How To Have A Happy And United Family

How to have a happy and united family - Characteristics of a happy and united family

The family is one of the most important pillars of well-being in the life of a human being. Beyond the strength of bonds of affection, nurturing love is a commitment marked by the common good. That is, when a family is united, its members are also happier. Each group is unique and unrepeatable. How to have a united and happy family? At PsychologyFor, we give you the keys to achieve this purpose, understanding that this goal is not an arrival point, but rather a constant learning process that is born from respect, understanding, empathy and sincerity.

Characteristics of a united and happy family

  • Sense of belonging Loved ones who are part of a united and happy family experience the well-being of emotional attachment. That is, there is a positive identification of each individual with the environment of which they are part and in which they find their emotional home.
  • People who unite Generally, in those families that have these characteristics, someone takes on the role of uniting the others. For example, grandparents become the family center. However, when they die, another person can take on this very vocational work.
  • Acceptance of difference In all families there are differences of opinion and conflicts to overcome. However, a symptom of happiness is positive communication to promote dialogue around these issues without leaving knots to resolve. Freedom is a fundamental premise for not imposing one’s own point of view on others. Each person has their own point of view even having grown up with the same values.
  • Frequent contact While some families experience the Christmas period as the only point on the calendar set aside for meetings and social gatherings, on the contrary, united families are those who find reasons for gathering beyond birthdays, weddings and events.
  • Optimism Those who have a united and happy family are the best ambassadors for their loved ones because they comment on details and anecdotes feeling the pride of being part of that reality.
  • Family is a priority Those who have achieved this goal have made it a reality because they have acted consistently with their expectations of feeling that the family is a priority to which they dedicate time and space.

How to have a happy and united family - Characteristics of a happy and united family

Guide to being a happy family

The family nucleus is one of the pillars of our psychological well-being, which is why we must take care of it and prevent relationships between the family from breaking down. Below, we offer the following tips to have a happy and united family:

Focus on what depends on you

There are issues that transcend your own control, however, when you make decisions about what you can take care of, you increase your own power of influence in the family. Think of three actions you want to put into practice from now on to unite others.

whatsapp group

Technology can be a means of support to promote communication links. For communication in a WhatsApp group to be meaningful, it is advisable to only share information there addressed to all members of the group.

You can be a host at home

For example, take the initiative to organize home plans to enjoy family evenings. If you have children, then you can suggest that the children invite their cousins ​​to play at home during the weekend. If some of your relatives live far away, you can invite them during the summer holidays to come visit you. These are just a few ideas of the many that you can put into practice.

Group plans

Make a list of leisure options and plans that are perfect for doing as a group. For example, a weekend excursion, a movie session, a play, a music concert, a visit to the planetarium… Group plans promote the integration of participants and generate common experiences that strengthen identity. of the family through memories.

Take care of your own space

Just as important as spending time with your family is that you enjoy your own personal space. You have your own life. Thanks to this differentiation of spaces, the moments you share with your loved ones are also more constructive because you can enrich the conversation with new news that they are unaware of.

Continuous help and collaboration

A family is a social group in constant evolution and dynamism. For example, when parents get older, they have different needs than when they were young and they were the ones who took care of their children. To have a united family it is essential that you care about the well-being of others as much as your own happiness.

How to have a happy and united family - Guide to being a happy family

5 virtues to keep a family together

  1. Patience Your rhythm is not always in step with that of others. Through patience, you discover the importance of learning to wait.
  2. Comprehension Never underestimate the concerns of other family members because for every human being their suffering has visible relevance. It offers more understanding and less value judgments.
  3. Prudence For example, when a family member has confided information to you that they do not want other loved ones to know, then be careful to respect that person’s wishes.
  4. Generosity You demonstrate this virtue by dedicating time to others, being aware that your presence is a good thing for those people who truly love you.
  5. Sincerity Your loved ones deserve honesty from you. But, most importantly, you also deserve to make this ethical commitment to yourself.

Having a happy family is a wish that you can make come true if you get involved in this purpose in the company of your loved ones.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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