice that constantly reminds us of how little we are worth, the mistakes we have made, and of course, generates an enormous feeling of guilt and significant discomfort that makes it difficult to move forward. Therefore, in the face of this self-hatred, it is important to start working to leave these feelings and thoughts behind.

Perhaps you have realized that self-hatred is closely related to self-esteem. After all, Both self-esteem and self-hatred are a set of perceptions, evaluations and appreciations that an individual has regarding himself or the activities he carries out Therefore, in today’s article, we will talk about how you can find self-esteem after a breakup.


Has the breakup affected my self-esteem?

As we mentioned at the beginning, when a relationship breaks up it is normal to go through emotional discomfort. However, we cannot allow this to continue or generalize it to all aspects of our lives. We must be understanding with ourselves and not punish or blame ourselves because what happened does not have to define us.

It is important to understand that life goes on and we must continue our path of evolution However, there are some signs that may indicate low self-esteem and self-hatred when breaking up a relationship. It is important that you pay attention to the signs that we are going to present below:

If you have identified yourself, we want you to understand that it is important to love yourself and know how to be alone Take the breakup as a good time to get to know each other, connect with you, discover and learn from what you experienced with that person. That love that you long for so much must begin within you. It resides within you and is the one you should prioritize.

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How do I regain my self-esteem after a breakup?

So far we have talked about how losing self-esteem and feelings of self-hatred are common when leaving a relationship with a person. Some things may have resonated with you and now it is important to know what we can do to recover that lack of confidence and courage in ourselves. For this reason, it seems vital to us to present, below, some guidelines or recommendations that can be followed for this purpose.

Unburden yourself and experience all the stages of grief after the breakup, without trying to avoid or suppress them Don’t keep it to yourself or try to hide them. It is better to open up to someone you trust to tell them what you really feel, instead of keeping quiet.

It is normal that without thinking about it we resort to evasion. It’s not the best way to get over a breakup. It is important to live in the moment, because although it may not seem like it, this is the best way to turn wounds into doors of light to be reborn. Understand that your life does not depend on that person, nor should it revolve around them. You are two people, two different worlds and each one can make the most of their life by exploiting all their potential. Your world doesn’t end because you’re done with that person.

Establish a new routine, break the old habits you had. Start searching inward. Happiness is in you and not in someone else’s life. Nurturing self-love is a crucial step in accepting yourself and discovering your value Love yourself, a lot. It’s okay to talk and vent, but we can’t spend the day ruminating about the same thing. Avoid burnout by talking all the time about that person and what happened. We must return attention to ourselves to become our center again.

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Take care of your appearance. Love yourself, invest time and money in yourself. Look in the mirror and appreciate your beauty. Pay attention to your physique, but also to your mental health. Talk to a psychologist if you need it since this professional is capable of offering you all kinds of tools so that you can come out of this situation stronger than ever.
