How To Get Over The Death Of A Loved One From Cancer

How to get over the death of a loved one from cancer

Death is a natural fact, it is true. However, how much it hurts to say goodbye to a loved one who has died as a result of cancer. In that case, to the sadness of death itself is added the previous suffering that the family has experienced since the patient received the diagnosis of his illness. Death comes to break the hope of survival. And that produces an inevitable wound in the emotional heart of those who feel the void left by that unique and special person. How to overcome the death of a loved one from cancer? At PsychologyFor, we want to accompany you in this process with these words that hopefully bring you some comfort.

7 tips to get over the death of a loved one who died from cancer

Try to recover your usual routine as soon as possible

Connecting with your usual habits will help you mentally focus on this reality. That does not mean that pain is suddenly forgotten, however, routine is that refuge that we so desire when we experience a painful and sudden change. Sometimes, if the death of a loved one hurts so much it is because we experience the paradox of saying goodbye to them with the inevitable evidence that life continues. In that case, returning to the routine is a way of acting in coherence with this vital principle.

Let the tears flow

Express the pain you feel through crying. Sometimes, you will cry alone. And others, in the company of a confidant who supports you unconditionally. After the emotional tension suffered by worry and uncertainty, crying is a way to channel that tension.

Visit the cemetery

It helps some people to visit the grave of their deceased relative, bring them flowers and talk internally with them. This is a very personal question that you yourself will discover if it fits your desire at this moment or if you prefer to avoid this experience. Listen to your own heart and you will find the answers. Above all, do what you need to do. The truth is that it is not essential to go to the cemetery to mentally think about that special person. You can have this keepsake and dedicate it to his memory from anywhere. Wherever you are.

That person will always be part of your life

His life has left a legacy of memories in your history. Moments, words, reflections, plans and memories. In this grieving process, you will feel how memories surface anywhere. And although those memories make you sad due to the absence of that family member, they also help you feel the love that lives in you. A love for which you feel gratitude as you become aware of the gift of your life.

Share the pain as a family

The death of that person has affected the entire environment. However, each person expresses the pain of goodbye in a different way. He tries to accompany others with respect and, also, let yourself be accompanied in the same way. In the grieving process of significant losses, it is a good idea to make more family plans to share quality time with the closest family. This group accompaniment process is therapeutic for everyone.

Talk to someone who has been through the same thing

You may know a friend who has had this experience before. His story is different from yours, however, empathy is so human that his story and his advice can help you for a very important reason. If he has already passed the grieving phase, he can look at the process from a different perspective. That is, he can tell you that, although it may seem difficult for you now, at some point you will again experience the same joy that you experienced in the past.

Workshop on overcoming grief

Maybe you’d prefer to find a group of people who are going through the same thing right now. There are workshops specialized in overcoming the sadness caused by the death of a loved one. Workshops that are coordinated by experts in emotional intelligence. The main benefit of being part of this type of experience is having a place to talk in a space of total confidentiality about fears, feelings and doubts. Furthermore, the help of this group is therapeutic because it occurs precisely at a vital moment for the affected person: the first year of the absence of that beloved family member.

How to get over the death of a loved one from cancer - 7 tips to get over the death of a loved one who died from cancer

Write a farewell letter to that deceased relative

When a loved one dies from cancer, the family cannot establish a direct dialogue with that person. However, if you are going through a situation of this type, you can express yourself emotionally and doing so will help you release the knots that hurt you. The exercise of writing a letter addressed to that person can help you alleviate the weight of this wound. It is an exercise that you can do for yourself, for your own well-being. Let all the words you need to express flow onto the paper.

feel thethe intimacy that that letter gives you, but also, think that your heart is really connected to the memory of that person. Therefore, you are really feeling everything you express and, in a certain way, your heart and mind experience it as if this message were reaching its recipient.

You can use the card resource as many times as you need. In fact, if you like to write, this can be an exercise in creativity at a time when life puts you in a situation marked by existential questions about the brevity of time and the mystery of death. It is common to have this type of philosophical dialogue at a time of these characteristics. And writing is a tool to externalize everything that can hurt even more if it is repressed.

How to get over the death of a loved one from cancer - Write a farewell letter to that deceased relative

Grief in cancer

The photographs of that person or that gift they gave you at some point are details that charge emotional value over the years. Also, enjoy the opportunity to return to those places that remind you of him for some reason. The power of love beyond death is a transcendent reality.

For example, there will be moments when you cannot help but be moved by feeling the evocative experience of memories that are nothing more than a manifestation of life in capital letters. However, you will always feel lucky to have had the opportunity to meet him. And, now, from your position, you can also share the anecdotes you remember. When you do, you give emotional life to the memory of that loved one

How to overcome the death of a loved one from cancer? If you are going through this experience, try to be patient because the days flow at a different pace than when you feel happy about good news.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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