How To Help A Person With Video Game Addiction?


Has a loved one become addicted to video games and you don’t know how to help them? Does it sadden you to see how he misses opportunities and isolates himself from the world? The first thing you need to know is that judging him and telling him over and over again to stop doing it is not going to help him overcome his addiction.

Video games are one of the escape routes that are used, mainly in adolescence, to escape the emotions and frustrations resulting from the changes experienced at this stage.

Even more serious, this escape route has the particularity of being fundamental, that is, even in adulthood, people with video game addiction use these routes again in times of stress and difficulty. Knowing this, it is important to understand that this behavioral addiction is not eliminated by prohibiting the adolescent from playing.

The key is to understand the problem, what causes it, what its consequences are and how to help make the person aware of the seriousness of the issue to assume responsibility and start a rehabilitation process, because we must understand that the person must be willing to work on the problem, otherwise the process will be more complicated.

What causes video game addiction?

Like gambling, video games are designed to cause that addictive effect That is, the person always wants to come back for more. It’s that simple. Other causes that generate addiction can be mentioned:

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The behavior of a person addicted to video games can be very similar to substance addiction. Symptoms can be observed such as:

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Consequences of video game addiction

In particular Video games produce isolation and affect physical and mental health in the short and long term Some of the physical consequences that may occur are:

In terms of mental health, video games can leave addicted people with a constant level of stress, anxiety, and even depression. Addiction to video games, in addition to affecting your health, also puts at risk important aspects of human life such as family, social, work and/or academic problems.

How to help a person with a gambling addiction?

Some of the most important guidelines to keep in mind are the following:

If you want to help a loved one with a video game addiction, keep in mind that one of the best ways to do this is by promoting professional help Too often, people feel like they have their addiction under control. They may think they can stop whenever they want. But in reality, they probably need professional help to recover.

How you support a loved one also depends on your relationship with them. Although you should always follow the rules of good communication, you can offer different types of support if the person with the addiction is your child, your partner, or your friend.

Working with a mental health professional can help you determine the best ways to help the person with addiction change their behaviors. During this process, it is important to strengthen the relationship with that person That way, he/she will see you as an ally who cares and wants the best for him/her, not as a person who just wants to keep him/her away from the games.

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In addition to working with a mental health professional, people addicted to video games can benefit from support groups. These groups allow them to connect with others who understand what they are going through and share recovery strategies.


Evidence suggests that therapy is the best treatment for video game addiction. Cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing have been studied as treatments for the condition. This type of therapy focuses on helping you understand how your thoughts, feelings, and actions influence each other, allowing you to change your behavior.

Recovering from a video game addiction can be difficult for both those suffering from the condition and their loved ones If you have a loved one addicted to video games, be consistent and show them love and patience. And don’t forget to take care of your emotional health along the way.

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